by Boruch Wolf
Three murdered Israeli teenagers are laid to rest.

Op-Ed: How to End Terror Once and for All

Israel doesn’t have a partner in peace. It doesn’t take 41 years to negotiate an understanding that we have a right not to be slaughtered. If we would have a peace partner, it should take no longer than 41 minutes to negotiate an eternal ceasefire.

It is absurd that Israel should be asked to give away land to the Arabs, let alone our elected politicians selling us out by agreeing to do just that. The Arab’s land is collectively over 1,000 times the size of Israel (you read that right!). Our Jewish homeland is the only tiny piece of real estate that was biblically gifted to us by G-d. Let’s leave aside the insult to G-d by giving away his gift. We, the Jewish people being asked to give away land would be the equivalent of the [Michael] Bloomberg family requesting the city homeless shelter be donated to their family in order for his children and grandchildren to have more living space. The Arabs have land over 100,000% the size of Israel!!

The Arabs are very patient. They are fighting a long drawn out war with lots of patience to achieve their ultimate eventual goal, G-d forbid. Their strategy is 10 steps forward, 1 step back, 10 steps forward, 1 step back, etc. When the Jews idiotically gave away Gaza to the Arab people, the Jews essentially took a semi defensible country and made it indefensible. The real estate the Arabs were gifted with (as recognition to their wonderful deeds of bus & pizzeria bombings) is now used to launch rockets at the Jewish people. The Gaza fiasco was many steps forward for the Arabs.

The Arabs don’t grieve over their dead terrorists. They see their dead as coronated heroes. In other words, the greatest achievement by them is their own demise, being that their ‘sacrifice’ gets them that much closer to their ultimate goals, G-d forbid. So for example, the way we saw Yoni Netanyahu, the commander of the Entebbe mission as a hero, they see their dead terrorists. We celebrated that week with jubilance, despite that soldier’s tragic demise (albeit grieving his loss, he was collateral damage in the heroic achievement of saving dozens of hostages). This is the very same emotions experienced by the Arabs when one of their ‘heroes’ gets killed either from blowing themselves up on a bus or when they get killed by Israelis in retaliation for their terror activities. Their ultimate demise was in a heroic, glamorous emulate-able fashion.

If we are so fortunate to find and kill the terrorists who planned and executed the latest terrorist attack on the 3 children, it wouldn’t serve as any deterrence to the Arab people to not repeat their ways of terror. So what you will [in my humble speculation] see in the coming days; is Netanyahu taking some meek action against the Arabs, which would be the proverbial one step back after their ten step forward advance.

So is there any way that Israel can disincentivize terror? Only if they render future Arab terror as ineffective. If the Arabian strategy starts backfiring on them at every turn, they will stop. Meaning, every time the Arabs take 10 steps forward [through terror], Israel must send them 100 steps backward. If every time an Israeli is slaughtered in a terror attack, Israel retakes a town they previously gave away, that would render terror as an ineffective tool in the Arab toolbox, that costs them more than its yield.

So in the case of these three murdered Israeli teens [hy”d], Israel must retake Morag, Netzer Hazani and Neve Dekalim (3 Israeli towns in Gaza given by Israel to the Arabs a decade ago). This is the only effective way to end terrorism. That way when the Arabs run with the ball, they would only be scoring a touchdown for Israel. The Arabian people themselves would then stomp out the terrorists if all they’re achieving is helping Israel’s future be brighter for all (by creating more Israeli communities and making Israel’s borders more defensible) but the lone poor Israeli family that lost a loved one to terror. At that point, you will see terrorism die. May terrorism’s demise come speedily in our days. It can’t come soon enough.


  • wow! this is very good!

    The writer here is on the ball, very sharp very clear and very sound logic.
    Unfortunately without the backbone of Torah values one is lost in confusion and weakness to external world influences and pressures.

  • Andrea Schonberger

    I always keeps three sayings in mind: it takes 2 to tango, 2 wrongs don’t make a right, and there are always 2 sides to each story. Plus it doesn’t hurt to walk a mile in the other person’s shoes–sometimes just putting them on is enough.

    • ad mosai?!?!

      “It takes two to tango”. Tell that to the murdered Jews of Dachau, Treblinka, Auschwitz, etc. I put on your shoes and walked a mile. I was walking in the shoes of a self hating Jew.

  • Yossel

    Only G-d Almighty can save us. How many righteous leaders, kings, Rabbeim had lead our nation, brought us up from the dunghill of suffering and spiritual degradation, to times of peace, tranquility, and serving G-d on a national level, only to have a successor destroy all this and lead us down a path of decline. As the moon waxes and wanes, so do we.

    I find it distressing that the leaders of Israel were firm back 50 years ago, times when Israel was tough with its enemies, then they appeased them and we got massacred, another leader rose who inspired us and tried to undo the damage by the previous leader. Back and forth, up and down, over and over and over again…

    The Rebbe promised that when Moshiach comes, Hashem Yisborech will take us out of galus for the LAST TIME. There will be no decline after that, only aliyos me-chayll al choyil. THAT IS THE ONLY FUTURE WE SHOULD ACCEPT! Neither Netanyahu, nor Obama, nor even Bennett, but G-d and Moshiach alone can save us.

    The sooner we realize this, the sooner we will line the streets of cities all around the world from New York to Yerushalayim, DEMANDING Moshiach NOW! Perhaps millions of Yidden gathered together at the same time, crying out to Hashem, “Ad Mosei!!!” will be the Shturim needed to bring the Geula Shleima takef U’Miyad!!

    • true but until then???

      The Rebbe gave very specific advice how to deal with the dangers there etc, his advice was not just simply bring Moshiach in-order to achieve safety for Jewish people in Israel.
      So we should sit back, not vote or say any instructions to the Israeli government because it is futile without Moshiach.
      So what was the Rebbe’s advice?
      So we should wait for miracles?
      And yes, of course we anticipate and wait for the real solution, ad mosai!!!

  • Exactly.

    The answer to terror is not terror. The answer is to build, build and build some more. Expand.
    That was Hashems answer to Parohs terror in Egypt, and that’s that is our only possible answer today.

  • Take a life ...

    Jews value life so much that, when we suffer a loss in the performance of a greater good (e.g. “Yonni” Netanyahu, HY”D; accepting death rather than Shmad, CH”V, etc.) – this is true mesiras nefesh.

    Now, the Arabs go an “admirable” 100 steps, giving their lives. But, it’s much different. While we value life, with them,”take a life, take a …, same thing.”

  • Uncle Mendel

    You can go farther with a kind word and a gun, than with just a kind word.

    Think about it.

  • yisroel Avrahm

    Party dicipline and coalition diciplin overides logic in the Israeli government. All elected politicions in Israel do not have fear of heven.