Photos: ULY Students Get Hands On With Tu B’Shvat

Talmidim in Lubavitcher Yeshivas younger grades got a preview of Tu B’Shvat today with a hands on workshop organized by mothers in the PTA. The workshop began with an examination of the Shivas Haminim, decorating a flowerpot which then later filled with soil and seeds and concluded with a Farbrengen.


  • Impressed

    Wow! Why didn’t we do this when we were kids? Nice idea and thoughtful of parents that arranged it.

  • Rosh Hashana for the trees

    Chamisha asar b’shvat has nothing to do with planting. It is Rosh Hashanah for the trees, the day when Hashem judges the trees on how much fruit they will give especially the fruit of Eretz Yisroel based on how many brachas we make on them. Planting became the zionits way of celebrating Tu Beshvat, in order to avoid the Torah way of celebrating

  • Chaya Nesha Stoll

    Where is my grandson Chaim Moshe? He was there! My daughter said it was a wonderful learning experience for the boys! Thanks for putting it together, A Happy Bubbe!