Ahavas Chesed Appreciates KCH Nurses

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — In a show of appreciation to the nurses working in Kings County Hospital, Rabbi Avrohom Leider, the director of Ahavas Chesed, hosted the nurses for a lavish lunch.

The nurses serve in various units around the hospital and are vital to the good care of patients at the hospital.

Ahavas Chesed is an organization which comes to the aid of those the need hospital care, and through their good relationship with the staff they can help make an uncomfortable hospital stay a little more comfortable.


  • anon

    wonderful Rabbi Lieder
    Why are none of the nurses from our community there are so many girls looking for nursing jobs……rabbi Lieder help our girls get jobs and then we can all honor the nurses


    Rabbi Lider, ‘שי,

    I’m sure what you are doing is very helpful for our relationships with the African-American community and you deserve to be commended for this.

    Having said that, I still think it’s more important that you look within your own community to help get them jobs.

    What a Kiddush Hashem it would be if some of our own young women(and men) would have been amongst those honored.

  • #2 - Don-t be.

    Haosuk bamitzvah potur min hamitzva. This is also an important deed, which does not degrade, in any way, the importance of your claim. It will be a greater Kidush Hashem If you would acknowledge Rabbi Leader’s initiative and its ramifications. Indeed, you can choose not to if you wish, but disappointment would be the wrong choice!

  • Liaison

    Great work Rabbi; This is a kiddush Hashem in many ways.
    And those who want are welcome to go to college and then on to nursing school.
    Rabbi Leider is not an executive who hires; he is a simple but excellant chaplain serving all who need and working well with his collegues.

    Keep up the great work in Crown Heights and in the Hospital

  • happy

    Just when someone does something good we have some wacky fanatics complaining and finding fault. Keep up the good work Lieder. It made me so happy to see a normal connection with good people. Down with fanatics.

  • to #2

    clam it buddy! rabbi lieder does amazing work! if you want to help people get jobs or whatever go ahead! don’t start ordering around great people who work tirelessly for our community


    Sorry for those people who misunderstood me. I was very clear that Rabbi Lider deserves to be commended for the great things that he does.

    Rabbi Lider himself told me that he will find me a job as he has many connections. The mistake I made was to rely on that.

    “Boruch hagever asher yivtach baHashem…..”

    Wishing Rabbi Lider and all much success.

  • YB

    I commend Rabbi Lieder for this excelent idea, when someone from our community C”VS has to be in a hospital the staff just might be a bit more caring, go a bit more out of thier way for us.

  • Empire Blvd.

    To Disappointed:,
    Rabbi Lider is a chaplain in Kings County Hospital and has helped our community through his connections with hospital staff. I am sure he would love to get you a job as a nurse in Kings County but he does not currently work in the HR department. So let’s appreciate people when they deserve and not find problems.If you really want a job write your resume and send it to the proper channels. Good Luck

  • Ahavas Chessed

    2 – No one is perfect, and it is not Rabbi Lieder’s job to get you a job. Maybe he forgot or his connections are not in the right department but…perhaps your resume was not sufficient – maybe he tried but there are Affirmative Action regulations that keep you from getting hired there – who knows?

    Rabbi Lieder is there for every medical emergency in the shechuna and I see he has now expanded his operations to include a soup kitchen (I’m no longer in CH but was involved in AC when I was there). This was a great and different idea to honor the nurses and he deserves a lot of credit.


    I’ll try to put it in simple words.
    Rabbi Lider told me that he will definitely get me a job, not he will try, not he will put in a good word, etc.
    I’m suggesting that he be more careful with his promises. I’m not putting him or his wonderful work down.

  • BK

    Kol Hakovod to Rabbi Lieder.
    I happen to be a witness to have seen these nurses come in day after day working with sick patients and giving their love to the patients. They come with a smile and work 12 hour shifts. Sometimes even an extra shift for a nurse who has had an ememgency. Their achdus is something special to see. We should learn from them. Thank You Nurses!! & Thank You Rabbi Lieder for taking the time to honor the Nurses . May hashem repay them and you for all the good that you all do.


    if he promised then he tried! thats who he is! apparently you can only do so much for an arrogant unappreciative **** like yourself! you want your money back?

  • Ahavas Chessed

    If he promised and couldn’t deliver then maybe the fault is with your resume (although he is only human and he could have been working under the assumption that a position was available when in reality it was not. Keep in mind that those of the dusky persuasion are always considered ahead of others for public sector jobs, which is what a nursing position at Kings County is – look at the nurses in the picture and it is so obvious what goes on there).