Op-Ed: An Open Letter to Matisyahu

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

Dear Matisyahu,

The reports, have been a bit devastating. First came the beard. Now, it seems, your appearances are sans Yarmulkah.

What happened?

We were, for a while, so proud of you. Here was a powerful entertainer, filled with talent, and unabashed in his Judaism. Unabashed, as well, in his Hasidic deportment. And filled with a spiritual energy of which the secular world took note.

The beard. The peyos and black Yarmulkah. The tzitzis out and flying as you danced to the tunes that underscored Jewish spirituality.

True, reggae music is not to everyone’s tastes, but the gentile world was now exposed to a thinking – a philosophy not heard from before. You had exposed a small, yet discernible, ray of the light of Chassidus to a different world. True, it was a world that had gone mad, but nonetheless, the notion of spreading Hasidic light was, in a sense, coming alive in you.

Your religious fans loved you. Those with a similar physical appearance to you, finally, had recognition. No longer did they receive bizarre looks in the street from those never exposed to such dress. They had a Matisyahu out there. Ambassador to the world.

But then, something happened. Something may have changed within you. You went native.

At first your religious fans were in denial. It was just the beard. But now the Yarmulkah too has gone.

Perhaps it can be said that you are emblematic of the Jewish nation. Once, so lofty and spiritually mighty – and now, perhaps a temporary fall.
We search for clues in your words. Hoping. Praying. Don’t turn your back and what you have done. We hope that, like the moon, with which the nation of Israel is compared to, you will perhaps rise to your spiritual glory, again.

You mentioned once that we have not seen the last of your facial hair. Yes, you may argue that these are symbols.

But symbols do matter. And Yarmulkas too – do matter.

They indicate that no matter how successful we may have become, there is still a King above us that controls it all. They indicate that we are genuinely proud of who we are and our role here in this world.

Matisyahu. Matisyahu. Your Rabbinic advisors were perhaps imbued with a prescient knowledge. They told you to keep the name Matisyahu, even though the name given at your bris was Feivish Hershel. Matisyahu the father of the Maccabees led the cry of “Mi Lashem Ailai – whomsoever is for Hashem, the G-d of Israel, come to me..” Perhaps, they felt, the name would help you meet the challenges of stardom.

Matisyahu. Come back. Plain and simple. We need you. Every Jew is likened to a limb, or an organ, on the body of collective Israel. What would life be like without an arm, an ear, or a leg?

What would the world be like without that orthodox Chasidic entertainer who once took the world by a storm?

It is time, once again to hear your sweet voice packaged again in the uniform of all that we hold dear. The Yarmulkah, the beard, the payos and the Tzitzis a’flyin.

There is a famous Rabbinic authority that seemed to have dissented from the traditional view regarding King David. The Talmud tells us that anyone who claims that David sinned is only from those who make an error.

Writes the Rabbinic commentator, “And I am from those who make an error. Why? Because if those that will fall in the future do not know that one can still pick themselves up and author a work like the Book of Psalms we are lost.”
Matisyahu, the future path lies before you. Come back to your roots. Your birthright. And write the songs that make the world whole. Bring back the Yarmulkah. The payos. The beard and those wonderful reminders of the 613 commandments – the Tzitiz a flyin’.

May Hashem help you make the right decision,

Rabbi Yair Hoffman, yairhoffman2@gmail.com.


  • i always knew it

    i dont think it started with the beard it started with continueing to sing regay and then leaving lubavitch then growing your hair wild then cutting all of it off although matisyahu may have a good voice we have to remember as lubavitchers that the rebbe would never ever ever approve of such music and of such behavior those of you who have fell into the trap and where listening to matisyahu i would suggest you stop listening to it, it is bad for your nishama! And if i may say i think the rabbonim (of crown heights at least) should make a cheirim on matisyahus music

  • Tom

    Beautifully written!

  • y jacobson

    excuse me; but, wtf is it your concern how another dresses and what their belief in hashem is and how they reach out to him.

    a jew is a jew

    if you behave i may let you clean my house after shabbos.
    send me a picture and a copy of your diploma and a list of what you have done to better this world, collectively.

  • chaim

    Nothing to say about him.

    I feel sorry for his wife and kids that are being subjected to this. A tragedy.

  • BT who left

    Interesting letter. I loved his music before and I love it still. I became frum through Chabad just like he did…but I also shaved and took off the kippa a couple of years ago. I still live in CH because I can’t afford to move yet.

    What I have learned is that Chassidus is beautiful and has something for everyone, but not everyone is cut out to be a Chabadnik. Some of us don’t want huge families, to be restricted even among Jews as to what we eat, or to buy $500 baby strollers.

    Hatzlocha to Matis either way.

  • Why is this Here?

    Maybe it’s all the pressure of the frum committee like this letter that turned him away once he became famous rather than just another person.

  • Devastated

    I love his music and his message. This is very hard to swallow.

    But as betrayed as we may feel we must still love and accept every Jew especially when they go through challenges, which I believe that Matisyahu is.

    This article is very respectful and I hope that all commentators will keep to that tone whether they agree with Matisyahu or not.

  • Alon


    RABI AMNON IZHAK TZADAK, alll the falls singers. not to listening to them.

  • oh god, lets not do this

    you know why? because no one truly cares except the ppl who have hated matis from the beginning…

  • minyaner

    what a load of crap..he doesn’t owe you anything, and if he is happy in his current state, so be it. You have bigger problems to worry about that this

  • gosh

    LEt him be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • please send this to him

    u should send this to him cause he should read this

  • #1

    wow a beautiful letter! i cant understand why matisyahu did what he did,, but i hope he finds his way back soon!

  • Sincere?

    Yair, why in the world would you send such a personal note to be published as an Op-Ed?

    Why don’t you contact Matisyahu personally, rather than sensationalize your “letter”?

  • Thinkster

    A first I thought that the beard – well, it hurts us, but he has to follow his beliefs and stay true to himself. But giving up his kippa is essentially his giving up on yiddishkeit completely – that is insulting and an affront to Judaism.

    No-one falls that fast without serious psychological issues. How much of what he ‘was’ before was also fake?

    He used to be an inspiration – now, just a joke.

  • שליח

    Oh come on… This article makes me feel like vomit. Maybe we should sign petition asking Matisyahu to return (it’s almost as bas crisis as the chocolate chips at Trder’s Joe going milchig)
    WHO is Matisyahu already? He is just a lost soul, who happened to have some talent. People, like the author of this article,turn him into some sort of a mashpiah/a guru of CHabad spiritualuty. I have never let my kids to listen to his music, because it is not suitable for frum chasiddishe audience. How could some people turn this troubled soul (mit a krume seichel) into some sort of a role model?! The ones who created this eigel hazohov and promoted him are indeed guilty. You are the ones who let us all down. Just sop addressing him as some sort of a fallen messiah.

  • benoni

    You said he was such a tsadik. Well now add another letter to his name: pey. PEY TSADIK

  • moti

    reminds me of the old joke – guy comes to his frum mother no payos no beard no yarmulke
    “Ma in America we don’t wear these things any more”
    She pauses for moment: “You stll have a bris”?

  • qwertyuio

    who ever wrote this letter is ridiculous. There is a big world out there, and being like you isn’t a must for everyone, and let people do what they want, its none of your business, so seriously, Id say get a life and start to research the real world. not some chbs

  • To #1

    How sick of a person you are. You claim to be a shliach and you openly say that you don’t care about him. You say that he is not an important peson. Shame on you. The rebbe said every Jew is a gem. I hope your kids go frei

  • Pained in CH

    I love the destiny song King of Tonys. The chorus is so appropriate here:

    “Where have you gone? Gone so far, oh we still love you even though you may be far,
    Far away…”

    We miss you Matisyahu. Your talent may be intact but your new packaging makes it more difficult for my neshomo to connect to your warm earlier legacy, even though the flaw may be within me (like the mirror analogy). But the silver lining is I will have to return to Chassidus and Niglah where our spiritual strength really ought to derive from.

    I just feel so distressed because you, as a public figure have welcomed us masses into your life and I (we?) loved your sincerity and devotion. You don’t owe us to maintain that but we took it so for granted. Oy. We love you nonetheless.

  • Don-t waste your energy

    He obviously doesn’t care, so why are we bothering? All this energy should go into saving OUR kids here in Crown Heights BEFORE they are lost.

    It’s all a gimmick to get publicity. He’s a fraud and he’s not even doing so well now. Is he blaming G-d? What a pathetic person.

  • DIstressed

    The biggest tragedy is for his wife and children. I pray for the Shalom Bais of his marriage!

  • Tintin

    He looks like Tintin! (You know? From the comic books?) Mamash. I can’t get over it.

    Does anybody else see this?

  • Killer Miller

    This guy used us the way he used JDub Records. Difference is, you don’t play with Chassidus. JDub is gone, Matthew Miller is going down, and Chabad is growing every day B”H. In the end, Matthew Paul Miller will be one more washed up star with a gimmick, living in a trailer park, on welfare, and giving an occasional interview for a quick $50 that goes right to the drug dealer.

    I supported him until I met him and saw right through him.That was 6 years ago. I was shocked when I saw the real Matthew Miller, but I know from experience how to detect a fraud and my fraud meter just went off the chart when I saw what he really was.

    Everyone laughed at me when I predicted this. Now, sadly if only because even a Jew who blew his brains out on drugs is still a Jew, I am having the last laugh.

  • Question for rabbi yair

    When matis became frum and grew a beard you all took credit! Now that he has shaved it which one of you will take the blame.?????

  • Menachem Mendel

    Come back to where? Chabad only welcomes people when they are on the “outside”; once you are on the “inside” you are made to feel as an outsider in all respects.

    In Rebbe Rashab’s words: “It is better to be on the outside looking inside, than to be on the inside looking outside!”

  • Milhouse

    It is sickening to read so many comments that are literally apikorsus, claiming that obedience to the Torah is optional, chas vesholom, or that it’s none of our business what someone’s “belief in hashem is and how they reach out to him”. Such sentiments have no place on a frum web site or in a frum community.

    The world is not a democracy; Hashem made the world and every single person in it, whether Jewish or not, is *required* to obey Him. Unfortunately right now we don’t have the power to force people to obey Hashem, so we must persuade them, but very soon Moshiach will come and he will *force* the entire world to serve Hashem, and anyone who refuses will be executed. That is what the Rambam paskens, halocho lemaaseh. So don’t tell me that “being like you isn’t a must for everyone, and let people do what they want”. If that’s how you feel then get off this site. I don’t understand why the editors put such comments up.

  • chaim

    Seriously, let think this through like chassidim. What makes a person want to keep yiddishkeit? Torah and Mitvos. Take one of these away and why be frum in crown heights? Yiddishkeit is not in a song, yiddishkeit is real, in shul and in your house. Once on stage you are what your managers want you to be, not the true person. While he might be exploring himself, never the less, we cant give up with him, but take the music off our shelves. We need niggum with the pure intentions of the rebbim, chassidim, and not the reggie mesugas we have listened to.

  • well written

    This letter is actually written so beautifully and is so accepting. The author is not bashing Matisyahu and writing disgusting things about it. He is so sincere and warm. Yes, every yid is a limb on our body, and we need to help and reach out to every yid, through love. – This letter accomplished this. Love and Tochacha/Rebuke together in a beautiful way. I hope her reads it.

  • talk for yourself

    “We were, for a while, so proud of you”

    Who is the WE in your article????
    I suggest you talk for yourself. I know lots of folks who were far from proud that a Jewish boy going around as a chassidic man, was singing non_Jewish stule music in bars, clubs….

  • to #31

    what horrible comments you make
    how completely hypocritical of you
    just plain horrible

  • Not surprised

    Why is it every ones business?
    If he is trying to lie and fool Hashem, Well i hope he know he cant.
    That is his problem not ours to worry about
    I wouldn’t be surprised if he came a Baal Tshuvah in the first place knowing he would go off…

  • Boo Hoo

    Ah, the fall of heroes. What would we do without it?
    When Tiger Woods committed adultery the world was
    devastated. But who really expected someone who plays
    golf to be a humanitarian and role model, he hits a ball into
    a hole, a real hero. Now comes Matisyahu, a reggae lover
    first and foremost, then came meaning from Judaism. But
    he in no way represent chassidim or the Jewish people,
    the guys sings reggae, he is not trying to be a leader in any
    So what have we really lost? A chance to debate if reggae
    can be Jewish music?
    I personally don’t think this means anything to us as a people.

  • disappointed

    He got too involved in the goyishe velt & not enough strength probably no Mashpia no real guidance You have to feel sorry for his wife & children instead of just bashing him reach out to him find out the real issues help resolve them etc. It is what shluchim do. In the meantime yes some of his music cannot be listened to do not go to his concerts etc.

  • to #8

    What I have learned is that Chassidus is beautiful and has something for everyone, but not everyone is cut out to be a Chabadnik. Some of us don’t want huge families, to be restricted even among Jews as to what we eat, or to buy $500 baby strollers.
    EXCUSE ME?????? sinc e when is being a chabad chasid defined by how many kids you have or but how much you spent on the baby stroller you wheel?

    no wonder why you left, because you were never taught the right morals and standards.

    may we all be zoiche to wake up and smell each ur owns cofee and see whats right and whats wrong.

  • Sara

    What a messed up soul! And to drag a whole beautiful family down….What a pity…….his wife & children are so aidel. G-d should give the family strength to deal with all his issues…..

  • looks boring but is meaningfull

    I don’t have much to say and if i did i wouldn’t write it on crown hieghts.info just because it would cuase a tremendues urge for all these egotistic or even bored people to argue. BUT! to #31 and for every one else in the world. what #31 just said reminded me of something that we all are forgeting.

    It says in tanya that when you see some thing bad in some one else you should look within your self because you have the same bad trait as them.

    to 31: please reread what yioyu just wrote.

    “You claim to be a shliach and you openly say that you don’t care about him. You say that he is not an important peson. Shame on you. The rebbe said every Jew is a gem. I HOPE YOUR KIDS GO FRIE”

    did you see what you just wrot?!?!
    if you truly believe that every jew is important and your shocked by #1 then why do you want #1s children to go frie??? you seem to not care as much as #1.

    If you truly cared for every jew you wuold daven and give him a bracha that his children should stay frum and be a true chassid.

    Does that make sens?

    I think the same goes with lubovitch and not lubovitch,mishachistim and anti… when your ego is in the picture, the other person is always wrong and its not possible for you to be wrong. everyone things that what they are doing is the right thing and want every one to agree with them.

    i want you to realize that the best way for you to be respected and to be happy with your self is when you respect others.
    Does it make you feel any better when you argue with some one else or talk badly about them?

    i know for my self and a lot of other people that when i put some one else down i think it makes me look better but when i see some one else doing is putting some one down i loose my respect for that person.

    Please do your self’s a favor and try to be understanding and try to be respectful. And you know what? by being right is not what going to bring moshiach closer, what we need to do is have ahavas yisrael be beacduas and iyh that would bring moshiach.

    Thank you for reading this and please take it to hart.

    Moshiach Now!!!

  • sad

    this is so so sad.
    when i first heard and saw the pic of him, i got scared. he looks like hes drugged.
    lets hope this will make him come back
    although i honestly don’t think its any of anyone’s business, the laubavitch world is so sad these days and i think it’s right to maybe use him as a example to all people who may have though to fry out. maybe they’ll come back

  • Michoel

    I think that Rabbi Hoffman’s letter is a model for the way all of us should talk and relate to others. We all have family members who have slackened. The love for every neshama that emanates from this letter is palpable. The Rebbe would have loved this letter? Anyone out there agree?

  • pity goes on you not him

    What is most disgusting is how so many commenters claim to be caring but say how they feel pity for his family.

    That’s a pretty rude and mean thing to say in public, even more so when you’re not even close with them and are not part of their relationship.

    Pity? He uses his G-d given talent 100% and takes care of his family. He doesn’t sit around websites wringing his hands over parking tickets, chocolate chips, Tzfatim, machlokes. His mind is much bigger and spiritually higher.

    To me, he isn’t frei and I don’t blame him for leaving. His success most likely helped him to see what real friends are and how average people turned into leeches, feeding off of his success by using open letters.

    Shame on all of you. #52, G-d should give you strength to get a life and eat a bar of soap.

  • Mendy

    Dear 55,

    I agree wholeheartedly. I always admire his writing, even though he is not Chabad. I think.

  • like the old costume better ( beard etc)

    american american idol contestant?
    if ur ganna change ur look at least get it right!!


    To # 8 & 38 if you need a real place to hang out in CH go to ALIYA Rabbi mosh can help you straiten out your minds. AS FOR MATISYAHU you can also join in at ALIYA they accept everyone looking in or looking out. THE HOUSE ROCKS AT ALIYA 527 EAST NEW YORK AVE KAN TZIVA……….

  • Not a Matis fan

    Allow me to propose a different approach.

    Matthew Miller; with great respect I say to you FYATHYRIO! You came to CH, you took all you thought you needed to make a career of yourself (and if reports from Hadar HaTorah are to be believed you did not apply yourself to learning beyond a bare minimum). You got your “big break” and said goodbye without any hakoras hatov whatsoever. We do not need “chassidim” the likes of you and we are better off with you out there in the world, away from us!

  • It is not his personal decision

    No it is not his decision, When you are a public figure, what you do publicly affects a lot of people. It is a matter of kiddush Hashem or chasve shalom the opposite…may Hashem have rachmons. Taking off the kippa is a sign of lack of yiras Shomayim. It is a sign of a spiritual illness. Confusion. Maybe he should check his tefillin…..
    But certainly this ia not a good example for the people who look up to him. May he merit to do teshuvah as it says whoever brings the masses to mitzvahs has merit and chasve shalom the opposite…may he wake up and see what he is doing and mamash do teshuvah.
    but it is not his personal choice….the choices every Jew makes affect all other yidden and affect the entire world.

  • Ay !

    A pity.

    He just didn’t find his place among us.

    People don’t usually become frum, or frei-out (today) because of philosophy alone.

    People go to where they feel at home.

    We all, who could have made him feel a little more at home, should ourselves “Klap Oshamnu.”

    Maybe, we could save a lot of our kids too, if we take this to heart..

  • As #13 wrote

    R’ Amnon Yitzhak SHLIT”A Has been speaking for almost two years on the matter of ‘mezamrim pesulim’. The gedolei hador have signed that anyone who makes concerts is violating halacha and is being machshil people. A whole sefer of Shailos Utshuvos in Hebrew can be found here: http://www.fridmanbooks.co….
    (I beleive this Mattisyahu matter came quite a while after he started speaking on the matter. And,as he says, he is justsaying over from the gedolim.) So, hopefully the other singers will get teh message. This situation is just a ray oflight to show where they are headed.



  • Oh, to be a Jew.

    You know, this letter made me proud to be a Jew. Caring for every single Jew is in our framework, it’s our lifeblood. The comments on this article speaking about our beloved brother as nothing more than an object of Chassidik disappointment-full of judgement, disgust, and negativity-nothing less than embarrasses me! It’s very disappointing to hear people comment on Matisyahu’s seeming actions with such hate. The author was writing out of love-it is a caring article with eye-opening ideas. A lesson for us all. Each Jew counts. Each Jew represents the whole Nation.
    This article-whether you agree with what’s written or not-serves as a wakeup call to each of us as Children of HaShem. Are we representing something we believe in or are we not? Maybe we slip for a bit in whatever way it is but let’s try to connect in another way then.
    I daven HaShem overlooks the lashon hara/motzie shem ra written here and anywhere else and not judge our nation in the negative. We all have our challenges-whatever they may be-and im yirtzeh HaShem, He will guide us on the proper path and we will merit the Mashiach very very soon.

  • get out of his life

    he could do what ever he wants just focus on yourself k!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • hey this is matisyahu

    i understand all of u but i have my reasons thank u!!!!!!

  • Zelig Tabak

    The problem here is that this Rabbi thinks or claims that everything was just perfect in Matis’s life when he was “Lubavitch”.

    Seriously…can you be that naive. The man had addictions and lived a wild lifestyle. He clearly needs professional and probably medical attention, not to mention addiction counseling.

    To say we hope he comes back so we can continue to “look good” off him is basically inviting him even deeper into a troubled world.

    Years before he shaved his beard he was partying and living the “fun” life. Do not be so naive to believe that before each show he was delving into dvar malchus.

    This Rabbi needs to learn what mental stability means and how it is clearly lacking in this case

  • Leave Matis alone

    Matis doesn’t owe anyone anything. Leave him alone. His relationship with Hashem is HIS not yours. He wasn’t trying to be a role model so back off and let him figure things out for himself.

  • A posul Sefer Torah is not lack of Ahava

    Again, the Gedolim have ruled on this matter. It applies to all singers who sing in front of taaroves R“L. This is like a sefer Torah tha tis found posul. It is not a matter of Ahavas Hatorah, rather a mater of correcting the mistake. How much more so when the gedolim themselves have spoken to these people – through the poskim and they hear but don’t change – because of money.
    See pesokim (and about shmiras halashon regarding teh matter) here: http://www.fridmanbooks.co….

    So they will first have to stop being Machti Es Horabim (as the mishna says in Avos, and only then will they-) stand a chance of doing teshuva. BS”D!

  • Disappointed

    Whether anyone likes or wants him to be a role model, as a very identifiable Jew, he already is. Maybe he should change his name to Mathew, the artist formerly known as Matisyahu.

  • Winners of a magnificent cup !

    Every Jew is likened to a limb !
    A fact is a king has to take good care of his feet !
    The king of kings doesn’t need an artist for praise and peace !
    Where is the stars that helped chabad, Lubavitch, and c.h. 11213 !
    He made his contribution as a star shines light from the moon !
    The jealous go-d isn’t a place,one book, a band, a community !
    The jealous go-d is the maker, the investor, the builder, the parents and partners who created and cultivated ….etc. !!

  • Zelig Tabak

    To follow up on what I was saying before.

    To this Rabbi….why do we Matisyahu to come back as a chassidic raggae singer? Are you naieve to think that he really was the prime Lubavitch example? Or are you viewing him as a poster boy so you can brag about how great “Lubavitch” is.

    As a Baal Teshuva, it bothers me when people like this Rabbi just assume that us taking on the frum lifestyle means we can be your spokesman…without pay and being pushed around I might add.

    There are many fine shluchim who truly care about the real needs of the mekaruvim. However, this Rabbi is clearly only concerned with “Lubavitch’s image.”

    If he really cared about the Jewish state of this person he would not have this silly DEMAND:

    “It is time, once again to hear your sweet voice packaged again in the uniform of all that we hold dear. The Yarmulkah, the beard, the payos and the Tzitzis a’flyin.”

    Why doesn’t this Rabbi say “What can I do to help you?”

    Instead he pushes the “image card”

  • Tests

    Mat is experiencing big tests with many different things (family)that happened to him that pplbhave no idea
    Of course all these nisyonos r to overcame then and to position him in a very high level
    Its easy to say it but very hard when u experience it

  • trollololololol

    wow, what hateful comments,

    ummm, poor guy probably went to kfar chabad and saw the “light”

  • WAS2GOOD 2b

    I knew it was over when I saw the video of the old guy in the red suit at Hannuka

  • Michal

    This really makes me sick. Who has the chutzpa to write this. A jew is a jew. He turned his life around to be more religious.This is wut you say to him. The last time a checked it didnt matter weather you were hassidic or not or weather you wore a black hat. He made a difference to society. Instead of making him feel like shit, you should be thanking him.

  • Ephraim

    I was like everyone else at first, shocked and puzzled. But if you listen to his new album, Spark Seeker, you will hear that his music is the same as it always been. He still talks about the same stuff, including about Israel, Bal Shem Tov, and still includes Hebrew within his songs. Yes, his Hasidism was a plus and good for the world to see but his new decision is just that, his decision. We should all see that the outer appearance of a person has nothing to do with how he/she is, especially toward G-d and his/her reverence. If you only liked Matis for his appearance and not his message then you missed to message. Shame on all you that demonize his decision. This decision was one that included his family and he could not have made it without their consent. Judaism is more than just an outward expression… it’s more about your connection to G-d. Actually it is your connection to G-d, everything else is just surface.

  • Yekhml

    I saw him in Chicago tonight he was out of his mind drunk an hour after the show, good show though

  • Michael

    Saw him in concert lastnight and I have to say I’m more than disappointed. Every gentile around me tapped me on my shoulder asking me, “Sir, what happened to matis?” I had no answer. I had my yarlmulke on and I felt comfortable knowing (or thinking) I could wear it because almost every person there, Jew or gentile cane to see a man fly his colors so proudly while he did his favorite thing. I almost felt ashamed when he got on stage with his beardless face and his naked head. His popped collar on his denim button down with his skin tight jeans made me cringe. I don’t think I’ll be seeing him in concert again anytime soon.

  • Image is for the eyes, words are for the heart.

    I’m not Jewish, chassidic , orthodox, and never have been. My comments are not from that lense.

    Image says a lot. A picture says a thousand words. The way you choose to be seen by those outside of your body is significant. If you choose to keep an image that you have been handed down by your parents and culture, you may or may not feel a connection in your heart to the image you are projecting. But others will surely connect to your image or not. What we see is what we judge first and foremost. We look at a person and think: I trust that person or I don’t trust that person, I would like to converse with that person or that person looks boring and I would be bored conversing with them.
    If you dress and keep your hair like a group of people, you shall be likened unto them. If you make a choice to drastically hange your hair and dress, you will be questioned for what you have done, becAuse we expect change to be purposeful and have meaning.

    Why would someone project the Hasidic image to the world for year and years and then suddenly change it?
    There was some purpose to the action.
    There is probably some significance to the fact that Matisyahu was actually much more attractive in the entertainment community with a Hasidic appearance. Without that image, he looks like anyone else. His current image says nothing about him to me. It is only in the change that something was said, BUT WHAT?