Open Letter: When the Dust Settles
In an open letter to Oholei Torah, a parent asks: When the dust settles and the fad of the Shofer is permanently behind us, what is the takeaway for the future? Will those entrusted with the education of our children see this as a lesson to be learned, or will it take another wakeup call (heaven forbid) to get the point across?
by A Concerned Parent
When the dust settles and the hype dies down, the Shofar fad will be behind us and life will go on as usual. As with all hot-button issues, we will move on and forget about what happened. The question we should ask ourselves now – while the issue is still bothering us – is what is the takeaway for the future?
Will anything happen to change the current situation? Will those entrusted with the Chinuch of our children see this as a lesson learned, or will it take another and perhaps more severe r”l wakeup call to get the point across?
I will cut to the chase and try and be short.
It’s no secret by now, that Rabbis Shloimie Sternberg and Nachman Schapiro have attended those seminars and been actively “campaigning” among the Bochurim of Oholei Torah to attend them as well.
As a parent, I have been appalled about this for quite a while and am glad that this has finally come to light. Besides the disturbing reports coming in about the seminar and all that is now public information, what is a Mashpia, who is entrusted with the spiritual well-being, doing recommending a Bochur (and how much more so ‘many’ Bochurim) to attend a controversial and potentially very damaging seminar which has nothing to with Chasidus Chabad?! (Not too mention the fact that this program is not cheap at all and not affordable to many.) This is a blatant abuse of power and influence that was entrusted to them, not only by the Moisad, but each parent whose child learns there.
So I ask you, leaders of the Moisad Oholei Torah, what do you intend to do about this dangerous situation? What steps are you taking to ensure that this behavior and abuse of power is rectified and dealt with? The silence on the part of the Moisad is deafening! This entire story is borderline scandalous, and the above mentioned Mashpiim are a disgrace to the Heiligeh Oholei Torah and Reb Michoel!
Rabbi Shloimie Sternberg has attempted to emulate the COTS style by creating a program in his basement called “Tanya Anonymous” in which a select group of Bochurim go to RSS’s basement, with the lights shut (candlelight) and they must turn in their cellphones to him, and they learn Tanya and are encouraged to share their secrets, with the promise that it will stay in between the members of TA. Creepy.
Is this practice acceptable in the eyes of Oholei Torah’s Hanhola?! Are they aware of what is being perpetrated by a member of their staff? I wonder what Reb Michoel would say!
As a parent of an effected student in your Yeshivah, I demand that a full investigation be made into this situation and that those who have acted irresponsibly be held accountable.
In light of today’s Hayom yom [the 23rd of Teves], may we all merit doing our part in our children’s chinuch and may it yield the wanted results.
Reb Michoel?
Why do you keep on referring to Reb Michoel?
Yes, he was the askan/Shliach to open OT, but he was doing so at the behest and directive it the Rebbe?
Your questions are valid, but the Meyased of OT is the Rebbe, and it to the rebbe that a din v’cheshbon is owed.
“Eved Melech Melech” – the writer has a point by bringing up Reb Michoel, and the point also allows us to see how far things have fallen so fast. Ver fun unzer dor benkt nisht noch di eltere chasidim? They’re almost our only inspiration left (having been zoche to see them in our youth and by remembering them, we can live yiddishe lives).
Another point that needs to be part of this discussion. If there are so-called rabbonim who are cowards who will sell out halacha for politics and if the state of mashpi’yim is as the author writes, where are the youth supposed to receive any inspiration/motivation from? Do the rabbonim especially not realize that they’re putting Judaism at risk (although Hashem, uMoshe Avdoi, the Rebbe, will save it in spite of them). Notable exceptions like Reb Pinyeh are Boruch Hashem here for us, but what about the overall state of things?
Although, it does say, pnei hador kpnei hakelev (Yakov Schwei/Braun) and the only real and true hope – ain lonu al mi lhishayen ela al Avinu Shebashomayim. There is hope, but only hismasrus to the Aibershter.
To the author
Put your name on the article or shut up!
You are a coward hiding behind a computer openly naming names without naming yours.
Tell us who you are and we’ll have some respect for you. Otherwise, go fly a kite.
I agree
Rabbi Sternberg and Rabbi Schapiro are definitely NOT a dugmah chaya! They have no place in OT! They should be ashamed of themselves and pitied.
thank you
thank you shloimi and nachman to making sure the next generation’s families’ wont be dysfunctional like our own. (if you dont want to go to shofar, then see a regular therapist, but dont think you’re mental and emotional issues will evaporate if you just learn more chassidus) -levi r
And….you said it. My god, you said it.
If I may take the liberty and say, do not expect a response from OT. It’s business as usual at that incestuous and vapid institution.
But while were on the topic of OT you might want to inquire as to what qualifies and qualities OT requests in those in whom they hire. My perception of Nachman during my time at OT was one of absolute incredulousness as to how that man attained his position… the ever more qualified Rabbi Piekarski he crushed by some conjured up nonsense about doir hashmini. To think that this is who was placed in power in his stead.
My god, the eyes see, the mind can’t believe.
It is a shame that he’s not there and it is a loss to today’s talmidim.
OT will never change you want change move on all they care about is money money money its sad but true no one cares about your kids well being but you its sad you would think otherwise and this ritual is creepy and sick minded almost borderlines molesting are the yeshivas in such need that they hire creeps pure pure creeps to be around our kids whats wrong with them shame
younger divisions…principals and rebbis…though they have gone for good reasons and i believe with encouragement from higher-ups, im also concerned about the “AL TAHARAS HAKODESH” not being so KODESH anymore…until they realize its wrong and deprogram they should not be in chinuch with our children. PLEASE oholei Torah! all those who went must be re-brainwashed (which may take lots of time and learning on their part). it is very frightening that this has gotten this far. and they still claim it was the best thing they ever did- with that attitude they cannot have our children under their power. too dangerous.
former talmid
as a student of r’ sternberg and a “alum” of “Tanya anonymous” there is nothing to worry about!!!
i have the highest regard for R. sternberg and the tanya classes were held in yeshiva not in a dark basement, and cellphones remain on, and i believe it is a very good idea for tanya classes in a “real way” and on a very personal and tangible level.
at the rate this garbage is going, farbrengens will be shunned upon if not straight up canceled. this is pure rubbish aimed at a amazing mashpia who i know from personal experience cares a great deal about his students past and present. we need more like him not scare away potential good mashpiim.
the same hysteria goes for camps. while parents should be concerned over the safety of the children, it has gone to the state where if a counselor speaks to a camper while making eye contact the parents come running.
if this keeps up, there will be NO OVER NIGHT CAMP Will EXIST A VERY SHORT WHILE….
amazing! Tanya Anonymous! brilliant!
I MUCH rather my 16 year old kid learn Tanya in candle light and open up to his friends than BOOZE up at a farbrengin, throw up, get sick and miss chasidus the next day. The times are changing, ty Rabbi Sternberg for being innovative! You obviously understand that its gonna take some new methods to truly speak and LISTEN to the next generation! Amazing.
I'm with you!
Those who would criticize young (and even older) men sitting by candlelight, learning Tanya in a safe and private atmosphere, sound like the misnagdim criticizing the early followers of the Alter Rebbe!
Wow, your standards must be so high for your child. It’s no wonder he’s lost, you must be such an inspiration.
He gets to chose to drink booze or join a cult.
“For my people has committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water.” (Yeremiah 2:13)
I.e. Israel’s actions involve a double indignity: the abandonment of Hashem Per se, and the choice of such an inferior substitute.
Now a word from the Lubavicher Rebbe zt”l.
“And the children struggled together within her… And she went to inquire of the G-d… And the G-d said to her: ‘Two nations are in your womb.’ ” (25:22-23)
QUESTION: Rashi explains: When Rivkah passed a house of Torah learning, Yaakov struggled to emerge. When she passed a place of idol worship, Eisav struggled to come out. This perplexed her, and she went to inquire about it. A message was conveyed to her through Shem that she was carrying two children.
Why did this information calm her?
The Rebbe answers (Likutei Sichos Vol. 1, p183ff.):
The prophet Eliyahu held a debate with the false prophets of Ba’al during which he challenged them: “How long will you waver between two opinions”. If Hashem is the G-d, follow Him! And if it is the Ba’al, follow him” (1 Kings, 18:21). One may wonder how Eliyahu was able to utter such an option.
The Rebbe explains the difference between outright idolatry and idolatry which is fence-sitting. Outright idolatry means a person really believes he benefits from his idol. A fence-sitter is in doubt – either he’s unsure as to what to believe in, or he believes in Hashem plus something else.
The Rebbe continues and says, that wavering between two opinions is in many ways WORSE than outright idolatry. GENERALLY, outright idolatry is worse of course. But in terms of TESHUVA, the fence-sitter is worse because it’s harder for him to do Teshuva fully.
1) Because someone who once believed in idolatry, who realizes he was wrong, can fully do Teshuva. The one who wavers and believes in Hashem plus something else or doubts, doesn’t do a full Teshuva because he claims he always believed in G-d.
I.e. He is uncertain whether he sinned in the first place.
2) The one who fully believes in idolatry can be a spiritual individual, just a misguided spiritual individual.
But the one who wavers shows that not only is he not interested in the true G-d, but he is spiritually insensitive. Although he knows Hashem is G-d, he is still willing to give idols some credit, thinking he’ll benefit in some way. Even when he realizes the truth, he does Teshuva only because of personal gain.
I.e. He is willing to compromise some of his religious beliefs for the sake of convenience or social pressure (his spirituality is corrupted by materialism).
3) The one who wavers leads others astray because it is not clear that he is a heretic (for he knows how to quote a Pussuk in Chumish, a word from a Mammer or Sicho etc.. he speaks the language). The idol-worshiper, however, is an outright heretic and is thus an outcast that does not effect the Community. I.e. nobody gets confused by him.
At the outset, Rivkah thought she was carrying one child who was confused, unable to distinguish between right and wrong, and thus, G-d forbid, capable of running in a different direction each day. Informed that she would give birth to two children, she was relieved, because she could now hope to convince the other child to emulate his righteous brother.
Now take your 16 year son and learn over this Sicho with him!!!
To 9
Read the article. It wasn’t about learning. It was about talking and each telling each other secrets.
Who said anything about learning.
to # 12: they learn Tanya
To quote the article:
“and they learn Tanya and are encouraged to share their secrets….”
They learn Tanya.
Only in addition to that are they “encouraged” (not “required” not merely “talking”) to share.
You asked “who said anything about learning?” Answer: Who? The writer of the article here!
Despite the writer’s clear disapproval of the results of the OT teachers’ participation in COTS, the writer described what goes on in these Tanya Anonymous group meetings as, first (and therefore foremost): “They learn Tanya”.
YOU should go back and “read the article”.
I have to say that I’m with “I’m with you” (# 10), who wrote:
“Those who would criticize young (and even older) men sitting by candlelight, learning Tanya in a safe and private atmosphere, sound like the misnagdim criticizing the early followers of the Alter Rebbe!”
Listen to yourself: You sound like someone who’s part of the problem!
The Rebbe spoke of the fact that “The children are thirsting….”
They are hungry for Tanya. I’m all for their learning Tanya in a setting they are open to. If you are not, well, what can I say, other than: Take a good long look at yourself, my fellow Lubavitcher.
Nachman Schapiro was always a hate mongering Meshichist. He went from one cult (frame of mind) to another.
He should (and all COTS and Meshichistim) should be fired from all our institutions of education.
Keep these people far away from our children.
Out of line
You may or may not like “COTS”.
But it is a complete lie and out of line to link it up with “Meshichism.”
You may dislike both “COTS” and “Meshichists”.
But they are two different things! It sounds like you’re doing a cheap ad hominem attack on “COTS” by implying that it’s somehow “Meshichist” and therefore suspect for THAT reason!
(Unless you now feel that learning Tanya is suspect and too “meshichist” of a pursuit for a good Lubavitcher to do! If that’s the case, you’re making “antis” look bad, and I resent that because, while I’m not a big “anti,” I certainly don’t identify with the crazy far fringe of the “meshichists” either. And I’m definitely in favor of learning Tanya; if you’re not, I don’t think you should call yourself a Lubavitcher.)
If you don’t like “COTS,” that’s fine, but how about debating it on its substance, instead of using cheap name-calling by bizarrely calling it “Meshichist”?
This is a bigger problem than you think
This is a huge problem.
While These mashpi’im were holding on to simchas hand and yelling “like animals” (their words), they were also revealing their deepest secrets.
One of the places where simcha got his training from, is known to use those secrets to control people.
This may or may not be the case, but if it is — that’s scary.
This is the only reason I would go.
It would have been a great place to gather Intel.
alts emmess
this is a real concern and Oholei Torah needs to address this-but THIS is not the forum for this.We are not looking to do a public lynching.Things need to be examined and corrected but we need to work bdarchei sholom davka for the benefit of our children
I was not so sure about this story at first
I was not so sure about this story at first.
but looking on and seeing WHO are the supporters of this group it all understood now.
just go to Facebook and look who likes that cult .
one is a Gay advocate. another is a molester and the list go on and on.
the “moisad” is just another church who found a new light in the cults.
close that church and start a new yeshiva.
Action was taken
Oholei Torah has instituted a policy that a Mashpia cannot recommend a Talmid for outside help without the principal and one other staff member agreeing to it.
To 9
Are you kiding me? Are you serious?
It seems you nor the hanhalah of which sternbeegs father is a member of, understands what is going on here.
These pepole should be given a unpaid leave for at least six months and only be reinstated after a full board of recognized maspiam approves them.
And only then will they be allowed back. And of course not in the senior position they currently hold.
Shame on the hanhalah of yeshivah for allowing this to go on. After numerous complaints regarding the shenanigans in sternbergs basement were lodged with the yeshivah .
Rabbi Nachman Shapiro NEVER sent Bochurim there! he went there to check it out.
Chinuch al taharos hakodesh!
The fact that influential members of their staff have embraced and encouraged secular approaches to “emotional well-being” is ignored… As long as the talmidim come out of the system not knowing how to read and write, OT has accomplished its goal of “chiuch al taharas hakodesh”.
Two wrongs don’t make a right!!!
Rabbi Shapiro never recommended anyone to go there and to put his name together with shlomy stern berg is a chutzpah. Shlomy went many times and recommended many Bochum to go, whereas rabbi Shapiro went once and decided not to go back and never send anyone there.
A Yid
What you describe about the goings on in RSS basement, is in fact very similar to what a true farbrengen should INCLUDE.
I don’t know him (RSS) so I do not know whether he is qualified to lead this. But having bochurim open themselves up to others, is a very real step in ego-deflation, and a beginning towards what it says in Tanya 32, where you are as close to others (or at least 1 other) as to yourself. Knowing yourself by freely receiving intimate feedback, is a serious step in the avoyda of a chosid.
I do not know the author of this op-ed, but it sounds like the attitude of the average Lubavitcher who knows what should be and what shouldn’t, without any serious practical background in the steps of the spiritual ladder. This symptom has partnered in leading up to the vacuum which is sucking in these attendees.
Attendance at the Shofar retreats is certainly not for Chabad chassidim. We possess much better experiential stuff. It is just that the mechanchim haven’t a clue of how to get beyond kabbolas oyl of Tanya 41, far less how to guide others (particularly by example.) Even guidance and motivation for getting out of the ditch of habitual practice (mitzvas anashim milemudah), is beyond the scope of many. (most?) mechanchim.
Suggestion: A vaad of “elders” should be elected (davka) to meet, as similar to a “commission of inquiry”, for evaluating and then recommending (designating) some full time mashpiyim, who could hopefully map out the role and guidance mashpiyim should have, Perhaps even creating a training program.
time to open up a new school
Frustrated Parent
Stupid rhetoric!
When this controversy dies down and COTS has been suffocated from our midst, our children will still be searching. Our problem is not with those Hanholo members who you are lambasting for helping their Bochurim using misguided methods.
The cause of this searching in “Fremde Gertner” is with Hanholo members who don’t guide their charges at all.
They are not showing them how to appreciate their individual self worth as a “Chelek Eloka Mima’al Mamosh” and are not showing them true Chassidishe Ahavas Yisroel so that they can unburden their precious souls without fear of being judged etc.
The change the parents should be screaming for is to hold Hanholo accountable. Their job is to be caring for these young saplings, helping them grow into healthy trees with strong roots. If the are too burned out or incapable, they should be replaced. Like every normal institution or business.
If 1/4 of this is true I’m feeling very old for someone still on the young side. Has it really turned into an amateur pop-psychology institute – instead of Torah?
I wonder
I wonder what other crazy things will come out of this shofar cult, I expect we’ll be hearing it slowly.
Author of open-letter, you are 100% right.
The community deserves to hear from the OT staff who attended these cult weekends. Whoever recruited bochrim into the cult should be paying back that $700 big time to each parent! And they should be removed from their positions until we are fully satisfied that they are to be trusted with our sons!
It is upsetting that some of the OT staff who are part of the cult sat up there on the stage at the asifa! We deserve transparency from these individuals.
to actually put names. especially if one did not send others and went to check it out.
OT alumnus
To the author of the open letter to Oholei Torah.
A few points:
1) Reb Michoel was only a shliach to open the Yeshiva. If he were alive at the moment he would be manipulated by Nachman to be supporting him. Those who remember how he reacted to the whole moshiach debacle know well that Nachman had R’ Michoel’s ear (to the exclusion of anyone else).
2) What we see here is that our generation of bochurim, girls and even adults are poshut yearning and hungry for Rebbe. There is a buzz and I hear a lot of talk about learning chassidus. In reality it goes so much deeper then that. The Rebbe guided us HOW TO LIVE in every detail of our lives. It’s not just getting lost in a ma’mer or sicha; this is guidance for LIFE! Today our young people want the real thing or nothing. The Rebbe’s way WORKS if only it is done entirely as opposed to grabbing bits and pieces here and there as has become the pop culture…
Today, it just is not like it was in our generation that mashpi’I’m like Nachman would farkoif hayseh lokshen and we would just buy it, hook line and sinker. Today’s youth want the Rebbe and they know how to get him. Zich araynvarfen in a sicha, a ma’amer, a letter, an answer, a yuman, to hear a chosid describe his days in 770 in vivid detail. Poshut to live with the Rebbe. It’s possible, and you see that bochurim are doing it. Mark my words there will be more.
So the real question to the mashpi’I’m now is this: are you ready to give our boys the real thing or not? If yes, great! Do it. NOW. If not, step down and stop fooling around with monkey business at best and fireworks at worst.
Said Beautiful
Said Beautiful
gut gezogt!
In the kfar Chabad sometime last year one the mashpi’im in the yeshiva hamerkozis commented in connection with a kinus hatmimim something to this effect:
“I am humbled by today’s bochurim and their level chassidishkeit and hiskashrus – bo lilameid vinimtzo lomeid” —
This man deserves to be their mashpia cuz he is learning from them, and understands that they have special ruchniyusdike kochos from after gimmel tammuz.
If SS and NS can understand this concept, then they can earn and try to deserve the right to be the mashpiem of our sons.
it is shockong to see some peoples copmments here.
these mashpiim are saving sudents – some of whioch come from homes where there is actual -serious abuse of their children, these boys have “baggage” and noone else even tried to help them, the mashpiim are moiser nafshom to help even these boys.
seeing all those boys through the years who they actually hel[ped, should at least make us give them the benefit of our doubt. for sure they asked proffesionels, and rabonim, whether these cases may warrant use of out of the box therapies.
please give thanks to them them for trying to help. the situation in some cases is horrible, and yet these poeple are trying whatever method possible to get them out of the rut.
it is just not fair at all, to denegrate people who have shown their care for all kind of boys.
if they made a mistake for sure they will correct it- but for for sure it is totally out of place to not appreciatte what they do and what they actually accomplished all this years.
don’t think that such people grow on trees , throw one out and just pick another one.
your child may be the one who will need these people tobhelp hiom. please have pity on yourselves and give thanks to these people who saved many lives begashmius kipshuto.
Yad leachim
Mr Cult Member
nothing you said here has any resemblance to any truth.
yes you are flooding the blogs with very “smart” Comments.
The world is aware that cult members don’t think thy only echo the voice of your GURU .
for example in August of 2013 a family member of the CULT had a very nice blog about how the Shofar “helping”
but that same person did not like the Driver of an ICE CREAM trunk and called police every time that driver past by .
so how did shofar helped ?
The shofar in did helped that family so much. with real $$$$ They are Part Owners of the shofar and lough at all the poor stupid people paying $700
former talmid
I was a talmid by Rabbi sternberg a decade ago. He was great magid shiur so I hope he didn’t really become as crazy as some recent rumors. The irony is that Rabbi piekarsky made a much more minor error by the Rosh chodesh kislev farbrengen and if I remember correctly, it was Nachman and Shloimy that came with the pitchforks and guns blazing to have him removed. At the end, Rabbi piekarsky had to make a public apology and agreed behind closed doors that he’ll never come back after the end of the year. What goes around…
it has only just begun
from what i hear, the blackmail has already begun.
there are a few Maspiam etc who are called continuously by counselors of the cots program, pushing and pressuring them to stand up and fight for the program,
i believe that subliminal hints are drooped about comments and maters that were spoken about at the retreat.
raboisi, we need to clense our yeshivah now.
besides for the fact, where does young sternberg get the chutzpah to initiate new ways and hadrachas, because he thinks there right? what type of Maspia is this that uses ways that are against torah, obviously he has issues with Derech chabad.
and to end off, i want you to be clear that the yeshivah will do absolutely nothing, sternbergs father is from the Hanahla Ruchniuys.
Since when...
Since when is gathering fellow Yidden to learn Tanya “initiating new ways and hadrachas”?
If you feel that this is against the Lubavitch way, I suggest you read, or reread, the Frierdike Rebbe’s “Memoirs” and “Likkutei Dibburim”.
Ronald Reagan was famously quoted as saying that “It’s amazing how much can be accomplished when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit.” It apparently took an “outsider” to wake up some Lubavitchers to reconnect with Tanya.
What a pity that you are so out of touch.
The reason for this problem is so simple yet no one wants to admit it, I’ve been yelling this for 22 years. IF YOU DON’T HAVE A LIVE REBBE TO LEAD YOU, THE ENTIRE CHASSIDUS WILL DISAPPEAR. Just like Breslov barely existed for the past two hundred years, Chabad is headed in the same direction. For how many years to come can you keep telling the new generations, look in Igros, There’s an answer there somewhere?? You can’t!! Stop fooling yourselves. Nobody younger then 30 has any Kesher with the Rebbe Z”L. And if you don’t stop fooling yourselves, and install anew Rebbe who can deal with all the new problems that constantly arise, Chabad will be no more. Although I still learn Chabad chassidus, I’ve moved on to join a Chassidus with a live Rebbe and me and my family couldn’t be happier. Because although I could’ve stuck it out, what about the next generation? Where are they getting new Hadrocho and Chiyus from? A book? It ain’t working.
Mr. Uforatzto,
The young ones of today are much better off than we are/were!
We need to learn from THEM!
See comment #29 who writes this so eloquently.
Gut shabbos
Mr. Open Letter
ארור מכה רעהו בסתר
Yad leachim
Mr cult member
this is not בסתר this is begoluy
to 34
dead wrong. speak only for yourself.
there are MANY of us under the age of 30 who are VERY connected to our Rebbe. and yes, so are our kids, sorry you couldnt hold out but we are proud that we did BH and our kids are very proud lubavitchers and chassidim of the Rebbe.
trust me, if you try enough, it works. you can find subsitutes but they dont come close to what we’ve got BH Ashrainu ma tov chelkeinu. we thank Hashem that we get to be chabad- whether we see our Rebbe or not, HE IS OUR LEADER
Tanya anonymous?!
I would love to hear the class on Bitul!
chevreh its over those that were caught into this web are gone
lets not forget history shimon hakofer destroyed almost all the yiden in vilneh yes they were mesnagdim but many became chasiddim they were erliche yidden knew how to learn those that did not became chassidim nothing is left of them maybe 1 or 2 families survived
im talking to those that were not caught in this tumah chassidus has all the answers
spend a weekend with chassidim at the ohel and search you would find more then you can imagine and this is in addition to kdushas hamokom the mashpim that are there no worries just bring your taliss your 2 nefoshos and you will see how wonderful life of a chosid of the rebbeh can be
rabbi shapiro and rabbi sternberg one shabbes at the ohel would of helped you and as mashpim you had to send bochrim
you sent bochrim but not to the ohel (but thank you for “letting” us go)
Bochur Life
I was in the tanya shiur of rabbi Sternberg. No one calls it Tanya anonymous. We calledit Tanya shiur some boys joked around about that but that’s not what its called. No lights are being shut and it happens in an ot classroom. Everyone keeps their phones and the topic of conversation is how to come become a beinoni not anything more it is a very legitimate way to relate and teach. I gained more yiras shomayim and chassidishkeit from Tanya shiur then any other method. Its time for ppl to stop being rodef shliome!!!
hatomin Yaakov Bennish
as an oholei torah shuir daled student, i find this article simply appalling. you are clearly not a concerned parent but rather someone with an agenda against the rebbe’s moisid and its menahel and beloved mashpim. your allegations, which sadly most people believe are simply untrue, in fact they are STRAIGHT UP LIES! 1)reb nachman never sent anyone to COTS, nor did he endorse it 2) Tanya focus, takes place in a classroom in OT, with the lights on, with no cell phone confiscation done. like any other group therapy, the bochurim pledge to keep what they hear (other bochurim’s issues) a secret, this way people can talk in confidence. Rabbi sternberg has already publicly apologized, saying he is young and like any human, can have made mistakes. to be sure theres nothing wrong, his methods at tanya focus were recently scrutinized by a panel of three older mashpim.
lastly, please realize that when the rebbe founded OT, he saw it as his personal school. when he told us bakasha nafshis to get a mashpia, aseh lecha rav, and deferred questions to them, he gave them insight from himself, ‘veatzel min haruach’. surely this applies to the one who worked for decades writing the hanachos, and publishing likkutei sichos and sefer hasichos. so in essence when you anonymously post letters like this, you need to realize you have written a letter against our rebbe (which is why i feel compelled to waste my time writing a comment in response) Of course, u may have no issue writing a letter against the rebbe, being that he was wrong on many issues, like the Moshiach prophecies, education al tahres hakodesh, tznious etc. v’dal
disclaimer: i will only respond to those who post their real name
Women that heard Rebbi Nachum of Chernobyl Answering Amein Yehei Shemei Raba were blessed with kids.
one day the gentile single girl that was working at his home came looking very pregnant all were very surprise by the news since she was a single girl.
her story was that she heard the Amein Yehei Shemei Raba from Reb nachum and got pregnant.
like you she had business with another goy and blamed the REBBE.
Comes from arrogance
SHloime was called by many people including experts etc and begged to back off from pushing this thing. He arrogantly pushed back as if he knows better than all.
Falling for a cult is no small rookie mistake. He has to declare how he will change his decision making process going forward.
By the way, he has a special maaleh that he gives of his time and concern for his talmidim and even many gratuates. I would hate to see him leave the field, but he needs more than an I’m sorry I didn’t realize this or that.
to Yanky
Hi Yanky, nice seeing you here!
Actually, as a fellow member of Shloimy’s Shiur, he told us he WILL have a panel of three elder mashpi’im to scrutinize his methods at tanya focus – but did i miss it when that happened? or did it ever happen?
Wow, to blast…
bochur currently in the tanya shiur
What I have been reading in this article is completely unfounded and blatant lashon hara. It is very obvious that you have absolutely no idea what goes on and have a personal agenda against Rabbi Sternberg. The Tanya shiur (as it is actually called) takes place in yeshiva with lights on and cell phones were not even mentioned. We learn Tanya from chassidus mivueres then we discuss what we learned and apply it to general avodah. Revealing personal issues is completely optional. Rabbi Sternberg is an amazing mashpia and person and no one could be better to give this shiur. I personally have benefited greatly from the shiur and if you want to spout nonsense please take it elsewhere. Mendy S.
a curios reader
just saying
i was in the ta and that didnt happen
a reg ta was a shiur sitting around AND LIGHTS WERE ON AND CELLPHONES WERE NOT TAKIN AWAY
its enough, ppl should stop lying
i was tanya shiur
stop the lies go there ur self and look what goes on
we learn tanya the way its supposed to be
thank you rss
To 34
Exactly what happened
They were the ones that wanted him removed
However – r Shapiro was not involved in getting other bochr to go
What bothers me is stern berg is still seen at work everyday as if nothing happened!!!
And he will stay there because he has father is protecting his job!!! And will see to that!!
Part kf the corrupt system of ot !
to all the “moised” mushpoim of the cult you are so pathetic
Sternberg should go to Revb Shiya Hacht and beg him to deprogram first.
but to have an Oived Avoida Zora In a Jewish School ?
lets ask him in the More than 3 Times he went to the Cult How was his Shabbes How much Tanya he HE DID ? Did thy serve KOSHER Meal ? who was the rav hamachshir ? what was the davening looks like ?
oh yes that is a chasidisher person ?
did Rachman finish the torah or that shabbes ? or the rambam ? or chitas ?
all this stories tell it to the marines.
the world is not Stupid you are.
Rosenfeld and son
Where is the director, leaders of the Mossad?
Is yossel just too old to know what’s going on, and sholomkeh just doesn’t care?
Ben Issacs
You owe Reb Nachman an apology.
to # 12: they learn Tanya at "TA"
“They learn Tanya” — the article even says so. It doesn’t even say that the participants are just sitting around talking, as you state/
Perhaps YOU should go back and “read the article”.
The Rebbe used to state that “The children are thirsting!”
They are thirsty for Tanya!
Like #10 said,
“Those who would criticize young (and even older) men sitting by candlelight, learning Tanya in a safe and private atmosphere, sound like the misnagdim criticizing the early followers of the Alter Rebbe!”
Please listen to yourself! Wake up, Yid!
To #26
I agree with you, and I think leaders better consider what you have said. I think it’s crucial. However, do you think anything will change for the better? I’m not seeing that possibility, as long as the real leaders who understand the Rebbe step up and figure it out.
I know the truth
Actually I have been in RSS’s basement, and believe me there is no room for a group of bochurim.
You must have a wrong source of information.
Please don’t go on rumors, when you have no clue as to the truth.
And to be honest, even if it was true, I would not be worried at all.
I have known RSS for many years and discuss personal information with him when needed to give me guidance.
He is one of the few I consider a real chossid.
Ok, now that we know that the secret Tanya Anonymous was a bilbul – one that pushed emotions over the top and led to Sternberg’s firing, it’s good to see that CHinfo took this post off their feed.
But still, why do people do/write this?
As to the cult – looked it up – I’d be melamed zechus now on Sternberg and Goldstein. They probably only referred them based on the fact that Michel Twerski (Milwaukee) is on COTS’ board (which no one seems to mention in any of the talk about this). Sternberg and Goldstein probably only recommended people who R’ Shea Hecht himself recommended. This looks like another case that’s gotten out of hand.
Why people make these bilbulim is another story…