Op-Ed: Gabaim, Shut It Down!

by A Concerned Lubavitcher

I’m not going to write here about all the craziness that has happened last week and of how big of a chilul hashem and embarrassment we have caused to lubavitch and the Rebbe.

What I do want to write about is our response and how things should move forward.

I’m one of the bochrim who you would call “post Gimmel Tammuz”, we didn’t go through all the trauma and craziness of the older generation.

All we want is a normal Lubavitch for us to be proud to be part of and proud to represent.

Over the past week many bochrim have woken up to the idea that the older generation are just scared and are not actually going to make any changes, because they are still stuck in the politics of pre/post Gimmel Tammuz. We on the other hand, just want to see Achdus and functionality in our shul and be able to come daven and learn, which sadly is far from the reality of what is taking place currently.

The Rabanim have came out with strong words condemning what has transpired and that those who were involved need to be dealt with.

The Hanhala of 770 called for a emergency meeting with the all the American bochrim to tell us how we just need to learn and those who did it will be dealt with.

The meeting was a complete waste of time and caused even more embarrassment which I will not go into details about. There were enough videos circulating on WhatsApp which showed how the Hanhala are too old to deal with the situation.

(One of those in charge of the Yeshivah in 770, when approached by a Mashpia of the Yeshiva asking about what will be done to those who did the damage, thought he was a bocher and told him that he just needs to learn and not get involved. The person in charge had to be told that the person inquiring about the situation was indeed a Mashpia. These are the people who are in charge of the bochrim in 770! בושה!)

Then you had the letter from the Gabaim writing how עד כאן it’s enough! They are enforcing strict rules on 770 and specifically in regards to violence will not be tolerated. We finally got excited, maybe 770 will have a change after all and be a welcoming spot for all.

But unfortunately we saw and see quite the opposite. On Shabbos there were bochrim who “used hands” and nothing was done! Sunday by Mincha a Yungerman who was standing in the shvil had his phone broken and was punched!

What is going on!? If the Gabaim can’t deal with this then step down! If you can’t deal with the situation then shut down 770. Enough damage was caused already – how many Shluchim needed to give explanations to their communities about the tunnels and about the dysfunctionality of chabad and 770 these days.

What’s next?

Do we need to wait for a tragedy to chas vesholom happen in order for us to be united and fix the situation!?

It’s time for Anash, Shluchim and bochrim to put pressure and say “NO MORE”. Gabaim get out if the kitchen is too hot for you!

It’s embarrassing that more of Anash in Crown Heights don’t feel comfortable walking into 770 these days.

It’s embarrassing that the gabaim don’t care about 770

It’s embarrassing that Aguch can’t get their act together.

It’s embarrassing that the Hanhala of 770 don’t care about the bochrim.

What’s next?! What are we waiting for?! It’s time for things to change.

B”H there’s a Beis Din in Crown Heights who does a great job. But it’s time to get involved personally in this matter and not be afraid of what people are going to say or think about them.

It’s time for us to unite and fight these crazy people. This is not the Lubavitch that it should and must be, and it’s time for us to make a change and ship out these crazy tzfatim and get young and capable people involved and take control of the situation.

May we Merit to see the Rebbe תיקף ומיד ממש! And bring back the גאון יעקב that we once had.


  • What makes you think a din torah will help

    Din torah has been tried years before for these hooligans and they just ignore it. The gabboim are afraid of the hooligans after being threatened. What is needed is deportation and pressing charges and suing for damages. There needs to be security guards making sure they dont enter 770. Order of protection from the court to keep them out as well as criminal charges pursued. Stop it by women too

  • Grateful we left

    All I can say is this young man is right on target. A brilliant writer. Let’s put the future of 770 in the hands of men like this. The old timers need to retire. They have and will continue to do nothing.

  • Na

    Ever since all the events that have happened last week I’ve been reading all these Op Eds, emails, and comments, every yukle has an opinion about this “these mishugoim need to be shipped back to Israel!” “The gaboim need to take control” “enough is enough”, all the same stuff, it’s very easy to say all these stuff but tachlis how do you propose to actually get control of 770?!

  • P. Onderer

    This years-old repetitive anti-social behaviour makes me wonder if I will continue to contribute to an organization that can not govern itself.

  • Nice point

    However “bh there’s a beis din in CH who does a great job” u write? Do u know what ur talking about?
    The situation will not change until all the oldies leave. Including the beai din that (forgive my language) fought like babies for years, and we had to suffer through it. No one can respect people like that. (Together with other things that have happened).
    Want change? Elect NEW Rabonim, NEW gaboim

  • Joe

    I was in 770 at around 11 am yesterday (Sunday) and the place seemed to be just fine including many bal Habatim davening. Yes unfortunately there needed to be 3 goyish bouncers but they weren’t being physical with anyone and the situation didn’t feel at all tense. Now it’s very possible that I came at a lucky hour but I still wanted to give my perspective.

  • Publish authors name

    If the said author was worried enough to write an op-ed let them attach their name to the article. Transparency and not being afraid to say your opinion is what will initiate real change. As I wrote this anonymously.

    • Anonymous Reply Commentor

      Commentors who criticize the writers of anonymous OP-ED articles should disclose their name and not remain anonymous !

  • Correction

    I applaud your courage to write these lines.
    I think that it’s important to understand the following.
    The hanholo is out of touch with the sad reality.
    At the meeting that you mentioned. It is important for everyone to understand what the hanholo said, that those bochurim must go to the Ohel & ask forgiveness. HELLO!!! these hoodlums don’t believe in the Ohel. How out of touch is the hanholo!!!!

  • Anonymous

    “Do we need to wait for a tragedy to chas vesholom happen in order for us to be united and fix the situation!?”

    Oh, don’t worry. Should such a thing happen it will be fodder for deepening and intensifying the fights.

  • Moshe

    If you feed fantasy, you breed fantasy.
    These bochurim are delusional.
    I wonder why.

  • Osdaba

    Why is the shvil any different than hundreds of bochrim waiting for the rebbes brocho erev yom Kippur is it only because of hatred for the traffic