Yossi’s Memory Lives On at the Mitzvah Tank Parade

by Miriam Sherr

I always knew my son’s school was special. Oholei Torah has always been at the forefront of educating our boys. However, I did not really appreciate how special the school’s role models are until our son became gravely ill.

This year we will mark 21 long years since the petirah of our son Yosef Yitzchok halevi OBM ben Shimon Yoel Halevi Sherr, shlita. In the middle of the school year, Yossi, eleven years old and in 5th grade at the time, was diagnosed with a fast moving virulent disease that took his life within six months, leaving his family and friends devastated.

So what are Chassidim to do? Chassidim ein mishpacha!! (Chassidim are one family) His last teacher in this world, Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Morosow of Oholei Torah, came up with a plan. Twenty years and still going strong with another fifth grade teacher, Rabbi MM Zalmonov, Yossi’s Tank came into being.

Every Yud Alef Nissan, Rabbis Morosow and Zalmonov would rent a school bus and be the last “ tank “ in the parade of tanks for the Rebbe’s Birthday. Instead of going to Manhattan with the rest of the tanks, Yossi’s tank would go to Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, to spread the Rebbi’s Inyonim of Pesach.

At first it was only a class or two of the 5th grade that would go. Weeks before, there were big preparations of the students packing single matzohs in beautiful boxes to be handed out to all the Jews of Brighton Beach. Brochures had to be printed, tables had to be found to take along to be set up in strategic places. There was even music!!

As time went on, the peulah got bigger to such an extent that Rabbi Zalmonov had to get a separate van just to transport the matzah alone!!! Over the years, they added selling the chometz for those who did not know how, tefillin stands, and of course spreading the besuras hageulah. Our family helped raised the money and of course we sent some of our sons. The atmosphere on the bus is one of pure excitement and simcha and is always a sight to behold!!!

As the years went on, more matzah was needed. This year alone, Rabbi Marasow and the boys in school packed 2,600 single matzohs of which 1600 were distributed to the other tanks. Yes, the other tanks in the parade now were receiving matzohs from Yossi’s tank to be given out on their routes.!!!! This was facilitated with the help of N’shei Chabad.

Recently, children from the 6th and 7th grades were also invited. This past year, 65 children participated on Yossi’s Tank. 1700 brochures plus 5 tables were strategically placed along the Brighton Beach area.

This is really hands-on mivtzoyim at its best, overseen by Rabbi Marosow with an assist from Rabbi MM Zalmonov. In past years, we have had Yossi Dunin and Moshe Ablelsky amongst the many drivers for this wonderful mivtzah.

Every year till the geulah shlaima Yossi’s tank seems to have more and more work to do. People have asked why a bus why not rent a tank? The expenses are great and Rabbi Marosow decided that there were many children who, because of the expense of renting a tank, would not be able to participate. Also what could be better than an Oholei Torah bus?

As the bus pulled out behind the other tanks I placed on the back window of the bus a little “Oholei Torahnik,” a young boy waving . I could hear my Yossi’s last words “Mommy I feel great, and Moshiach is coming, you should know he is really coming………”

Yes, Yossi, with Chassidim like this and a school that is at the forefront of the Rebbe’s Inyonim, yes, Moshiach is sure to come!!!

Please help us continue these wonderful hands-on experiences for our boys. Send your generous contributions to: Marasow 543 Crown St. Brooklyn, NY 11213. Please make checks payable to N’shei Chabad Mivtzoyim Committee.


  • FP

    yossi lives on in all our hearts may he bring us to the final tank ride the end of golous NOW

  • go to the classmates

    his classmates are now in business and some of them are very wealthy, maybe they would like to give some for this

  • A Chasid of the Rebbe

    A great lesson if only the idiots who are mosrim cry babies etc. would take a lesson from them on how we should act on how to give the Rebbe Nachas on what a chabad chosid should be should be doing & not who is doing what wrong etc!

  • To Number 2

    You seem very naive, I hear people like you saying this all the time “he’s in business he must be wealthy”, did you have any idea how hard it is out there? do you know that 90% of new business fail these days? get into business yourself and you will realize that you can actually give more money than the “guy in business”.

    Everyone that has realizes the need to give. Anyone that was brought up in a Lubavitcher mosad gives Tzdaka with pride B”H even when its hard to meet ends. Give and let live!