Photo Gallery: Sunday at the Ohel

Photos by Baruch Ezagui


  • Chani V

    I am so grateful to all those who spent hours just so that I can come together with my family to the Ohel. I want to say that all the security personell were nice, and that the constant cleaning up, and reloading all the food, and papers, and pens, was an astronomical amount of work, and I didnt come for shabbos, and cant imagine how beautiful it was then. Hashem should bentch all those who were involved with brochos of Arichas Yomim, Shonim Tovos, and Ashirus Muflaga, bgashmius uvruchnius. Thanks again, I am supremely grateful.

  • empty

    with all the hype it seems it was alot less people then expected, there never any long lines as in years past

  • oHEL

    Chani you sound happy with the Ohel situation. How’s about Moshaich coming and the Ohel becoming obsolete? I’ve heard people getting enthusiastic about the cookies and sandwiches. Kinderlach this is an abnormal situation. Don’t get carried away by all the goodies. WE NEED MOSHIACH RIGHT NOW

  • To Chani and Ohel

    To Chani,
    I was so pleased to see your exemplary message of appreciation. So beautifully written and appropriate. Sadly, I kept waiting for a ‘But’….since so often I see messages expressing negativity here. When I saw none I was really touched. I figured this is ONE message no one could possibly criticize.
    I’m so sorry I was wrong.
    We should all learn from you to walk away from a difficult situation focusing on and expressing the good in others.
    To Ohel,
    A message of appreciation to those who exert effort on behalf of others is ALWAYS appropriate. I hope you can incorporate that into your own life.