Photos: Gimmel Tammuz at the Ohel – 12:00am

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — As night fell the steady stream of people coming to visit the Ohel, the Rebbe’s resting place, increased. By nights end its estimated that thousands of people will have passed through the Ohel.

In the tent Yungelite, Bochurim, Anash and Shluchim were seen learning and Farbrenging together, and the occasional head down on the table asleep.

Feedback from people who have gone in to the Ohel was that this years security staff is very courteous, respectful and non-intrusive as people have complained in the past.


  • David Tobin

    We are sorry that we are not aqble to make it to the Ohel this year, on Gimmel Tammuz. We celebrated at chabad in Summerlin las vegas, nevada with Rabbi Yisroel Schanowitz, and many other shulichom.

  • Chani

    This was an extremely organized project,, I got on line, and 45 minutes later I was out. I was very impressed, but when I said thank you to the people who were working so hard, they looked at me, like my thanks was genuinely appreciated, and not the standard thing done by everyone who had the zchus to get inside. People, we gotta show Hakoras Hatoiv.

  • striemel

    I was basically in line for 45 minutes and also was IN and OUT. I really appreciated the service these security guards were doing… I guess Yossel Gutnick sponsored it so a heartzadik Yasher Koach to him and the crew. May everyone’s prayers be answered, may we only see Simchas this year and ad mosai.

    Boro Park

  • It-s not fair

    I also want to go

    go Chaim you look like you are about to fall asleep

  • Esty

    Thank you to all the organizers at the Ohel this year. They have worked to make every aspect of being at the Ohel inspiring and comfortable to all. From having the Maane Lashon when going on line, to the beautiful videos of the Rebbe playing all the time, to water and fans, this is really amazing. A big Yasher Koach.

  • shliach

    thank you everyone that worked hard for this year to be so organized. i am very impressed!

  • Ariela Yael

    I saw our Rabbi from the Chabad of Pierce County located in Tacoma, Washington Rabbi Zalman Heber.

  • HAve Rachmanus on the Ladies

    I don’t know if things changed from last was incredibly organized and getting online was no problem…but then they had the women wait while they let the men go through…FIVE or SIX groups to ONE!!! Believe me when I say that the line on the womens side was also VERY long last night at least until the entrance of the tunnel…my husband got onto line 45 minutes AFTER I hadgotten onto line with my young baby. Imagine my surprise when he called me not 20 minutes later to say he was out and about to daven Maariv. He still had to wait over an hour until I got through.
    So I understand if they need to allow more men through than women to keep the lines moving…but have RACHMANUS!!!

  • last 3 tammuz in galusssssssssssssssssss

    I was amazed at the incredibnle organization, the abundance of refreshments and sandwiches, the consideration and smoothness. kol kol kol hakavod!!