The Beis Shmuel Mitzvah Tank!

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — As in the past the Beis Shmuel Shul in Crown Heights arranges their own mitzvah tank on the Yud Aleph Nissan Parade, then today the fathers and children gathered up and took their tank to the Greenpoint neighborhood in Brooklyn for a day of Mivtzoim. The children together with their fathers asked people if they would to put on Tefillin and gave out Matzah along with pamphlets about Pesach.

More pictures in the Extended Article!


  • Park Avenue Mitzvah tank

    Wow! I recognize that tank! I go on it every week – it’s the Park Avenue Mitzvah Tank

  • Bravo! Cover other Mitzvah Tanks too!


    I’m a big fan of Beis Shmuel — yasher koach!

    At the same time, I must say that, lately, is starting to look like it’s name should be ””

    Every Mitzvah Tank (and Mitzvah Tank Parade BUS) has a story, and some of those stories are every bit as newsworthy as Beis Shmuel’s. Maybe could ALSO cover some more others.

    Just a comment, not a complaint. So please, no one get their hackles up!

    A beautiful Pesach to all, with successful mivtzoim for all of course!


    to: Bravo! Cover other Mitzvah Tanks too!

    were there other ones? maybe you should have emailed to let them know!

    it seems like purim was just yesterday where i read the same kind of complaints saying that maybe should be called darchai because they to were getting coverage. make up your mind!

  • Sam

    Okay. I am impressed. There are even some “shaved’e bardles” in these picture trying to show their kids the right way to live. Nonetheless:

    Some have made the argument that Beis Shmuel should be seen as a Chabad House, albiet right here in Crown Heights. This is an interesting view – but only as long as people actually perceive it to be an outreach organization to at risk Lubavitchers. The danger lies in its increasing legitimization as a respectable alternative to mainstream Chassidishkeit.

    Thus, I propose that whenever Beis Shmuel is mentioned in this blog/post/news site, it should be accompanied by as asteriks.

    As in:


    And then, in small print at the bottom:

    * Beis Shmuel was established by Rabbi Jacobson in an attempt to bring at-risk Lubavitchers back into the fold. No one should view Beis Shmuel as a legitimate alternative to typical Chassidishkeit. Should your beard start itching, use shampoo first and only consult Rabbi Jacobson in the event of a catastrophic follicular disgorgement.

    Then – hey – we can all enjoy the irony of Rabbi Jacobson doing mivtzoim with those he is doing mivtzoim on – how clever!!
    **** Sam takes his meds, goes back to bed ****

  • to sammm

    to sam…..
    actually, beis shmuel was established, and only after did rabbi jacobson come. he didnt establish it, they asked him to come.
    and u always have problems with beis shmuel, grow up, and let them live, and u live how u like!!!!

  • get your facts straight!

    “* Beis Shmuel was established by Rabbi Jacobson”
    Actually, Bais Shmuel was started by Moshe Pinson- YY Jacobson came several years later.

    DIg your head out of the sand before you say that it shoul be f
    for “at risk” lubavitchers-

  • Sam

    Sam responds to the doubters:

    I am still waiting for somebody to post a thoughtful and well-reasoned response to some of the legitimate concerns that I have raised about the Beis Shmuel and the new modern Orthodoxy in Chabad.

    So far, the responses have been silly little jabs about who actually founded Beis Shmuel (G-d have mercy on his soul) and usolicited advice to me to take my meds. Speaking of which –

    ***** Sam fills up glass of water, takes his meds *****

    Please, people. let’s see some intellectual rigor here.

    Here’s my thought: most fryouts that are affiliated with the new modern orthodoxy have no intellect to speak of. If they did, they would have seen the wisdom and beauty of Chassidus and the hard driving and satisfying logic of the Gemarrah. The reason they fryed out is that they simply didn’t have the head for mesivta and zal, and so they looked elsewhere for fulfillment – like to Radiohead, Grisham, and Speilberg.

    So you see, boys and girls, to ask for some real responses from the doubters is like asking them to pay attention to a pilpul from the rosh mesivta – they simply don’t have it in them.