RESPONSE: I Only Earn 150k, Please Help!

by anonymous

I’m writing this response as a concerned member of the community, and this op-ed struck me for several reasons:

1. The author wrote that they “checked their life insurance policy and it did not cover suicide,” and that line deeply concerned me. I mean this in the nicest way, but I think the issue here is not financial health, but mental health. I hope you reach out to a professional and get the help you deserve!

2. Regarding camps and schooling being expensive, I agree with you 100%. I think we as a community failed in this regard. A few weeks ago, a wonderful therapist wrote that there’s more money leaving Crown Heights than being invested, and I hope the rabonim make a protest against this blatant disregard for halacha, as it says the poor of your city come first!

3. There are ways to live frugally and budget, i.e., live within your means and not go on trips, buy fancy clothes, drive the latest cars, etc. It pains me to see Crown Heights empty out for Pesach, and then right after, those same people complain about how expensive life is!

4. Speak to a financial advisor on how to save for school. One example is setting up an education fund in the bank for your children.

5. Askonim must address all these issues and not give us empty promises.


  • very disappointed

    worse yet families are as well they are fed up with the corruption artificially high prices no supportmany here have become stuck up etc recently looked@ a small”townhouse N. of E..p in need of a gut renov. $1.3m as is! Outrageous I can buy a nice house in woodmere finished bigger etc. for the same or less ready to move in tomorrow& no b.s why should I stay here & spend more etc? etc. etc!

  • Shlomie

    I agree that the suicide comment came from left field. He even preceded it by writing that financial pressures are “threatening to turn stable families into tragedies”. This is deeply concerning and the author should seek assistance that he not feel alone and desperate. There is nothing shameful of needing someone to walk with in financial struggle.
    Every man feels this at some point.

  • Accountability!

    How about schools and camps lowering tuition and not making it so difficult on families?!?!

    Schools used to fundraise. Tuition alone is not enough. And is killing the parents. Camp pricing is unsustainable and not fair. Parents are happy to pay their fair share and aren’t looking for handouts, but it’s impossible the way it is and deeply humiliating to have to beg each year.

  • anash

    People leave CH to friends and family as a less expensive option then staying , and having to pay for YT. same for the summer especially now with OT camp not being affordable anymore.

    Budgeting is not a solution when income and basic expenses don’t match

  • Joe D

    Not everyone going away for pesach are going to hotels. Many are actually being paid to help shluchim or going to their in laws in which case the only cost is gas for car and that’s cheaper then turning over a whole house.

  • M

    When “everyone” in CH buys all their many kids bundstone shoes for example, what do you expect?

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