BCM Mothers come to Take Pride in their Daughters’ Work

After a full month of busy preparations, beginning with Color War on Chof Ches Nissan, with the theme of “Tut Altz Vus Ir Kent,” and continuing with after-school Moshiach learning and projects, Beis Chaya Mushka had an exciting Mother-Daughter program yesterday.

They began with a beautiful Moshiach Fair with 3D displays prepared by the 3rd-6th graders on different topics of Moshiach and Geulah. This was followed by an adorable Moshiach Choir by Grades 1-6, inspiring the audience with Emunah and excitement for Moshiach’s imminent arrival.

One student read out a letter to the Rebbe on behalf of all the girls who stayed after school to learn Inyonei Moshiach U’Geulah, and awards were presented to all the girls who stayed to learn at least 10 times.

They also had a “Hachayol Roundup” where some students spoke about what they gained from being a Chayol in Tzivos Hashem this year, and all the Chayolim received certificates showing their current rank.

Some other girls spoke, thanking Beis Chaya Mushka, Bnos Chabad, and their parents, and the program ended off with a slide show of pictures of this year’s Bnos Chabad activities.


  • kol hakovod

    Thank you BCM for giving my daughters such a chassidishe chinuch with so much chayus

  • Mrs. S.

    The event had a much more personal touch than in previous years! This year they included the girls by getting them to speak. I felt so proud to be part of Beis Chaya Mushka and watch a choir choreographed by a sixth grader, listen to the koach Iyar Bas Mitzva girl addressing us, hear from high ranking Hachayol soldiers about their personal growth in a specific area this year due to Hachayol, and also listen to one of the newcomers to the school rattling off her impressions in Yiddish. Mrs. Wilansky made a big show of welcoming the new girls in the school- she’s a great Bnos Chabad leader ba“H! Boruch Hashem my daughter is developing her leadership abilities in this school that encourages the ”whole” child.