Letter: Why Is the Pain So Deep?
Why is the pain so deep? Why couldn’t I sleep last night? I don’t think I ever exchanged more than a few words with him. We saw each other each morning on our walk to Oholei Torah daily for 2 years. Our sons were in the same class. He always greeted us with a happy “Good Morning.”
I think I know why. Nadiv was a genuine person. He was full of a zest for life that you felt when you passed him by on the street. His smile was full of warmth and enthusiasm, the kind that you wonder if it’s real. Why may you wonder? Because most people aren’t that warm and genuine, so when you see it you can’t believe it.
He was so devoted to his children. He would walk them to school with such pride every day. He greeted my son who was in his son’s class everyday in his usual caring tone. It was real. You felt his care in his mundane actions and words.
I think this is why the pain is so deep. Because he was so genuine. He was sincerely happy for the next person. This is a trait that is so rare that we cherish it when we see it. It’s ahavas yisroel in its purest form.
As I start my new day today I continue to think about this special soul. It’s like we don’t want to let go of something so beautiful. What comforts me a bit, is to think about what a powerful lesson he taught us all by being himself. People connect to what is genuine. People need realness. Thank you for being you. I will continue to teach my kids the importance of being true to themselves and others.
Very True!
Please help support the family
Fellow Jew
Couldn’t agree with you more. I only “knew of him” and for some reason this has really had a profound effect on me.
May his neshomah have the highest aliyah!
Sruli Krasnianski
Amazing how there are so many people who didn’t really know him beyond a brief encounter or never exchanged more than just the simplest forms of pleasantries with him, yet they all experienced the same overwhelming energy of his pure and genuine essence. So many strangers feeling compelled to gush forth from beneath the woodwork and willingly attest to the overpowering flood of warmth and inspiration that he was, feeling obliged to share it with the world, so that we may all have the privilege to learn from him and emulate his boundless love and positive energy. Amazing how all it took was just a second to get a “whiff” of him as he passed you by and be involuntarily infused with his brightness that would permanently imprint itself in your heart. Amazing how complete strangers throughout varying walks of life and from an array of cultures and communities all felt the same exact way. That is emes. That is real. That is unique and rare. That is amazing. Nadiv, your heart will forever be permanently engraved in our hearts. Thank you for the brightness. We will never forget you.
I never knew him but hearing about him made me wish I had. BD”E. May his children follow in his caring and gentle way.
Nicely Written! Thank you Sheva Tauby.
awesome person
the world lost a true good person
Nadiv Kehaty was a good friend of my father and a very good friend of my uncle. Baruch Dayan Haemes