Op-Ed: ln Crown Heights, Women Aren’t Allowed to Vote

by Andrea Karshan 

ln Chabad Crown Heights, the Jewish community is holding elections and women aren’t allowed to vote.

When I found out about this election years ago, I was excited. And I thought to myself how can I get involved. But then I was told that women aren’t allowed to vote. The election was postponed. And I was hoping that the policy on women voting would change. But it didn’t. And now the election is coming up. And women still can’t vote in the election.

I am a woman who lives alone. So my household will be not be spoken for in the election. The leaders of these organizations don’t just serve the men in the community. They serve the women too. Women should be able to vote also. We should have a voice in choosing the people who represent us in the community. In general elections, whether it be for city council, president or any other political position, Jewish women in Chabad Crown Heights are encouraged to vote, especially for candidates who local Chabad community leaders have endorsed. So forbidding Jewish women to vote in Crown Heights only applies to this election.

This policy of women not voting in these elections completely excludes unmarried, divorced and widowed women from the voting process. As for married women and women living with their fathers, the assumption is that everyone in the household would vote the same way. But perhaps the wife and husband or father and daughter would vote differently. Therefore, they should have their voice when it comes to voting. Any Jewish resident of Crown Heights over the age of 18 male or female should have a vote.

I  believe the Rabbonim have made this decision about the voting. And I think as long as the Rabbonim are advising people to think this way about women voting in these elections, it is hard for people to publicly go against the Rabbonim. But I think privately many Lubavitchers in Crown Heights are for women voting in these elections.

So this matter now lies in the hands of the Crown Heights Rabbonim. It is up to them to decide whether or not women will be able to vote or not.

I hope the Rabbonim will change their minds. And they will understand that women’s voices are a very important part of this community. And that women should have the right to vote in the upcoming Vaad Hakohol and Crown Heights Jewish Community Council elections. The Rabbonim should be encouraged by Jewish leaders and the community to decide in favor of women voting. The Crown Heights Jewish community should speak up and tell the Rabbonim that this issue is important to them and that they want women to be able to vote.


  • Miriam Rubinoff

    This policy concerning decisions on community issues and officials seems counterintuitive to the philosophy and policies of Chabad and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who in general support women’s intellectual development and involvement in education and outreach. One policy for public relations purposes, another for decisions that affect us as community members?

    • It's not against them as a rebel

      It’s urging them. The ppl should have the ability to voice their concerns.
      Women’s concenrs cannot be heard this way.
      It’s sad that you’re more concerned about the rabbonim’s feelings instead of women’s right to have their voice heard.

  • Unknown

    It’s a true point, but it’s sad how people tend to write Op-eds more frequently than speaking to people such as their own Rabanim.

  • very disappointed

    For starters there is only one Rov & a Baal Machloikes who Al pi Torah (see Rambam Hilchos Shoftim for starters) is not allowed to be a Rov or a Judge.The Rebbe would never have approved of him. Itisa good question why the women aren’t allowed to vote here. However they did not vote in the first 2 elections either They only voted some 30+ years ago when the bylaws etc for the VaadHakahol & jcc

  • CHJCC, as a sub-grantee of public funds cannot violate women's civil rights

    https://hcr.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2023/05/ppm-2023-final-2023.pdf – p. 209 – (CHJCC distributes NYS Weatherization funds which requires employing women contractors (MWBE), yet women can’t vote ?)

    https://www.charitiesnys.com/RegistrySearch/show_details.jsp?id={40BBAA8B-0000-CE69-B922-DB8AF44DA1C5} IRS 2023, p. 2.


    Jay Sorid

  • Men couldn't either

    Men couldn’t vote for 14 years. It’s a matter of time before women will be allowed

  • Nobody

    Better would be to remove the allowance for unmarried men over 30 to vote.

    One vote per married household.

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