It came as no surprise when Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg was announced as mayor re-elect for his third term in office, but what was surprising was the much narrower win with which Bloomberg took the victory.
Opinion: Does Crown Heights have a Political Action Committee?
It came as no surprise when Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg was announced as mayor re-elect for his third term in office, but what was surprising was the much narrower win with which Bloomberg took the victory.
Highlighting the narrow victory was the New York Times article about the anxiety which followed amongst Bloomberg campaign staffers, who the mayor showered with bonuses last election when he won by a whopping 19.4 percent, which translated into $1.55 million in bonuses.
So how much influence does Crown Heights really have? Polls showed that even with all the Crown Heights Jewish endorsements Bloomberg did not fare well at all. Chanina Sperlin, who heads up the CH PAC, own block didn’t vote for Bloomberg. The blocks that did vote Bloomberg only did so in margins under 9 percent.
This can be blamed on the last minute endorsements, and the little campaigning and advertising by the PAC, or the simple fact that the PAC has little to no following.
How does this translate in government programs and benefits for our Jewish community?
He Won by Default,Noone else running
I Know in Williamsburg and boro Park they are all ‘gung-ho’ on Bloomberg cuz he funds things for their Yeshivos….around here, all it seems he’s good for is TICKETING! TICKETING !TICKETING!!!! Just look in BP or Will and you see that alternate side parking is once or twice a week….why are we subject to it SIX Out of seven days????Gimme a break,the guy is a greedy good for nothing.
I’ll tell you what happend. Not meny jews vote in ch. It’s mainly blacks, who are all pro thompson, also look at the map, all the blocks that voted Bloomberg has a majority of jew on that block. (every block from eastern parkway to empire bet. Kingston and brooklyn voted for Bloomberg)
we are just sick of his ticketing…115 for a ticket is on par with rape….you can do nothing about it….if you get a cell phone ticket,,,then get another a year later the judge says oh second offender another 50.00… sick of this bs….bloomy has to change course.
We should look to Hashem for support not politicians. The hearts of the king are in the Hands of G-d.In G-d we trust.
I dont like bloomberg but....(to He Won)
Maybe he would give our mosdos money if we asked for it with out killing each other. the JCCand vaad in willy and boropark do amazing things for the communities that they serve, what doese our vaad do besides cause trouble and politics? what has the CHJCC done for any jew lately? and as far as alternate side goes….try keeping the streets clean and you can get a petition on your street for street cleaning once a week (per side) and it will be done.
I dont like bloomberg but....(to He Won)
Maybe he would give our mosdos money if we asked for it with out killing each other. the JCCand vaad in willy and boropark do amazing things for the communities that they serve, what doese our vaad do besides cause trouble and politics? what has the CHJCC done for any jew lately? and as far as alternate side goes….try keeping the streets clean and you can get a petition on your street for street cleaning once a week (per side) and it will be done.
Where-s the code?
What do the different colors and shades thereof on the map indicate?
I am appalled that they can break up voting patterns into blocks!!! Where is the privacy of the vote anymore???? Next they will start showing which houses voted for whom!!!!!!
looking for an enemy
i still think the CH PAC has a following
its just that we need an enemy to get our votes to come out, we didnt have an enemy this time around.
i think next time if there is a chance to get rid of clarck youl have people coming out
The only thing Chanina is good for is mesira.
Whom else would have such pull to arrest the shomrim six (an arrest that took 3 weeks). The arresting officer stated that the reason he has to make the arrest is because of political presser from above.
I also heard a buzz about a new community council opening up.
a neighborhood resident
Almost everyone who stated their opinion is right on target.People do vote.They don’t appreciate the phoniness the mesira the threats etc. from the phonies that hijacked the Vaad Hakahal,the community council etc. they lie thru their teeth try to take credit for a agreement they had nothing to do with the secrecy etc. then they steal community money & use it on mailings dictating who they want to kiss up to & enrich en themselves. We need real leadership unity & cooperation
neighborhood resident: yes, your comment reeks of leadership, unity and cooperation.
There is no such thing as a real CH Political Action Committee. There is one person named Chanina Sperlin who made up a phony committee and made up a list of names of people who used to meet but whose purpose was only to make Chanina’s choices look real. The poltiicians don’t understand Hasids and their Jewish aides know that Crown Heights has very low vote turnout and the Vaad politics makes it counterproductive to waste their time.
Chanina was closer to Bill Thompson than Bloomberg, yet he personally endorsed Bloomberg . Was there a committee meeting? Was there even a committee to meet?
Crown Heights residents have nobody to blame but themselves for this Chelm-like antics to end. Unless someone like Beryl Sugar steps forward, Chanina will continue to operate his paper tiger, make endorsements, turn out no vote of significance, and still get all of his silly photographs.
Ironic, but look at the 2005 Bloomberg vote when the tarnished Rubashkin put al lot of money and manpower into the campaign and turned out a much higher vote. This is not rocket science, folks.
Avi, the blocks you complain about are election districts. election districts make up the bread and butter of vote reporting. There is no one big vote for Brooklyn, but a thousand plus election districts. You add them up and report the votes.
Too bad they don’t teach civics in yeshiva.
“What do the different colors and shades thereof on the map indicate?”
More red = Bloomberg
More Blue = Thompson.
CH, as it happens, was a red island in a sea of blue. And, *that* will be remembered in City hall for the next four years.
angry abt the law
ok basicly i was in the car driving around and i was double parked the police wrote the ticket with out even aproching the car at first then put down the ticket on the window and walked away i was just so shocked on what just happened i mean okay u want to give me the ticket i get it but the least you can do is place it in my hand and give me some apolegtic look and only then will i not be that angry those police want some manners and honer 1st learn then expect !!!
Ask Eli Slavin if Chanina consults with anybody b/4 he endorses a candidate. And yet when Chanina tells Slavin to jump, all he asks is “How high.” It’s time Chanina’s enablers, starting with Abba Paltiel, finally realize that it is NOT the community’s responsibility to stroke his ego at the expense of all of us. He has a family, let them take responsibility for him, besides just giving him an allowance. Your so-called chesed is entirely misplaced.
“ok basicly i was in the car driving around and i was double parked the police wrote the ticket with out even aproching the car at first then put down the ticket on the window and walked away i was just so shocked on what just happened i mean okay u want to give me the ticket i get it but the least you can do is place it in my hand and give me some apolegtic look and only then will i not be that angry those police want some manners and honer 1st learn then expect !!!”
Actually, you have a defense under Vehicle & Traffic Law sect. 238: he/she/it is supposed to ask you for ID and record it (or the notation “ID refused”) on the ticket and personally serve it on you. Failure to do is grounds for dismissal.