Photos: Oholei Torah’s Very Own Model Matzoh Bakery

Oholei Torah Kindergarten under the directorship of Morah Faige Winner-Hertzel held their own Model Matzah Bakery day for all the 17 kindergarten classes.

With great excitement the young kinderlach mixed the flour and water, kneaded the dough, rolled out the matzohs and backed them – all under 18 minutes (of course).

In addition to the many other projects and special learning that are taking place as the talmidim prepare for pesach, the Matzah Bakery was a true highlight.

One of the mothers who assisted with the setting up for this project was thrilled to see the excitement and hand on approach the Oholei Torah kindergarten takes to educate our young precious kinderlach.

Rabbi Joseph Rosenfeld, Executive Director, said our goal in educating our talmidim is that they should share with their parents and family the excitement and joy they receive during the school day, and pesach at the seder is a most wonderful opportunity being that the theme of the seder is Vshenantom Lvonecha. We are so proud of the dedicated kindergarten staff, who always initiate new ideas and methods how to teach, and they do so with great success!

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  • wonderful

    Such a great idea! Kol Hakavod and thank you for taking care of our kinder!

  • Anonymous

    thank you morah Leah Lipsker for everything you do for our son in yeshiva not too many teachers instill such a chassidisha chinuch into their warm neshamas from a grateful mother