From the Inbox: While I acknowledge that you are the person who was elected to lead all issues in the community, being a resident here for over 50 years there are a few things that I believe, and it is obvious that it needs to be brought to your attention.
Op-Ed: “Zaki, Do The Job We Elected You To Do”
From the Inbox: While I acknowledge that you are the person who was elected to lead all issues in the community, being a resident here for over 50 years there are a few things that I believe, and it is obvious that it needs to be brought to your attention.
I would like to begin by reminding you that your election was a very loud and clear message that we, the residents, are fed up with all the fighting, bickering and hate. We therefore refused to have anyone related to the old Vaad reelected to office so that we, with your leadership, will be able to move on and begin a new chapter in the story called Crown Heights.
I must tell you that using muscle and pressure to gain control of the people in CH will not only not work but it will also backfire.
You cannot demand that people put their faith and trust in you if after so many months no one can see any accomplishments or any kind of efforts being made by you to better, and to unite our community. What we do see is you shying away from this great responsibility by being intimidated by what you may think or by what you have been convinced is a monstrous job. You have therefore decided to turn a deaf ear to the voices of the ballot, and have chosen to keep Eli Cohen and Chanina Sperlin on board.
I must tell you the only time this job is difficult is if you don’t do it right.
This letter is in no way meant to tell you that you are wrong in believing that only your office should be the one representing the community in regard to the police and other government agencies. I agree that that is the correct way of the community running smoothly. However as long as you have, and are so strongly associated with people and parties who are the exact people and party’s that were sent away, you will not succeed.
NO, you have not earned the right to expect that no one will oppose you, and your edicts. The opposite is true, until you do the job that you were elected to do, you will not have the respect or the ability to dictate, you must earn the peoples respect and trust.
Pushing and shoving issues down the throat of the residents was tried and failed many times. It was even tried with the Badat”z when they first started, and we all know how that worked out for them.
You cannot expect the Shomrim to fall in line when the line you painted for them is crooked and broken. I know that the way things are, they are real bad and must be fixed, however you, as an elected leader, and us as the community, must consider that this group (in theirs as well as many others opinion) has been wronged by the very same people who you brought on board to “help” you.
I am not saying that you should buckle and give into their every demand, but I will tell you that they more than anyone deserve a fair chance.
The issue is not only Shomrim, the issue is that you have decided that the status quo which we have had for many year will suffice. And I say to you it will not.
You must shake these people off of you, they have been involved in various positions in the council for many years, and we as a community had no benefit from them, all we had is photo-ops.
In summation I implore you to start again and make this community a beautiful one, and do the job we elected you to do.
Chaim Cohen
Don-t be ridiculous
You are wrong.
Zaki has done something that no on else has every dreamed of trying – giving a say to the residents of CH.
Anyone who can read english knows that Zaki and the Vaad have called upon the people of CH to join the CHJCC committees that steer the mossad.
That’s not exactly “strong arming”.
As for the call of the RABBONIM not to antagonize the police, I’m wondering why you would have a problem with that…
He needs a right hand man/ secretary so all the people like chaim who want to help can be put on committees and really get things moving
not his real name
chaim cohen? your a fraud nobody wants to hear from you…..zaki this is just one mans opinion, and the blogs are looking for such people to write about.
do the right thing and work for this community and not for people like him
grow up
chaim cohen, if it was so important to give this message to zaki, why are u posting it on chi? Why don’t u just send it to him directly. by posting your letter in a public manner you should know that you won’t even be listened to! And, if you can go so public, how can you help this community become a beautiful one? can we start with you doing your job by being a mentch??
Question to Zaki!
Zaki – this is a question that I heard from MANY people: We had an election and the community voiced loud and clear that we DO NOT want Rabbi Chanina Sperlin – why in the world did you go ahead and appoint him to a new post representing the commuity?!
Did you NOT HEAR our opinion about him??!!
Concerned CH Toishav
I respectfully disagree with this op-ed.
Remember that the old Vaad did not get such bad numbers and one member of the old Vaad even got elected. Whats wrong for Zaki to recruit the experience of the old VAAD.
Another point why do we always criticise the Leadership whether its Rabonim or Vaad Hakohol why not make peace within ourselfs that would make the job of the elected Rabonim and Vaad Hakohol that much easier.
in a nutshell lets get rid of the mecharcherai riv.
I agree with Chaim, but I must say that Zaki is a very nice fellow, he is just in over his head with this group of sharks.
Zaki must understand that the election that put him in this place was a clear refutation of the previous (crooked) Vaad.
There should be no trace left over from those loosers.
Zaki says that they have connections and experience, but who needs those connections. They used it for their own benefit, nothing came of it for the shchuna.
The election was a mandate for Zaki to start fresh and build your own connections with young, good, competent people (I know that some will say there are non of these here).
Bottom line is Zaki better wake up (or maybe this has become a nightmare for him) because as it stands now he has done nothing and will not be re-elected.
I’m appalled to see that EC and CS are still involved – clearly the inmates are still running the asylum.
Lay off!
Can you tell me ONE person in our community who would do this job without escalating the fights.
I know that he may not have solved all our problems but he definitely is making progress, this community is submerged in hatred and fighting don’t expect anybody to come and fix it in just a few months.
Shomrim Six
The following comment does not represent Shomrim as a whole. The commenter (thats me) does not speak for Shomrim as a whole. I make these statements as my own.
“I am not saying that you should buckle and give into their every demand, but I will tell you that they more than anyone deserve a fair chance.”
Shomrim is not demanding anything from anybody except to be left alone.
Stop prosecuting us in the Streets of Crown heights.
Stop prosecuting us in criminal court!
Stop trying to stop us from helping Yidden in need!
Live and let live, thats was our only demand and even this we did not get!
Former CHer
Terrible. Rabbi Cohen and Mr. Federman, please spare the community from these attacks. When both Rabonim finallty put there names to something and the properly elected CHJCC determines policy this in it of itself is prgress and brings brochoh to the community.
I left with my family four years ago b/c of this machlokes and pleased for fellow chasidim that remained to see some progress during the summer months. And now this……
i totaly agree well said!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guys been here for 50 years???
The letter feels like its written by a 12 year old, very poorly structured and if there was a point “chaim” was trying to make I didn’t pick it up.
Well said, Chaim!
thanks Mr. Cohen and thanks CHI for post
very well written
Chaim; don-t let the facts confuse you!
You say “We therefore refused to have anyone related to the old Vaad reelected”
Did you forget about a man named Fishel Bronstein, in fact in a head-to-head run off between Bronstein (old vaad) and Hecht (new blood) Bronstein won by 100 votes.
But by all means, don’t let those facts get in the way.
Well said!
I and a lot of my friends are fed up with hearing that we need Chanina Sperlin for his connections. I have yet to see any communal benefit form these connections. It is time for someone else to develop real connections that will benefit the community, not just the privileged few who like to rub shoulders and take pictures with local politicians who laugh at us behind our backs.
As for Eli Cohen, how in G-Ds name he is still involved with the CHJCC after we voted his faction out I will never understand.
Zaki, if you can’t cope, call a new election and resign, there are plenty of other capable activists in our community who can build the right connections and do the job required. Any 3 members of Beis Shmuel will do.
Bronstein is in the hands of Cohen, Hendel, Hertzog and Sperlin, but where is Yossi Hackner in all this? he got elected, the hope of the younger generation and he hasn’t been heart from since!
Sinas Chinam
Basically the writer says that he agrees with Zaki about centralizing police coordination, but not with the people he hangs out with … In my book that’s called Sinas Chinam.
What do you expect from Zaki? Every thing he has tried is met with opposition. The third Rov is such a classic example of what he faces in this community every day.
It’s so easy to sit in your arm chair and criticize. And although I’m no fan on the Rabbonim, before you talk about how they “pushed stuff down people’s throat when they first started”, read what the Rebbe said about those people who criticized those actions.
Also, what are your credentials that you wrote this OP-ED? Please tell us what you have done to improve this community.
maybe, just maybe he came in to office and started trying to do his job a realized that Shomrim is getting in the way.
“with your leadership, will be able to move on and begin a new chapter in the story called Crown Heights”
What does that even mean? “story called Crown heights”????????
wishy washy pupet
Though I voted for Zaki, along with the 5-6 other normal candidates during the elections, I always suspected that Zaki was a wishy washy sort of guy and that he would end up becoming a puppet, I just didn’t know who would be pulling his strings. Unfortunately it seems to be the Hendel/Sperlin faction.
Shea Hecht would have made a far better chairman, he has his own connections and can’t be pushed around by anyone (I don’t always agree with him, but at least I would know who I was disagreeing with!)
On another but related topic, if Rabbi Bogomilsky had been elected the 3rd Rov, does anyone think that disgraceful ill-thought-out letter would ever have emerged from the Beis Din?!
Very well written.
That’s part of the game. They say what you want to hear than they do what they wanna hear. Just ask any president, that’s the way the house rocks. So stop complaining and join the game.
totally true!
great letter! thank you.
To Comment No.4, who wrote:
“chaim cohen, if it was so important to give this message to zaki, why are u posting it on chi? Why don’t u just send it to him directly. by posting your letter in a public manner you should know that you won’t even be listened to!”
“maybe, just maybe he came in to office and started trying to do his job a realized that Shomrim is getting in the way.”
What is Zakis job?
What do you know about what Shomrim is or isn’t doing?
How is Shomrim getting in his way?
“Anyone who can read english knows that Zaki and the Vaad have called upon the people of CH to join the CHJCC committees that steer the mossad.”
Really, #1? This is the first time I’ve heard of this. Can you give an example or three?
Truth to power!
The truth hurts and some can’t handle it.
Zaki Tamir failed crown heights.
Zaki is a coward, a coward ca not be a leader!
You want to run a community, you got to lead!
I Represent Crown Heights, DO YOU?
Who does represent the Crown Heights community? How does one come about being a representative of the community? Does one have to be elected? Does one get this position with force? How come there are those we did not elect to represent us who are doing so nevertheless? Who are these “representatives” and what is their true agenda? Are they here to serve and protect the Jewish community at all cost or are they using this self created position to help themselves? Let’s find out…
You hear about the Community Council, and you hear how they are the only ones who can speak on behalf of the Community. You ask why? Why is it, that this Non-profit Organizations 501(c)(3), a social service organization, establishing itself as the spokesman for the community?
Is it because the Non-for-Profit runs the name Crown Heights Jewish Community Council Inc. does that make it the spokesman? Because I was thinking if we were to open a 501-3c non-for-profit under the name Council Of Jewish Organizations Of Crown Heights and register at our home address at 1427 President Street and name ourselves officer/director would we be allowed to speak in the name of the community? (and no, OF and CROWN being attached is not is a mistake, just trying to make the organization undetectable).
Or, how about we get more creative and name our 501-3c VAAD Hakol Crown Heights Inc. and put it on our home address 1276 President Street. Would we then have a write to speak in the name of the community?
Or, how about we open a Political Action Committee (PAC) and we name it, Umm how about Crown Heights Political Action Committee. Also where thinking, maybe we should just register it on our home at 26 BALFOUR PLACE and call it legally Crown Heights P.A.C. And then I can put my name down Chanina Sperlin as the chairman and once again kiss political a$$ in the name of the community.
So, bottom line any resident can open a 501-3c non-for-profit charitable organization have the name CROWN HEIGHTS creatively mixed in and “walla” he is officially a Representative of the community. He can meet politicians, walk in and out of the 71st pct. tell people how to behave, who they may talk too and with whom not. And best of yet HE is a REPRESENTATIVE of Something….Crown Heights…. Something Inc.
The unfortunate reality is that all those pretending to represent the community as a whole are doing so for there own personal selfish reasons. Our so called representatives are lining their pockets with major cash, all on our backs, all in our name.
Those who make nice to the police at the expense of the Jewish community are doing so only for their own selfish reason. They think that they will gain some respect with a piece of plastic that says ‘police liaison’. They are willing to give up on the rights of our community just so they can get a $60 ticket pulled. Some of these “representatives” use the police to target other Jews as evident to what is taking place with Shomrim.
It goes even further and deeper, all these so called representatives are protecting each other, they got each other back. Notice how every time there is an election you have the same group of people coming out in support of their “friends”. An example of this would be when there is an election for Vaad, there is always this group of either past Vaad members and some others which come out to support of only a select few, the people which are in it with them, the people which are shearing our money together. These past Vaad members and their friends will never endorse an outsider, they will never support a person who is not form their circle of thefts.
It turns out that the only people representing the community (at all cost) with no personal agenda, with no strings attached, no money to take, no special IDs, is the good people of the Crown Heights Shomrim.
Crown Heights Shomrim is self funded (and not held back by anyone). Crown Heights Shomrim has the greatest connection an organization can ask for and that is the Crown Heights Jewish residents. Time and time again we have seen the good volunteers of the Jewish community who joined Shomrim going above and beyond for their fellow Jews.
This is the reason our so called “representatives”, who represent only themselves have been targeting Shomrim. The threat to them is simple. Shomrim is self funded, they have so little money (they survive with money from their own pockets), yet they do so much, how is it that an organization going by the name ‘Crown Heights Jewish Community Council’, which is government funded and brings in literally millions of dollars, can’t seem to get anything done. The solution for the thefts is simple, get rid of Shomrim and nobody with notice what we are or are not doing.
It’s to late for Zaki.
He spent over 20 minutes lying and spreading more hate (as evident from the comments that followed the video and the comments that followed the post about the edict).
Zaki is no more part of the solution but part of the problem!
He took sides without investigating anything.
I hope Zaki Tamir does not practice law the same way he handled these last few days.
clean up time!
if you hang around garbage your going to smell like garbage!
new resident
Chaim Cohen
you are wrong.
we voted for Zaki
it is his turn to do things and designate ppl to work with him as he feels the best
Respect the elections, next time, , if you do not like Zaki, just not vote for him
Ther would be a reason why ppl would not vote for you, a reason that you would not agree
If you have soemthing good to do, Zaki is going to listen
Next time, postulate you as a candidatem say what you have to say , and see how many votes you get
wake up
i voted for zakie, had i have known that he would not change the chjcc i would have not voted for him. hes a good man and trying to do his very best. but hes to naive to see though Sperlin And chone. he is clearly taking a side and thats whats getting every1 upset and feel that what he run for in the beggining is a broken promis. ZAKIE WAKE UP and make real peace
Instant Generation
Why do some people expect everything to change instantly? I get the feeling that unless someone steps into your life and pays your mortgage and tuition, then you will always reserve the right to be upset and venomous.
wow very well writen ,, yes u tell him my name and in the name of all of us suckers who voted 4 him
My sentiments exactly
“Chaim Cohen” pretty much states it the way it is.
Many agree with him.
Chaim Cohen
Firstly, for the record, I wasn’t aware that there’s another Chaim Cohen living in C.H. in his 50’s? sounds like and alias to me.
We democratically voted Zaki as our new chairman of the Vaad just as many American voted for Barack Obama. Yet when voting for the new president in, he didn’t fire Ben Bernanke and many others who were hired by Bush. Likewise, when one is democratically elected it is his choice whom he wishes to hire to get the jobs done.
Zaki, don’t get bullied by anyone. Do what you feel is right and sensitively listen to the needs of the entire community, not just certain factions. Once you were elected it is your job to get done what has to be done and I won’t tell you whom you should or shouldn’t listen to.
not fair zakie
very well said. i feel the same way. however i feel that its a shame as Zakie dose meen well. but upset many when he is trying to dance on both sides insted of taking complet charge and not trying to fix an old broken sink. we need NEW power and thats why so may came out to vote for him so yes you just cant come out and say stop the fighting when its the pepole who are still in the CHJCC that hurt so many of the residents. and zakie fails to see it. again he is trying to dance all over like ISREAL and look there not getting anywhere
well written???
There are like five comments here saying that this is a well written oped.
Now even if you agree with the message, every child with a forth grade English education can see that this is definitely NOT a well written piece.
(I guess that just exposes the ignorance of those that agree with the author)
Zaki is an Independent!
Zaki does not have any leanings towards the “Old” vaad, in fact he supported Hecht over Bronstein, but being the objective leader that he is, he recognized that the relationships that Mr. Sperlin had created would be of benefit to the community. and he saw the tremendous progress that Mr. Cohen had made in his year as CHJCC director so he kept him on because he was the best man for the job.
If you ever bothered to engage Mr. Tamir in a dialog you would know that he will work and listen to whomever has the communities best interest at heart.
funny if it wasnt sad
its funny how the same people who are all up in arms about zaki’s leadership were totally ok with the situation two years ago where the Vaad was split in two, the chairmen was sitting in jail and not allowing elections, and there was absolutely no oversight on the coffers of the chjcc.
Making it clear
I’m very surprised by the negative responses to this Op-Ed. Was it written like a Pulitzer Prize-winning piece of journalism? No. But was his point clear? Absolutely.
But for the ignorant/illiterate amongst you I’ll try to summarize:
Zaki Tamir has not demonstrated ANY action on behalf of the community in regards to crime & safety. IF he has made efforts on our behalf, we haven’t heard ONE WORD from the CHJCC/vaad.
When women are mugged at gunpoint, was there any statement made? Did we hear a peep about murdered Blacks outside Bais Rivkah or shots fired into a Yid’s car? How about when young girls are assaulted? Or when 3 bochurim are given summonses while chatting on a street? Did we hear one word about our good buddy Terrance “don’t lock your car it makes a mess when I break the windows” Nelson?
This is the point.
He doesn’t think we, the people, deserve to know what’s going on. Doesn’t he think we, the electorate, have a right to know what (if anything) is done for us? Or are we deemed to stupid to get it? It smacks of arrogance when we have these justifiable fears & concerns & we aren’t given any information.
Let me try to give you a simple analogy. I’m a teacher & we haven’t been paid. The Hanhala doesn’t tell us anything. We have no idea if or when we will see a check. So we grumble. My colleagues aren’t coming in on Friday…the only teachers will be yours truly & 3rd grade. The thing is, all we want is to be KEPT INFORMED. We understand the Yeshiva is barely surviving, but treat us with respect! TALK TO US!
Same thing here. ZAKI TAMIR…TALK TO US! Send out a flyer, G-d knows we saw enough paper before the elections. Since you were elected, all of a sudden you forgot where we live? How to reach out?
Call a meeting to apprise us of any developments & what you & your colleagues are doing. Treat us with respect! We are not dumb peasants or idiots, we can follow things like “about XYZ incident, we met with ABC on Nov Xth & this is where we are holding…”
Now do you get it? Is it clear now? Or are you still going to ignore us? Then you wonder WHY we go “over your head” directly to complain. It’s because you don’t give us the time of day. And “banning” us from voicing our complaints & using the Rabbonim to enforce your edict has backfired more than you can imagine.
Public disclosure. That’s what we want, not photos online. We want to see & hear of action taken to protect us. Give us the same attention you gave us before we were stupid enough to believe your promises. Talk to us.
Rabbi Mattis Kantor, Eastern Parkway
By the time someone is elected President of the USA, he does not need the previous administration to lead him in to the complexity. The only President in history who ever needed such a lead-in was the very person who was born with two big on-functional ears, and a jumbo-ego. BHO.
The position Zaki was elected to is probably complex. (How would I know what goes on there – how would anyone know.) Zaki needed a “lead-in”.
OK. Fine. The problem, as it appeared to me on his first week, was that he was being “introduced” to “real Lubavitch and its neo-theo” by the neo-theo’s, on what appeared to be an orientation visit to 770 during Selichos. Was he an “insider” in hanhogois of Lubavitch? It didn’t look like that to me. So just as a baal-teshuva who is pulled in by Chabad haters, they see Yiddishkeit in that light, and cannot be expected to give credibility and investigate our derech, so becomes the talmid kedaas rabboy.
To say that Zaki has done nothing is a gross exaggeration, and it is not clear to me that he could in fact do more, given the circumstances (and the anonymous commenters, especially the verbal-thugs.)
For me, Zaki was impressive as he stood with a placard, and a “pushke” announcing and asking for funds for the Mass HoIr. [I felt a challenge to my position as “the greatest onov in Brooklyn”.] Mine was an immediate response to enroll my CC for a monthly down-draw. (That was before the rabbonim elections were over, and the post election circus had not yet set a retroactive disruption of all honest norms. My meager contribution will be ceasing shortly, unless there is a new Kosher election – which may need to keep Rosenberg out. And for the umpteenth time, (a) I am not qualified to be a candidate, (b) my family will not hear of it, and (c) I only sound crazy, but deep down I really am not; (d) a smart person in this community will be misunderstood by the vocal majority; (e) CHTs could not handle an onov of my caliber.)
Someone should call a fortnightly (or monthly) forum chaired by a tough person (maybe out of the shchunah?) for the community to discuss issues. The Vaad and the Rabbonim would be welcome to attend, but not mandated. At least they could see a video where there is no anonymity and people will speak their feelings honestly.
Perhaps some women could organize it – but definitely not chair it. Separate seating with either a low mechitza, or a large space separating (and a dress-code enforced at the door). (Who knows, maybe there will be a “he” or a “she” who will see someone speaking and there will be a shidduch side-benefit.) I know this is radical for a Rov to suggest, but it is my opinion that at the moment “mutar leshanoss mipney hashalom” or alternatively “eyss laasos, heyferu torassecha”.
In closing (some people think I hate to close) a word for Zaki, take it or leave it: Connect to Rabbi Shea Hecht to hear another perspective. And/or someone else, preferably neutral, (no “side” here believes that it is possible, because if you are not with us you are agin.)
Daniel Botnick
The writer and those posting comments should try to get their facts straight.
1. Eli Cohen is not on the Vaad or the Council. He is the Executive Director, paid to fufill the will of the CHJCC board. He is not a policymaker. Only Tamir, Brownstein and Hackner have that power.
2. Sperlin is not on the Vaad or the board of the CHJCC. He is a volunteer offering his political expertise and connections to the community. He makes no policy nor does he carry out any policy.
3. The Vaad Hakohol and the CHJCC are two different entities; only the CHJCC is 501(c)3 agency. The Vaad, although it shares its board with the CHJCC, is a religious corporation and according to its bylaws under the authority of the Rabbonim.
These distinctions must be clear or your criticisms are useless.
After six month of being president of the United States of America, the people, right and left were questioning, “what has President Obama accomplished those far?”
It has been six mounts since Zaki B. Tamir has been in office in the Crown Heights Jewish Community, a small community of just about 2,000 families, what has Zaki b. Tamir done?
Don’t give me a whole list, just point out one great thing he has done to improve (just) one families life in the neighborhood.
A question to all those sticking up for Zaki:
Are you guys on the payroll. Will we be reading about you on the web-sites soon?
Zaki you da man
I like Zaki, he’s a nice guy, but he’s got to be his own man and fire Chanina and Cohen. Please Zaki grab hold of the reins and start LEADING! Right now it seems Chanina & Co. are in the driver seat and you’re in the back seat.
Zaki be a leader, there are plenty of capable individuals throughout this community who can help you. You don’t need Chanina.
Rabbi Mattis Kantor, Eastern Parkway, NY
An Amendment to previous comment:
On 2nd thought it would be best to have a large video screen in front, and a full mechitza in between. All this applies ONLY if there is a “tough” chairman.
why did Zaki even run for the position?
cheap advertising for his legal practice, which seems to be run as a Ponzi scheme!
this whole thing is like a camp play
Out means out!
@ 45. Daniel Botnick
That’s the point, we voted that faction out and they snuck back in under the pretense of “volunteering” (aided by Zaki).
Zaki should have replaced Eli Cohen with someone less tainted.
Sperlin is not innocnet
@ 45. Daniel Botnick
“2. Sperlin is not on the Vaad or the board of the CHJCC. He is a volunteer offering his political expertise and connections to the community. He makes no policy nor does he carry out any policy.’
Really? Have you forgotten Sperlins hijacking of the Shomrim vehicle, aided by the cops, during Succhos? He did this in the name of the CHJCC!
A CH long time resident
Idon’t understand wasn’t sperlin kickt out from the vaad hakohol why is he still pushing his nose?
the comunity dosn’t want him
A CH resident for many years
Community member
Shame on Zaki. We voted for you guys because we thought you would be independent of the messianist lunatics and you leck the messianists all day long. A messianist, fine, but you have a creepy afinity for the messianist mosrim. You don’t need to grow a beard if you choose not to, just a drop of kavana during vlamalshinim.
$2,468,935 From WAP, Where is it?
The CHJCC received from the WAP (Weatherization Assistance Program) $2,468,935.
Now to upgrade a small house to use better energy would cost about $10,000. At average a (fair size) home has no more than 15 windows at $200.00, plus installation at $100.00, we are holding at $4,500.00 a home.
With a good boiler upgrade at $5000.00 including labor we should see in Crown Heights no less than 240 homes with new windows.
Where are they?
But this is only one example that everyone can see on the web at:
We can find plenty more (CHJCC Scams) and we will .
Remember the Internet is a great tool and we will use it.
A Mesage To Zaki Tamir
Mr. Zaki Isaac B. Tamir you went on Sunday (December 12, 2010) on a hate blog (col) to bash members of our community who did not do any bad to you or to Crown Heights, in fact they only do good work (may G-d bless them).
Unlike those good people you bashed you did not do anything to make Crown Heights a better place.
I attended the Shomrim six trial a few times and I had the pleasure to meet you there. You saw yourself how many people of the community, young and old came to show their support, it is safe to say that the court room was full of supporters everyday. You know yourself how much money this community spent to help the Shomrim pay the high legal bills.
Yet, you go on the col hate blog, who did not support the Jews and us this so called “media” to bash Jews? Are you just another Anti Semite?
We have in Crown Heights for the longest time two news Website, and, we did not see you on any one of the Crown Heights Websites talking. Instead you paid for time on a hate Blog run by newcomers?And why is it that we have only heard from you in regards to this propaganda, where were you these past six mouths?
We are going to watch you and Eli Cohen very very closely. Your lies will only have effect on you not anyone else . And the hate you are spreading in Crown Heights will come back to hunt you.
I saw you standing on Kingston and Crown, watching the NYPD illegally tow a shomrim truck and drove a shomrim scooter on Shabbos, stealing a Shomrim radio and you didn’t say a thing.
I did not see any fights from Shomrim against police, just by you and more haters using the Arab and anti Semitic way to spread lies.
Jews have ways to resolve conflicts and going on hate Blogs like col to bash JEWS is not one of them. And yes until now not one of the bloggers received from any Rabbis any EDICT pertaining to Bloggers behavior, so all your 23 minutes on a real hate blog is ONE BIG LIE and we will call you as we see it a…
Having bad friends
Zaki Tamir made a bad move by allowing Sperlin to take him around to the politicians. It made him look weak and inexperienced. There is also the fact that the community voted the Moser Chanina Sperlin out, this means we don’t want to see his face representing us in any way or form.
Zaki may be getting intimidated behind the scenes, these Mosrim play hardball and they will use every dirty trick in the book to wear Zaki down.
71st precinct Targeting Shomrim
Inspector Peter Semminetti from the 71st precinct Targeting Shomrim/Crown Heights Jewish Community:
Crown Height Shomrim scooters being targeted by the inspector of the 71st precinct, Peter Semminetti.
Also notice how the traffic agent mentions the guys up on Eastern Pkwy and the other Scooter guys, known as the Shmira/COP.
As of July 3rd, 2009, the word coming out of the precinct is, that every officer was ordered to ticket anything Shomrim!. Whose behind all this? What was the crimes that the volunteers of Shomrim committed? How will this end?
Who are the guys jumping up and down fighting? Whose fighting with whom?
Notice in video: There is no one from Shomrim bashing anyone else.
“were both here for the same thing, why all the hating?”
(Aron Hershkop Shomrim coordinator)
Where is Zaki Tamir?
Zaki Isaac b. Tamir where do you live? Are you not aware of the complaints made to your neighbor next door? Are you not aware of the over 200 complaints made by Shmira and its members? When did you know about those complaints being made and what have you done to stop them? Where will you stand when the whole Crown Heights will see the evidence? Because it is a communal matter, isn’t it?? What will you say then?
Zaki Isaac b. Tamir is the problem that to many people are asking for assistance, and your response is “no money no resources”, so they ask how are these Shomrim guys doing it without any resources, without any money? So you like your predecessors come up with this brilliant idea “if I shut down Shomrim, if I shut down anyone else who is doing good, ill be the supreme leader”.
Zaki Isaac b. Tamir you say that the only people who can handle the police is you. Zaki your a lawyer, no? You know the law if its legal its legal for everyone if its illegal it’s illegal for everyone. Where do you get this idea that you are the decision maker in everyones private life?
Where exactly have you gotten the idea that protecting the police from criticism makes us safer? What have you done for the community? We know you stood by and watched the Shomrim command post being towed by Simmonetti’s men. So your idea was to have the police move all its vehicles onto Kingston Ave., to fool us in to feeling safe, sure! Because instead of being around to protecting against crime, you had them protect against Shomrim.
I know you like to live in denial about crime. This weeks death was non-racial, Mr. Mervyn Johnson is a good man, it was over money. How many Jewish kids got mugged over the last few weeks at gun-point. What would you have done if a kid denied the mugger his $10 and would have G-d forbid gotten shot? Yes I know, it would be a perfect time for a photo shoot, it would be perfect time to collect more money (another opportunity to bring up the riots and make the issue about race). You and that man-child Chanina Sperlin don’t give a sh** about the community.
Yes, its not for no reason you had no choice but to let Chanina Sperlin and that Eli Cohen guy remain in the community. It’s not for no reason Yossi Hackner does not want to involved. We know you are running away with the pot, while the people of this great community are starving.
Zaki Issac B. Tamir we are awaiting your response.
Mossrim Go Out!!!
It’s nearly six mounts since you where first elected to Chairman of the Vaad. More than 1,700 residents voted for you. The vote and elections was taken as a mandate “cut out all this bs – its time for the Vaad to work for the community and not against”. In fact, you Zaki Tamir ran your campaign on such promises, the promise to help resident with jobs, finances, and other social needs. When people casted their vote for you, as opposed to the Mosser Chanina Sperlin, it was because they wanted the Mossrim out, they wanted the thief’s and crooks out.
Well six mounts after we elected you (for change), what can you show for it? The Mosser Chanina Sperlin, who was voted out, is still (somehow) in the CHJCC. Eli Cohen the crook who was the Executive Director with the false Vaad (of Mossrim) is currently running your Vaad.
Are you not embarrassed? What exactly have you done to help any one in the community? Where are the programs you promised? Have you ever read the description of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council INC. Do you know what your objective is supposed to be?
Whoever made the Community Council in charge of our speech and any other aspects of out private lives?
Zaki Tamir, “who the hell do you think you are?” You go and write a letter forcing the Rabbis to sign, banning any interaction with police. Is that your mission, is that why you were elected? Tell us, what have you done for any of the victims, who were mugged, robbed and traumatized? What measures have YOU taken to curb the crime?
Last week your employee Eli Cohen said there was no crime and it was made up by websites. Today you are trying to strong ARM whoever reports on it? How many people will die for your agenda? Last night a 50-60 year old black man was, unfortunately, shot point-blank. How will you explain to the 10 children of a Jewish man, if G-d forbid the story would have read “a 40-50 year old Jewish man was shot point-blank”? In fact what you going to tell the family of the man shot yesterday “because of my stupidity there were no police around? Do you think this is a joke? Covering for police inaction is a joke?! That is their jobs, they get paid to protect. And yes, if they do a bad job one can and should complain. How do you explain nearly putting this community through another riot over stupidity? What you did with that sham of a meeting was OK, but reporting crime is not?
Zaki Tamir are you afraid of something? Is there some corruption going on and you don’t want the community to know about it? Because we know all about it! Zaki can you explain what you have done as you stood and watched the police tow away the Shomrim command post? Yep, you were there, you are in fact a witness. Can you tell us what you have done for the Bochurim who were illegally stopped? Because we noticed how they reacted in Boro-Park-Midwood- last week when a very similar incident accord. What have you done for the girl who was mugged, today its mugged and G-d forbid tomorrow its rape. What will you do then? “The police assured me they are protecting”, are you stupid? Really!
Mendle Hendel and Eli Cohen
Are you not ashamed to be working hand in hand with Mendle Hendel and his Mossrim friends, to use the Rabbis as your scapegoat, so no complaints should come to you. How do you dare have a letter written without bringing the oppositions to a Din Torah? Or are you just “afraid” the infringing on someone’s first amendment is a call for a lawsuit. So let the Rabbis take the fall?
Zaki Tamir come out with a resignation letter or an explanation letter, because WIS has too much and is itching to put it out for the public to see and judge.
Some things you should all know:
Rule number 1 for any good communist dictator: take down all opposition, starting with media. Either take control or shut them down. Information is power, if you control the information you have the power.
a. The letter was written/drafted by a lawyer.
b. The Letter is illegal.
c. The Beth Din gets paid by the CHJCC.
#43: +1 agree strongly.
Wow, Mandy #62
Thanks for pointing this out to us.
Now that you identified the problem, maybe now you can suggest a proper solution (instead of just “bickering”)?