Op-Ed: Expansion Has Begun!
by Avraham S. T.
In 5728, on Hoshana Rabbah, the Bochrim independently initiated the expansion of the shul. This historic effort is being echoed today as we bochrim are embarking on a similar journey.
The first phase, essential before any physical alterations, involves establishing the leadership of the gabboim and the community’s rabbonim over 770.
The shul, previously closed due to acts of vandalism and violence, has been reopened.
The gabboim have instituted clear guidelines to ensure respect and safety within the shul:
No damage to any part of the shul is tolerated.
Physical aggression against individuals is strictly prohibited.
Threatening or intimidating behavior within the shul is unacceptable.
Furniture must not be moved without explicit permission.
These basic, yet vital, rules were formalized by the gabboim, paving the way for the Bochrim and Yungerleit of Crown Heights and 770 to begin the expansion process.
On a Friday night, ten individuals bravely chose to stand in the “shvil” (a pathway forcibly established by the terrorist bochrim, meant for the Rebbe to access his his seat for tefilos), marking a new era of assertiveness bolstered by the gabboim’s commitment to rule enforcement.
Regrettably, it was not without incident. A teenager suffered a deliberate assault, and property was purposely damaged.
However, the community’s resolve remained unshaken, our message is clear: extremism will no longer dictate the shul’s operations.
Over Shabbos, this determination only grew, despite the unfortunate recurrence of injuries. The following Sunday, in stark contrast to the camera-free Shabbos, the day’s tefilos were widely broadcast and shared, witnessing over 35 individuals standing firm against verbal and physical abuse.
One particularly distressing incident involved a frum attorney assaulted for merely being perceived as obstructing the Rebbe’s path to prayer.
In response, the Gabboim released a new set of guidelines, notably prohibiting the creation of the “shvil.”
This renewed the sense of hope and unity among the bochrim and yungerleit galvanized the community to stand against the hostile hostage of the shul.
Yet, challenges persisted as incidents of violence and unauthorized formation of the “shvil” continued.
The ongoing effort to expand 770, reminiscent of the bochrim’s initiative in 5728, now focuses on reclaiming authority over the shul. This critical step precedes any physical restructuring. The commitment and enforcement of rules by the gabboim, coupled with active involvement from the Beis Din in addressing rule violations, are paramount.
This Shabbos marks Yud Shvat, a day of profound significance for Chasidim. We hope that this year, unlike in the past, the gabboim will prevent the rogue Bochrim from arranging the Rebbe’s chair and shtender as if the Rebbe were present at the amud to lead as the Chazzan (yes this really happens).
There is an urgent need for a detailed, and enforced, step-by-step guide outlining the proper conduct and procedures for 770, ensuring widespread dissemination and strict adherence by all members.
The Bochrim, once again at the forefront of this expansion, call upon those in positions of power to take decisive action, ensuring the dignity and respect befitting the Rebbe’s shul are restored.
In this pivotal moment, it’s not just about physical expansion but a profound reclaiming of spiritual and communal space, calling for unified efforts from all corners of the community.
dont agree at all
Anyone who thinks fighting over the shvil is the cure to the alleged ‘terrorism’ is an idiot. Unless the two elected rabbanim of the community ban it I have no problem with the bochurim getting their 3 min shvil and I do have a problem with a guy who took the time to go to law school thinking he’s a hero for disturbing it.
%100, those blocking the shvil, trying to cause fights, are worse then thos trying to peacefully stand and make a shvil
The rabbanim of the community already banned it years ago.
I’m sorry but “we obstructed the pathway for the Rebbe ti get to his place for refills” doesn’t come across as the bold spiritual victory you seem to think it is.
Why don’t you let the gaboim and security team decide how they want to handle rule violations, and apply your midas hanitzachon to some constructive purpose.
The reason these hooligans felt comfortable enough to start smashing walls is because they’ve been imposing their version of how things should work by using violence and intimidation for way too long. If we would have stopped this 20 years ago, what happened last week would never have happened
The bochurim or yungerleit that block the shvil should be armed with baseball bats to defend themselves against the hooligans. As guards of our 770, they should be armed and ready to defend the long forsaken glory and kedusha.
And get rid of ALL the signs and flags – enough with the carnival spirit. The shul is not a circus.
very disappointed
Problem 1 only one real f/t Gabbai Problem 2 he is all talk. 3. Hanhalah has not just miserably failed in their duties But continues to turn a blind eye or take any steps toward control Problem #4 starts at the top We have o Rov who from day one paved the way for Machloikes & division & has not stopped since. he is backed by other who helped bring on situation & lack of respect etc.
Not saying bachurim should havw vandalized. But can we get some new rabbonim pls? It’s about time.
C. R.
What is glaringly missing from from this op-ed is that Merkos owns the building and Aguch is responsible to run the shul. Yes, the current situation means that the current gaboim need to regain control and assert control. But long term, the community and the rabonim are not the final say.
The entire world is now looking at 770 and chabad to see if they will actually do something about the craziness or will they forget about it after a few weeks
״בשבילי״ נברא העולם
It’s just a simple translational misunderstanding. Lol
I hope the “adults in the room” (gabboim, hanhola, rabbonim) finally take control of the situation, and restore honor back to: 770, Chabad, and themselves.
Reuven Simcha
The Gaboyim need to hand the keys to Aguch who want them. If you fail at your job then walk away.
Why aren’t these hooligans concerned about shiduchim? Who wants such a violent bochur for their daughter?
Levi freeman
For every cookie there is a cookieyah
Shua Popper
Incorrect narrative here. No comparison to 5728.
5728 there was official construction going on to expand 770 into the basement. There was a reinforced wall which would take extra long for the construction company to remove. The bochrim helped them by demolishing the wall themselves over night. Cannot compare to unauthorized digging. Neither the gaboim or aguch authorized it.