Melbourne’s Spontaneous Mitzvah Tank Parade

Inspired by some words said at a Farbrengan this past Shabbos in Melbourne, Australia, it was decided that a Grand Mitzvah Tank Parade be organized to celebrate the Rebbe’s 110th birthday. spontaneous

Acquiring ten vans in Melbourne was quite a feat as was the effort in putting the whole plan together with such short notice, but with the Rebbe’s help, the Yud Aleph Nissan celebrations in Melbourne, Australia, saw a parade of ten colorfully decorated Mitzvah Tanks travel through many of the suburban shopping strips.

Large eye-catching posters with messages celebrating the Rebbe’s 110th birthday, the Ten Mivtzoim and Pesach made bystanders and other vehicles stop in their tracks. Hundreds of hand baked Shmurah Matzos and Pesach brochures were also distributed in the Mivtzoim that followed later on in the day.”