Op-Ed: Inappropriate Texts on My Daughter’s Phone

by Anonymous

You should all look out for this.

As I was cleaning my house for shabbos I chanced on my teenager daughter’s phone. As I moved it a notification popped up that caught my eye. Knowing this was new to me.

Originally I never thought of my daughter to be the type to speak to guys. To my horror, a familiar named popped up of a family friend’s child.

Very unsure sure what to do, I contacted my Rov to ask for advice. He suggested that I should take my daughter out and bring it up to her casually.

When I brought it up she burst into tears saying she didn’t want to continue but he was forcing her with threats to expose her to her parents. As the conversation continued I was filled with relief and horror at the same time that my poor daughter was going through this.

As soon as I got home I immediately brought it up to my husband and my Rov. With my daughter’s permission I checked the previous messages and they were filled with highly inappropriate messages and pictures.

Please please be aware what your daughter might be going through and regularly check up on her and make sure that this situation doesn’t happen to your daughter. After this story I had to send my daughter to therapy and baruch hashem she is healthier now.

And for those parents that think your son might be one of those, try to educate them on such issues.

One Comment

  • Lol

    I have the same story but the girls are the ones who started texting I never even responded !!

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