Photos: First ‘After-Pesach’ Pizzas!

Chezki Herz was the first to walk out with a fresh pie of pizza curtsey of a $118 donation to KSCVK at their auction earlier this year. Pomodori‘s pizza was uncompromising and pumping out pizzas as fast as customers were able to line up and grab them.


  • T r

    I’m so proud of us. now that I see we are no different then the bp people. We really can’t wait for the soggy after pesach pizza. It must be that it’s just another method of working on taavas ho’achiloh

  • declasse- intelectual

    What a joke. Cannot wait until the holiday is over and run to grab chumatz like the locusts of the plaque. Has the holiday become so unimportant that you have to rush out to consume pizza or some other such food as if you just finished a hunger strike.
    And, the paper is a disappointment by giving this such coverage to an event that should not be publicized to this extreme.

  • to all you haters!

    To all of you holier then thou….the pizza shop opened at 11:00 pm I would assume from they way you are all talking that you were all doing FAR MORE IMPORTANT THINGS!!! please you are all so full of it its sick!!!

  • Tr

    To all you.
    Who hates you moron? Open a sefer tanya & see for yourself what he thinks about taavos.

  • Abba

    I Proboaly would pay $30 of $40 for a pie.But they would have to deliver it.

  • @ #4

    farmers farm the wheat, farm the tomatoes, milk the cow, produce cheese, grind the wheat, mix it with with water, smear on tomatos and cheese, so farmers get to eat pizza. Are you too lazy to do all of that?

  • To #8

    He didn’t pay $118 for a pie of pizza. He donated $118 to a very amazing charity and with that won the very coveted first pie of pizza after Pesach! Very honorable!

  • Esty B

    I wish people wouldn’t be so negative! This is something nice that people look forward to. And selling the first pie raises money for such a good cause, helping couples have a nice wedding. What’s the harm?