Op-Ed: Response – Is It Time To Rethink The Way We Talk About Shlichus?
by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz – Chabad of Southwest Florida
This Op-Ed was written as a response to an Op-Ed by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon of Cincinnati, OH, titled “Is It Time To Rethink The Way We Talk About Shlichus?” which can be read Here.
I would like to thank Rabbi Gershon Avtzon for addressing a very important issue that is real and painful to many and was articulated very well.
However, I think that the conclusion that “Shluchim” are tier #1 and “non-Shluchim” are tier #2, is absolutely incorrect.
The Rebbe in a Sicha to the Shluchim Parsha Chaya Sara תשמ״ט that was certified and edited by the Rebbe states clearly that EVERY YID IS A SHLIACH TO FULFILL HASHEM’S DESIRE OF MAKING THIS WORLD A דירה בתחתונים for HASHEM.
The Rebbe says that the Shluchim that were appointed by the Rebbe have a job to remind and inspire all Yidden of their SHLICHUS THAT THEY HAVE OF MAKING A דירהבתחתונים.
So it is clear that the tier one Shluchim is every Yid, with their Shlichus to make a דירה בתחתונים. The second tier Shluchim are the ones appointed by the Rebbe to inspire others to be Shluchim.
Everyone is a Shliach, this is why we are here. So absolutely we can and should continue to Farbreng about Shlichus as it every ones unique Shlichus to make this world a דירהבתחתונים.
[Would someone please translate the excerpts from this Sicho?]
“However, I think that the conclusion that “Shluchim” are tier #1 and “non-Shluchim” are tier #2, is absolutely incorrect.”
I didn’t see that conclusion in Rabbi Avtzon’s well written article. article. To the contrary, he emphasized the importance of everyone’s need to exercise and actualize the shliach they already are. Its very important that last part is understood.
I believe that sicha also references that certain people were “chosen to have the title” Shliach.
This whole discussion reminds me of korachs argument- kulam kedoshim…
Yes we are all holy but in this physical world there is hierarchical status even in kedusha- we gotta accept it… so that we know what to strive for, even as we go about our own business.
meyer chein
What we write does not jive with what we do. Try to open a Chabad house in a profitable area and see the reaction of tier one sheluhim in that area