Oholei Torah Pre-1a Students Celebrate their Siddur Party

Many of the 5 pre-1A classes in Oholei Torah celebrated their Annual Siddur Party this Sunday. Rabbis Yossi Goldstein, Eliyahu Eidelman and Chaim Zaetz each prepared their class, and joined in the talmidim’s celebration, along with the parents, Bubbehs and Zeidas and other extended family.

Each class had a father represent the parents, with a Dvar Torah, story or a special message. Rabbi Hershel Lustig, dean also addressed the Siddur Parties.

Unique was that each child had the opportunity to tell stories of the Rebbeim, which they learnt during the year.

The classes also sang songs, thanking their parents  for sending them to Oholei Torah and for the care and patience they have when they review kriah with them.

Each child was presented with a personal siddur. The siddur Parties ended with music, dancing with their fathers and excitement as they enter the world of Tfillah.

Rabbi Meir Shimshoni, Principal of the Division, thanked the incredible hard work of the rebbeim, and thanks the parents who came to join in the festivities.

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