Op-Ed: What Did R’ Kotler Really Say to Satmer Rebbe

by Yair Hoffman

File photo: Rabbi Malkiel Kotler of Lakewood meets with Rabbi Aharon Teitelbaum of Kiryas Yoel.

It is an event that unfortunately, has been in the blogosphere headlines, not for its potentially lofty message but rather for the sideshows and distractions surrounding it. The latest of these diversions we can call “The Third Wave.”

The idea for the Citi Field Kinnus was to present how best to deal with the challenges of the internet – a challenge that has caused enormous damage to the spiritual well-being of Klal Yisroel. The easy access to the pornographic content readily available on the internet, not to mention the lashon harah, rechilus, and motzi shem rah, have been a source of pain and challenge to thousands of Torah homes. This event was designed to show how to best confront those challenges.

Invariably, such an event fosters criticisms and questions. Why did we not give these strategies years ago? Why do we not have heart to heart talks with our children as to what to do when pornography and the like, pop up on our screens? Why did we not develop effective filtering techniques combining physical lock and key methods with filters on routers, browsers, and computers?

These criticisms and questions comprised the first wave of the sideshows. Some of these points may be, in fact, very valid. But the first wave on the blogosphere involved the predictions that no one would show up, unless they forced people to come, and the conjectures as to what would be said at the event.

The second wave of the sideshows involved the tumulting as to who exactly would partake in the event and who would not.

Then came the third wave of the sideshows and distractions. This one, unfortunately, involved character assassinations of leaders in Klal Yisroel.

A delegation of Rabbis involved in helping to build support for the Citi Field event approached Rav Aharon Ttielbaum, the Satmar Rebbe in an attempt to encourage him to join the event. Rav Matisyahu Solomon, the Skulener Rebbe, the Vinner Rav and Rav Malkiel Kotler Rosh HaYeshvia of Lakewood went to speak to him.

Reports were made of the exact conversation. Supposedly, Rav Malkiel explained that all of Klal Yisroel was participating and that Satmar Rebbe should too. Satmar Rebbe allegedly asked Rav Malkiel if Lubavitch was participating. The scurrious report has Rav Malkiel allegedly answering that they were not participating because “they were not a part of Klal Yisroel.”

Then, fingers were pointed that if it did not happen why didn’t Rav Malkiel deny it?

The fact is, however, that he did deny it and he did so several times. He denied it to others when he first heard of the reports, to other Hanhallah members of BMG, and to family members as well. Indeed, this author was told by BMG CEO R’ Aharon Kotler how distressed he Rav Malkiel was at the
mis-information that was reported and that, he must immediately issue the enclosed statement” to counter the mischaracterization.

The rule of thumb whenever you hear of a strange type of conversation is to ask oneself whether it makes sense. Does it make sense that Rav Malkiel would say such a thing, even in banter, in front of many dozens of other people? It especially does not make sense when we consider that there are numerous Lubavitch Talmidim in Beis Midrash Gavoha and supporters across the country.

This is not to say that Rav Malkiel does not consider the meshichist movement to be a grievous error in the direction of a substantial segment of Lubavitch. But the misinformation must certainly be corrected. Nor is it simply mis-information. The fact that in one of the news sites Rav Matisyahu Solomon, was both stripped of the title of Rabbi and further described as “hate-mongerer Matisyahu Solomon” is appalling and indicative of the unspeakable level of decency to which we have fallen.

It should be unnecessary to state that Rav Matisyahu Solomon is one of the Gedolei Hamussar of our times, who dedicates himself b’Laiv V’Nefesh to Klal Yisroel. His participation in this event is indicative of his sincere Ahavas Yisroel – especially when we realize the precarious state of his health and that of other family members.

So what really did transpire between Rav Malkiel and Rav Aharon?

Rav Malkiel did respond that Lubavitch was not participating and that normally they do not partake in these tyope of activities.

Denigrating our Torah leaders and scholars with misquotes and lashon Horah does not bring us to greater Dveikus Bashem. Indeed, the very Asifah under discussion was designed to deal with and prevent this very scenario. It was conceived to stop the type of lashon Harah and character assassination that these Torah leaders are now experiencing.


  • aaa

    What about this which RMK said that he would prefer to daven biyichidus than with a Lubavitcher Minyan. This Mr. Hoffman seems to ignore.

  • no one special

    One should be able to rely on information from a source that claims to exist to share information. The original publication of this story was premature; possibly the point was sensationalism, rather than accuracy.
    There are enough divisions among Am Yisroel. We do not benefit from reminders of certain behavior that took place more than 6 decades ago.
    I am in no way speaking about a notion that involves “bringing” Moshiach. I am pointing to the horrible ramifications of sinas chinom for The Jewish People.

  • shlomo

    i am sure what he said the only i do know that rosh yeshiva from lakwood didnt want chabad by this kinnes for any price

  • rr

    I heard that the Satmer rebbe always tapes everything. Lets hear the tape.

  • chabadsker

    Oy vey, let it go! Move on to better things than Lakewood vs. Chabad.

  • Lived on both sides

    Thank you for such a mature and wonderful article.

    You have given much nachas to the Rebbe, and were mekadesh shem Lubavitch.

  • Upset

    This is simply damage control 101 brought to you by the supreme political strategist Aaron Kotler. He was planning on crowning his brother as the gadol hador at the siyum hashas. Now his brother has shown that he is not fit to be called a gadol hador. Ever. A better question to ask is why would people with no grudge against the kotlers make up such a story? That makes less sense than him saying it. What about the stupid comments he made about dr. Lander for no reason. He is a hateful person and needs to be revealed for what he is.

  • No one answering the real question!!

    I still do not get it. One fundamental question that lies at the heart of the issues is this: Why wasn’t Lubavitch invited?

    That question has never been answered by the organizers.

  • Shanny

    Satmar is one of the highest rate of child molesters and rapists of groups, and they can actually declare the Internet to claim responsibility for destruction?? OMG! There has been so much corruption in Frum circles, the Internet is what is saving all those souls from secrecy and ostracism. Finally, truth is being revealed, Moshiach is coming!! THose who are not filtering the filth they find on Internet, are finding stimulation for their yetzer hara in many other ways, namely is fondling little boys. Please!! Spare me the b.s.

  • CR

    “Indeed, the very Asifah under discussion was designed to deal with and prevent this very scenario. It was conceived to stop the type of lashon Harah and character assassination that these Torah leaders are now experiencing.”

    Translation: The Asifah is being called because the Failed and Unorthodox blogs, for all their irresponsible mangling of facts, charged language and contemptuous stance toward community leaders, have struck a chord. They have called out leadership for ignoring serious problems within our communities and even assisting the perpetrators in some cases. It is the “Loshon Hora” and “Rechilus” on the internet that has brought the problems of abuse, violence and criminality into daylight. The Asifah is an attempt to push the toothpaste back in the tube by somehow saing the internet is responsible for these sorry occurrences. In truth the ‘net merely made their publicization possible and has embarrassed leadership into addressing them.

  • Rabbi Kotler is rigjt!

    What he said is true. Lubavitch does not participate in any other functions of the rest of the world. Lubatich stands higher and above the rest. The Rebbe never signed on any proclamation together with any other Gedolei Yisroel.
    In the case of internet: Lubavitch is utilizing the internet in it’s fullest capacity for spreading Yiddishkei amongst the masses. Lubavitch has made a major “iberkarinish” with this new concept of modern technology1

    Let “Klal Yisroel” learn from us!

    Hundreds of kids throughout the globe go to school via the internet!

    No! We don’t belong to that “Maro-Shechora’dika” Asifa! This is not for us.

  • Play the numbers right

    To #9:

    Of course. Their numbers are huge, so, of course the bad element will also be high. But in ratio, I’m not so sure that they any worse off than anyone else. Do you mean to say that Lubavitch is any exception to this scourge, of molestation, rape, etc.? I would like to think so, but I have been privy enough to know that, unfortunately, we are not that better off.

  • We Have Tolerated Enough!

    This article is very simply put; a pack of lies and an attempt at covering Rabbi Kotlers big slip up. A slip up that revealed the true animosity he feels towards Chabad Lubavitch. Time and time again mainstream Luabavitch is thrown “under the bus” by many of the so-called Gedolim. Although they may have many wonderful qualities, they consistently beleive lies spread by Chabad haters who are amongst there followers.

    The fact is:

    If R. Kotler really didnt say the words he is quoted as saying, and he really abhorrs the nasty additude Lubavitch has received endlessly from his followers, then he would not hesitate to make an unequivocal and abundantly clear statement. Instead he specifically chose a statement that was ultra luke warm; that can be translated many ways; and that will not displease his Chabad hating followers.

    The Fact is:

    A number of Chabad Askanim tried facilitating that Chabad be officially included in this event, yet doors were repeatedly closed on them by the powers that be. This adds only insult to injury.

    Yes the internet is a tremendous danger, however being able to so easily “write off” millions of neshomos from across the spectrum, because they do not share the same views as you, completely undermines the goal which is namely – powerfully supporting the next generation (as well as our selves) to continue living lives as per Hashems desires. Your lack of sensivity and respect to other Yidden will only turn off your children/students etc. from respecting and being sensitive to the values you hold dear.

    I urgently call on Rabbi Kotler and all other Litvishe leaders like him that have become known in there disdain for Chabad and others, to come out and say so clearly!! They should make Statements that can not be mistooken in any way! Statements that will finally show proper direction to there thousands of followers and straighten them from there skewed ways.

    And more importantly that these statments not remain statements, rather something they live by unequivocally and absolutely!

  • Holy Joely

    WOW! Did I just read correctly????? Hoffman is trying to spin this around to make it sound like Lubavitch is to blame for it!!!

    Consider the facts:

    First of all. It happened, stop the alleged. I know because I’ve personally verified it from people who were there! but you don’t have to believe me.

    There was no apology but better yet….

    There was no denial in the statement that was published. If it never happened, then the statement should have said so.

    Hoffman doesn’t miss an opportunity to throw a left hook at Chabad by bringing up the Meshichists! Ma inyan shmita eitel har sinai????

    This shows how misnagdim can’t stand the fact that they might be wrong. They’d rather try to ‘drei’ it in any way to make it look otherwise. RMK was smart, he said he is sorry, or sorta did and not much else because he knows that people there heard it. You can bet he’ll never do that again…..


    to 12:

    I wrote this before, in another blog, and I’m doing so again.
    If the user has enough self-discipline to avoid the bad side of the net, then go for it! Like you said, ideally, it can be a viable tool for spreading Yiddishkeit.
    However, there are people who find the sitra-achra hard to resist. Then, there’s definitely a problem, and you cannot deny that the purpose of the Asifa has relevance to such a user. Doesn’t mean you have to attend the event. But, one must take measures to protect oneself. Some people had to banish the computer from the home, because filters can be bypassed. At work, some had to arrange that someone can always look over their shoulder, whenever they’re on the computer. If anyone has better ideas let us know – I know, self-control, but a famous saying of the sages is this: “Put a man in front of a brothel, he’s not going to sin?”

  • mendel

    its not a coincidence that of all the “tri state” Jewish communities Lakewood and Crown Heights are furthest apart, geographically and ideologically…

    We know what you feel in your heart. We’ve suffered for generations going back to the Alter Rebbe. Nothing has changed. Don’t pretend. You make us all look like fools.

  • cut the spin

    Let’s take the verbatim of his statement:
    “It was noted“ ”that Chabad Lubavitch has traditionally not formally participated in such events.“
    ”This was chas v’shalom not intended“
    ”Any other inference or understanding of what was said”

    So he is a modeh bmiktsas. He said that it WAS noted that Chabad… and their statements about chabad at the meeting weren’t intended… any inference in what WAS said…

    So, let’s stop pretending that Rabbi Kotler didn’t say anything exclusionary of Chabad as he clearly admits he has, he merely claims his statements were much more benign than the blogs first reported.

  • CM

    I happen to know that Rabbi Yair Hoffman is an ish emes, a talmid chochom, and has a wonderful respect for Lubavitch and the Rebbe’s Torah. He once wrote an article defending Lubavitch Mikvaos and has taught and helped struggling Lubavitch kids and has encouraged them in studying Tanya. The negative statements about him are very unwarranted. Also taking away his Rabbi title here is disrespectful – I am very sorry to say.

  • Brisker talmid

    This is a really entertaining website. Why couldn’t the author of this editorial use a spellchecker, I don’t understand?
    Nu vaiter geforen, many of you, Lubavitchers, including some of your ‘Rabbis’, use very inappropriate language in regards to the Litvishe community. Please, remember that syog lechochmo shtiko.
    However, there was no apology or a denial from RMK. The Satmar (Kiryas Yoel) Rebbe demonstrated his superb political skill again. RMS & Co are working hard on creating an image that they lead the frum world, they were trying to pressure Satmar to join, but he surprised them by mentioning Lubavitch… lol… he threw them completely off balance and then conveniently the Satmar gaboim leaked the conversation.
    BTW Reb Ahron of Satmar, who is a descendant of both Baal Hatanya and Mitteler Rebbe, already forbade his chassidim to have computers at home period. Many Satmarer quietly say that Reb Ahron is a secret Chabadtsker – just what do you make of his numerous Chabad House visits, talks to Chabad mekurovim, singing Tzomo lecho by his tish, the list goes on. it’s almost as bad as visiting the Belzer. RMK can’t be a leader if he has no clue of what is going on.
    BTW I am not against Chabad and I have a great respect for a shliach who is works in the area located not very far from us.

  • 2 way street

    thank you number 12

    remember the great holy words of our Rebbe, on (or about) chankah live,

    where the world stands in a formational concept of moshiach, as we can brings the world closer together via modern tech, where a person in the soviet union, in aussi, in Ny can be together at one moment, v’dal.

    yes we use everything hashem created fr yiddishkiet, phones web etc,

    if we would be in the “karma” state of mind, we wouldn’t cross the street, fearful of getting hit by a car,

    so for all you guys and girls. out there, to be perfectly blunt,

    get on the phone show ahavas yisroel, say hi to a friend, help one another out, get in the web, learn a passage

    and for pete’s sake close your dam zipper,

  • Postville


  • pathetic article

    Yair Hoffman is someone who loves himself & his own flowery words more than he loves the truth. Having read a number of his rambling writings (this is a short piece!) he has an opinion on everything & doesn’t hesitate to say it. After all, he gets himself published wherever he goes.

    I compare him to a certain “Lubavitch” controversial author & “personality” who also courts publicity & attention. Imagine: Yair Hoffman in the same boat as Chabad! Gotta be a first!

    As for these words never being said…did the apology (Note: NOT A DENIAL!!!) actually say I WAS WRONG? Did it say I NEVER SAID THOSE THINGS? I rest my case.

    Basically, Yair Hoffman (damage controller extraordinaire) is just as disparaging about Chabad as the subject of this article. He just is more careful. Oh & BTW…I know him, albeit loosely.

  • YY

    You do not know Mattisyahu Salomon
    We from the UK know good and well the damage he did for Lubavitch and the active roll he played in trying to sway people to rather go to university than Lubavitch Yeshivos and seminaries. and this was long before the whole Moshiach thing!
    So get your facts right

  • Canadian Dave

    hey what about the whole palm springs comment? didnt happen?
    look, ppl should let the whole thing slide but id respect the man a lot more if he stood behind what he said.

  • LH is to blame!

    This is so true that all of this is Loshon Hara. Its all second hand and anyone who knows the relevant Halachos will take it into account and be dan lekaf zechus

  • Remember DONT FORGET

    Don’t forget the issur by Harov Dworkin against Satmer was never removed.

  • achdus

    The truth is many people do not know who represents lubavitch.True the rebee was and still is the leader.However there are too many divergent interpretations of what is the rebbe’s will.The rebbe said he was the shliach of his shwer R’ yosef yitzchok obm and each successor was a shliach of the previous rebbe. His interpretation of their will was not contested. What lubavitch needs now is a rebbe who will be the shliach of the rebbe and whose decisions will be final.

  • Sheragi

    I learn in BMG and belive me you don’t want to hear what the olem has to say about r’Malkeial & R’ Matisyohu let me leave it at that ! Its not chabad’s problem its ours

  • Meaning of hate - not from the Nazis

    My mother,Z“L, was a camp survivor. Her survival, against the odds, was certainly remarkable, if not miraculous. She noticed how different groups and nationalities were having vicious machlokes against the other, blaming each other for their current gehinnom. ”It was here that I began to learn the meaning of the word, hate.” I mean, here they are in the same boat, and yet, this kind of thing goes on.

    Will we ever change?

  • lo nihagu kovod zeh lazeh....

    remember…its sefirah, Rabi Akivah’s students had a plague, due to the fact that they did not treat each other with respect, they had different views, and tried to force their view on their fellow.

    rabbi akiva’s students, Rabbi Akiva who taught veahavta lreacha kamocha….

    they were known for their ahavas yisrael….

    lets remember to be respectful…even to Jews who are not seeing eye to eye with us.

    especially to Jews who do not see eye to eye with us
    Happy Lag BaOmer!