Op-Ed: Lag Baomer – Achdus?!

by Arron Zalmenson.

Lag B’omer we will be organizing a parade that will be a great Kidush Hashem and surely bring the Rebbe nachas. The parade’s central theme will be a tremendous display of achdus.

Unfortunately the display of achdus isn’t carried through internally. An exuberant amount of money and energy will be spent and will result in a kidush hashem of epic proportions. However if a very important point isn’t internalized, we Lubavitcher Chasidim – the gate keepers of Toras haBa’al ShemTov, purveyors of achdus Yisroel – will leave the parade unchanged and as internally fragmented as the day before lag be’omer.

Wrong! I’m not referring to the fragmented state of affairs in Crown Heights. I’m addressing – albeit the root cause – an internal fragmentation and dysfunctional understanding of how we understand Chabad Chasidus.

In a home where there is no Sholom Bayis, the first step to creating an environment where Sholom Bayis can flourish is respect. Respect is the foundation on which healthy relationships can be built.

We respect yidden, who are less frum than us. We flaunt their virtue, promote them on our web sites and see them as our own. However, fellow frumeh yidden who serve the Aibershter with heart and soul are often not given prominence, worse yet they often don’t get our basic respect. A prevailing attitude is; they’re not Lubavitcher; they’re “Snags or Hunkeys”.

Achdus between yidden is like Sholom Bayis. There can’t be true achdus if we don’t respect they’re frumkiet!

This issue also runs at the core of our internal issues. A yid who’s primary purpose in this world is to serve Hashem (a.k.a. a Chossid), should be inspired by a fellow frumeh yid! Whether that person is a “Hunkey or a Snag” makes no difference! A fellow frumeh yid deserves your respect! Not because you want do be mekarev him, because he’s frum!

Until we internalize this concept of respect toward fellow frumeh yidden, forget any form of true achdus. Beyond well-paid celebrities and the crowds they typically draw, achdus will be relegated to a meaningless slogans and mantras together with tznius and other topics, which are chewed over and rehashed ad-nauseam.

Identifying as a Lubavitcher must stem from a deep commitment to Chasidus Chabad, Hidur Mitzvah and Limud Hatorah. When we lack these fundamental components our identity as “Lubavitcher” morphs into clanisim. Shlichus turns into a club, our rabbanim are not respected and we slowly drift apart from our fellow frumeh yidden.

Lets take a moment to internalize who we are. It will give the Rebbe nachas and bring Moshiach.


  • :)

    I like this article! And lets not forget Axhdus amonst Lubavitchers regardless theri belief!

  • A shliach

    very well said! a long over due statment.
    but I believe most of anash feel this way for many years.

  • mister vister

    Powerful message. Hope your article causes serious reflection and the change we need to have!

  • be happy :)

    this article has a good point. i wish that the lubavitcher who wrote it would think and therefore write in a more positive tone. having a positive outlook makes you happier and it is truely contagious.

  • chaim ber

    i think the problem is deeper….if you didn’t go on shilichus after your marriage your friends turn on u. They need your money but no moral support what so ever

  • To Chaim Ber, and Crown Heights

    I also think that people in Crown Heights may forget that they too are shluchim of the Rebbe, charged with living by Torah and Chassidishe standards, and spreading those messages with Ahavas Yisroel in whatever way they can.

    May we all be zoche to be effective shluchim of the Rebbe at this parade, and always, by demonstrating our frumkeit, tzniuskeit and Chassidishkeit to the best of our abilities.

  • mister vister

    response to Chaim Ber.

    I feel for you. but I don’t think it stems from the same problem. The problem you are experiencing with your friends is that they have lost (or they never had) an individual self worth. so their entire worth is the fact that they are shluchim. and they see everything thru those glasses. so they don’t have any room in themselves for a normal healthy relationship on a human level just with friends.

    On the other hand, you need to have serious reflection of what cause you have in creating such a situation to happen. There is definately a part that you play. Your friends may see you as beeing too needy and expecting too much of their attention, so they feel it easier to just avoid you altogether.

    Just fyi I am not a councelor and hence I am not qualified at all to give the above advice. so you would do better if you discussed this issue with a mashpia or a councelor. good luck.

  • Achdus

    Very well written article this IY”H will be a wonderfull event and hopefully will inspire us to promote achdus amongst fellow Frumme Yidden.

  • moshiach now!

    lets also not forget achdus amongst our own lubavitchers despite beliefs!

  • Unity

    A first step to Shalom Bais is to “GET TOGETHER”
    which is the focus of this parade.

  • Shoshana Z.

    Most people get the message? Maybe on one level but then why do I hear of Satmar men being called “Yoelies?” Yes they call us Lubies but two wrongs don’t make a right. I literally cringe everytime I hear someone talk about a “snag.” There doesn’t seem to be enough people who really embrace every type of Jew whether they’re Yeshivish, MO, Sephardic, Lubavitch, Bobov or “just plain frum.”

    Also at a local event a few years ago I remember one speaker who was otherwise excellent talking about chagas chassidim in a fairly patronizing way. This type of behavior brings us down.

    So I agree wholeheartedly. I’d also like it if shluchim and aish or another litvishe “kiruv” organization would get together and do one event a year together to show achdus in various communities. Wouldn’t that show major achdus and be Moshiachs tzeiten?

  • foncused

    maybe im dumb but this article is very confusing, what are you trying to say??? what does this have to do with money being spent or the parada davka?

  • green

    This issue of “sangs” or “honkies” is not a big issue in chabad – i don’t see us lubavitchers looking down on other chassidim or frume yidden much…there are those few exceptions..but it is not a big problem, issue as it does not happen as often as you made it seem in the article….

  • green

    This issue of “sangs” or “honkies” is not a big issue in chabad – i don’t see us lubavitchers looking down on other chassidim or frume yidden much…there are those few exceptions..but it is not a big problem, issue as it does not happen as often as you made it seem in the article….

  • Aaronson

    The problem is the better than you, I’ll teach you attitude. Yes, we have the gift of chasidus and it enriches one’s divine service. But, it must be accompanied by respect and bittul. Not ch“v arrogance cloaked in ”yafutzu”.

  • Whether that person is a “Hunkey or a Sn

    Whether that person is a “Hunkey or a Snag” makes no difference!
    uh buddy… so its ok to refer to them as snags? as long as you domt tell it to them

  • boro parker

    thanks so much for a beautiful article, i couldnt of said it any better!!
    chazak ve’ematz

  • thinking

    what does it mean that despite beliefs…how can i like someone whos whole agenda is to destroy my rebbe’s agenda

  • With friends like these...

    Dear Auther Sheyichye
    it seems you too have a lot to learn about the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov. While you have many good points you seem to mix everything in to one cholent.
    Yes we need to improve with our Achdus but don’t you think joining together in jewish unity and pride is a great start?
    So instead of sitting, not helping the situation and giving your musar about the “corupt” parade how about a nice encouraging article about what a great opertunity it is to remember that this unity must be internelized instead of sounding like an angry Maggid.
    But understanding your style you probably have something against every mivtza vida”l. Anyway thanx for the counter advertisement I guess Yated neeman can take it easy this year
    please think about it a little (longer next time) may we merit true and full achdus and march together all jews as one in the great parade towards the Geula.
    Sincerely. Menachem

  • take into consideration

    As a Lubavitclther I would like to state a few points that we should all take into account.
    -I have seen very close friendships between people on the opposite poles of the Lubavitch specture, we need to agree to disagree and that is the only way for Lubavitch to go on right now because it is very hard to change other peoples beliefs. As we see among the many types of orthodox jews there are many approaches to Yiddiskite ALL VALID.
    -I grew up on shlichus and always felt it was comfortable to be frum when people accepted that I wear a long skirt because I am an orthodox Jew, and not that I am looked down in certain frum communities because my skirt actually covers my knee. We need to resect other Jews Lubavitch or non Lubavitch commitment to go on to another level in Yiddishkite.



  • Mendel

    Unzer zibooris is something that came down from generations, we didn’t make it up. What about Chayolei Bais Dovid? We were chosen and prepared for a special mission by the Rebbeim. Maybe you are against “ata bechartonu” as well..

  • M M bara sh

    Besides the sour tone good point! but you are being unfair to put this on the WORLD WIDE WEB without a bit of understanding where most of this problem came from contiuing the new tradition of forgeting facts and history! what ever the Nesiei Chabad revolutionised (which are mostly all excepted today; denying where it came from e.g. hashgocho protis, arichus hatfila kiruv vichulu vchulu) where originaly shuned and mocked (as today with moshiach and worse beyodayim kiyaduah layodim) chassidim understood that mhen thor nit nispoel verin un mhen darf shtein hecher as shevet Levi stood with Moshe at conflicting situations… but SOME people instead of rising ABOVE they just put others down (as the unfortanate human nature of many is) which most definetly needs to be corrected in the PROPER manner and context


    i absolutely agree with this article. there are SO many things that a person can learn from litvish people for example. like their tznius

  • just my opinion

    Well written…but I don’t understand it. Just what are you trying to say?

    I thought you were going to discuss the problem of offending 98% of parade-attendees by waving massive yellow flags & behaving like idiots. THERE is the root cause of Chabad’s “dysfunction” for want of a better term.

    As far as I know, the parade is organized to be non-political. That means the people with the flags need to respect that & leave their agendas home. Or stay away.

    As for “snags” & “Honkeys”…I really think you’re overreacting. Try devoting your sense of outrage to making sure all parties within Lubavitch behave appropriately & make a Kiddush Lubavitch for just one day.

  • bored souls!

    if people don’t like this article, they don’t have to express it!

  • Achdus

    Looking forward to this wonderfull parade. Thank you in advance to all who are helping to make this parade great and full of Achdus amongst Yidden. IY”H this will promote continued achdus in the future amongst all Yidden.

  • CSC

    What is a “hunkey”? I know what a “snag” is, but I never heard of the other word.

    (Sorry, as a “BT,” I’m a bit innocent.)

  • Shoshana Z.

    Btw, to those who’d like to bash the Yated, keep in mind one of the biggest supporters Rabbi Sholom Ber Rubashkin has is its publisher who has not only published full page ads in his paper for months but he established a pidyon shiviyum fund as well and wrote long articles in his support throughout the trial and afterward.

  • Aaron Zalmenson

    Dear With friends like these…

    The parade is a great event and necessary! It was initiated by the Rebbe and MUST carry on.

    We are bringing in non chabad charaidi Entertainers and reaching in to the frum community to get them to attend to do something as a unified frum community.

    my question is; you might as well have done a conference on tznius or an asifah stressing the chiyuv to listen to a rov. its pointless!! Its farfalen!! sad?!

    The event cannot have the desired affect when internally the attitude is the polar opposite.

    Many of us love and respect deeply every frumeh yid. but there is an unfortunate attitude of disrespect that exists among some of us. that attitude must be addressed and eradicated.

  • Moshiach Now!

    I Love this article! Its true to the point! Thank you for posting it! Moshiach Now!!

  • eli

    af al pi SHELO chotoh yisroel hu!
    unfortunately we seem to forget the basics of chassidus not only when dealing with non lubavitchers, but also within lubavitch. sometimes i feel that the beauty of chssidus is “wasted” on mivtzoim.

    if i am not mistaken, chabad is NOT an outreach organization. the beautiful work that the shluchim are doing should be a result of ahavas yisroel. and even if its done only because the rebbe told us to (nothing wrong aderaba) the rebbe “also” cared about lubavitchers who did aveiros no?

    im hoping very few of you know what im talking about, i just happened to be exposed to this problem and have seen its negative results.

    under the assumption that people who call themselves lubavitch have learned at least a little bit chassidus, i wonder how we manage to miss the chassidus part of it.

  • Unite all diffrent kinds jews

    reading this article you may think that chabad is the only group out there that is Looking to devide its sellff forom klal yisroel when the oposite is clearly true. Yes we know that we are unique. to be so lucky as to have the prevelige of addvancing the rebbes vision. We dont think that we are more jewish than any other jew. charaidi or not. But we do have a special job to do and we know it. and thats a ok.
    Yiddin always had diffrent shvotim and difrent custums. Chabad didint invent that.
    There allways were diffrences. The main thing is to point out our unity “yachad shivtey yisroel”. thats the point of all the lag b’omer parades world wide. Jewish unity. Stand together. Respect each other.

    Be possitive. it’s better and more efective.

  • yuo gotta ove every jew no mattter what!

    to thinking:
    learn prek lamed bais tanya if youd like to find out…no one says uts easy its an avodah but a level we can all reach!

  • missed the point

    It seems like the author missed the point. We dont chas vesholom love yidden cause we want to be mekarev them, we love them cause their Jews, and thats the only reason.