Photos: Lubavticher Yeshiva Holds Seforim Fair!

Students in Lubavitcher Yeshiva had the opportunity to fill one of the Rebbes Horaos of the day, Hey Teves, to buy Seforim at discounted prices!

One by one the classes came down with their Rebbis and had time to browse the vast selection of Seforim and books, and make a purchase. Parents of the students were able to come as well.

The fair is put together by Mrs. Rivkah Teich, along with the help of many mothers in the PTA including Mrs. Dini Gourarie and Mrs. Rivky Wudowsky.


  • qkfngers

    It was a great day. A shout out to: Chani Rodal, Miriam Rochester, Raizy Krinsky, Chani Rappaport, Henny Chanina.


  • impressed!

    not as much as fanfare as in OT, but it DEFINITELY looks more inviting and on the level of the children. I see children sitting on the side reading, and many books that are geared to the children.

    I also heard that the classes had 15 20 minutes at the fair as opposed to much longer time in OT. Again, kudos to the organizers who arranged this in such a way that every class has a focused time to browse, shop and read, and then HEAD BACK TO CLASS TO LEARN!