Let me begin by saying that I have no doubt as to the sincere motivation of all who are serving in community posts today. That includes the rabbonim as well as the netzigim, gabboyim and vaad hakohol, Shomrim and Shmira etc.

However, something is just not working in Crown Heights. I have not lived there in some time, but even when I left, the beauty and kedusha of Kan Tziva Hashem es haBrocho, of the Rebbe’s Dalet Amos, was obscured by physical decline that mirrored the societal and spiritual decline which is sadly gaining a greater and greater foothold in Crown Heights.

We are beset by problems of children going off the derech, of adults who are barely hanging on physically as well as spiritually, of rising crime, and of a general atmosphere of decline. Then there is the problem of tznius which deserves separate mention, though sadly it is a problem throughout Chabad and not only in Crown Heights.

Op-Ed: They All Must Go, Time for Radical Change

Let me begin by saying that I have no doubt as to the sincere motivation of all who are serving in community posts today. That includes the rabbonim as well as the netzigim, gabboyim and vaad hakohol, Shomrim and Shmira etc.

However, something is just not working in Crown Heights. I have not lived there in some time, but even when I left, the beauty and kedusha of Kan Tziva Hashem es haBrocho, of the Rebbe’s Dalet Amos, was obscured by physical decline that mirrored the societal and spiritual decline which is sadly gaining a greater and greater foothold in Crown Heights.

We are beset by problems of children going off the derech, of adults who are barely hanging on physically as well as spiritually, of rising crime, and of a general atmosphere of decline. Then there is the problem of tznius which deserves separate mention, though sadly it is a problem throughout Chabad and not only in Crown Heights.

770, Beis Chayeinu, Beis Rabbeinu ShebBovel, is in a horrendous physical state, and it has sadly become the venue for weekly, if not daily, machloikes and infighting that has even ended in violence. Imagine the impression this makes on people who come to seek Yiddishkeit and true spirituality in Crown Heights, especially if they are sent to the shchuna by shluchim of the Rebbe throughout the world who remember what 770 and Crown Heights once were and know what they should really be.

And one of the reasons given by those who are in spiritual decline, no matter their age, is that if our so called leaders are spending all of their time arguing and involved in shady deals (real or imagined), then there really is chas vesholom no reason to strive in ruchnius because in the end it is chas vesholom all a scam.

This must stop, and sadly anyone who is now involved in community leadership through certain institutions is perceived, rightly or wrongly, as a part of the problem, even if his honest and sincere intention was to be part of the solution. That includes candidates in today’s contested elections, whether or not they have served in the past and no matter their records during past service.

Therefore, the only solution is a complete and radical overhaul of the leadership structure of Crown Heights, or, in plain street English, we need to throw them all out and start over again.

I know that this will be very difficult, but we cannot go down the same slippery slope of destruction that we have been descending for all too long now. For some reason, the present structure is not working, and the present system has to be changed to allow fresh faces to stem the decay.

So, as radical as it sounds, EVERYONE must be removed from their present positions and an interim leadership, beholden to no one and strictly accountable to the community, must be established .

Yes, the whole Beis Din must go; I know that in the case of one dayan whose service goes back to the time before Gimmel Tammuz, this is very difficult but as his name is so tarnished at this point, he must be at the very least given a paid sabbatical and a position of rabbinical advisor which would entail serving the community without any particular authority.

An interim Beis Din, consisting perhaps of rabbonim from outside Crown Heights or of qualified rabbonim who have not held official positions in the shchuna, would have to be established to hear dinei Torah and to clean up the present problems with kashrus (or, hopefully, to declare once and for all that the CHK hechsher is indeed up to standards and to make it clear that political statements against it are simply loshon horo with no basis in halacha, and therefore ossur). It would be monitored by a community body which would be responsible for paying necessary salaries as well as being sure that shylas are being answered in a timely manner by accessible rabbonim and that no questions of being nogeia bedovor arise in the case of particular dinei Torah.

The community body would be made up of volunteers who would represent groups with a real stake in the success of Crown Heights, such as respected local Anash merchants, mechanchim, rabbonim of the newer shuls who do not have a history with the Netzigim, successful businessmen with no record of shenanigans having to do with local property, civil servants with connections in the city, state and federal bureaucracy, and just plain Anash with ahavas Yisroel and a desire to serve. An outside body would have to screen the volunteers for various reasons; this body can be made up of shluchim and rabbonim from out of town or even be a professional firm or psychology practice which handles screenings (if such a thing exists).

This body would be responsible for taking care of the physical aspects of the community; paying the rabbonim as mentioned above, attracting any available government aid to beautify the shechuna, assisting the most needy members of the community through well administered tzedoko and gemach funds as well as through proper dealings with Jewish and general poverty and medical relief funds, immigrant aid and the like. It would also set up programs for youth in distress and for adults who are questioning or falling through the cracks – in short everything the Vaad HaKohol tried to do but never quite did. And it would foster a spirit of “ish es reehu yaazoiru,” or volunteerism, where people would know that they could put their talents to use in bettering their community in various ways, from assisting a family that is following to even physical work repairing an old community building that could become a lounge for youth etc. This body would also have to deal with the infighting between Shomrim and Shmira, and appoint a police liaison who presents a unified voice and leads a new, unified patrol, made up of the best members of the present forces as well as new volunteers. Ideally, every block would have a volunteer street patrol, under police auspices and with police training, and if it included decent Black residents of Crown Heights as well, it might even be more effective as they have less patience for hooligans than we do.

As for the netzigim and gabboyim, the former would need to be replaced by the body above so as not to breed too many organizations, and the latter by a volunteer and grass roots “Vaad Beis Chayenu”, representing both Yechi and non-Yechi daveners and including those who are concerned about 770 and can be of assistance even if they do not live in Crown Heights. The Vaad would be charged with the task of returning order to 770, removing the elements which cause physical damage and violence, and somehow setting up a schedule which allows for both Yechi and non-Yechi daveners to feel comfortable. Ideally, cleanup would make it possible to fundraise for an enlarged 770 that would allow for separate minyonim that would be the responsibility of community mashpiim who would in turn set the tone of their particular minyonim with shiurim, speeches, kiddushim etc.

I would also hope that the new bodies would spearhead the formation of a cadre of real Chassidishe mashpiim who would take it upon themselves to raise the spiritual level of Crown Heights through shiurim and other activities that keep the flame of Chassidus going and help people internalize it in these days of doubled darkness that must be turned into light.

What is most important is that all the kingmakers, no matter their intentions, must be removed from the system during this period. Everyone who serves must be accountable only to the community at large, or to a specific segment of the community that truly has special needs, such as immigrants or youth at risk. And anyone who even thinks to use his volunteer position as a way to personal gain would have to be removed very quickly and very decisively.

Assuming this is feasible (and I know that some of the details are sketchy; I left Kan Tziva several years ago and do not remember all of the various functions, or malfunctions, of the present leadership bodies in Crown Heights), it would ideally be a temporary, 2-5 year situation which would then make it possible to hold elections for elected versions of the new leadership structures. And elections would mean term limits, audits, open book policies, referendums and all other checks and balances needed to ensure a well functioning community.

I know that what I propose is very difficult. Maybe I have some or all of the technical details wrong; I don’t mind someone correcting me so that we can come to another, more workable plan. But we Lubavitchers have done many things that the world had deemed impossible when it comes to helping our fellow Jew. Now it is time to direct our special Lubavitch koichos inside, to the Rebbe’s very own shechuna.

Disclaimer: I do not live in Crown Heights anymore and have no family there. I have no vested interest in the present system or in a new system; I just want to see the heiliger Yidden who live in Crown Heights living in the atmosphere that the Rebbe wants for us, so that when Moshiach stands up on the gag bais hamikdash, he will see what a great job we did to bring him here!

This Op-Ed reflects the views of its author. It does not necessarily reflect the views of CrownHeights.info nor of its Editors.

A reader that wishes to make his or her voice heard on any topic of their desire is welcome to submit his or her Op-Ed to News@CrownHeights.info.


  • chaim shmuel

    The Only way to resolve this is to go to a third party beis din which both rabonim agree to go to which is the beis yosef beis din of boro park both rabbi osdoba and rabbi shvey agree to go and submit to the final psak from that beis din so in essence there is no need for any elections until that psak comes out and then all the rabinom will agree to the elections in unity there is no need at all for court

  • ha ha

    and you spent all that time to write that long op-ed? You must be looking for a job, man. But don’t take heart – you have good intention but don’t waste so much time on it… :)

  • We can all have bright ideas...

    What Crown Heights lacks is true leadership – People who are capable stepping up to the plate.

    With an essay like this encouraging people to take on the reigns of leadership, I find it perplexing and disappointing that you can’t put your name on your writing…

  • Praying for ahavas yisroel

    I do not nor have I ever lived in Crown Heights nor do I really know much of what goes on there except for what I read and it is a shame. Being a baal teshuva I unfortunately never got a chance to be with the Rebbe, but I do read and hear wonderful things for all that the Rebbe stood for and tried to get us to follow. It breaks my heart to see and hear what is going on. I agree with the writer that it is hard to teach our children when they see such negative examples. I also agree with the writer that there should be elections for leadership. Perhaps at the annual shluchim convention this can be addressed and voted on as there seems to be a worldwide representation of Chabad leadership there. As in any democratic government, there should be term limits to enable all of the people to be heard and represented. Maybe passing this leadership to the younger generation and giving them a voice will help with the all of the problems that are arising in that generation. Chabad and the Rebbe mean so much in my life and I would hope it to continue in generations to come. Please for the sake of all of the future we must stop this fighting, respect one another as individuals, and have the ahavas yisroel that will bring Moshiach speedily. AMEN!

  • I live in CH now

    If you really believed in what you said, and truly didn’t live here anymore, than be a man and post your name to your article.
    Then, step up to the plate and start the process somehow.
    It’s easy to sit (especially when “far away”) and criticise.

  • Agree

    Well said; I agree wholeheartedly! I wish this were possible, but to remove people from positions, when they have already demonstrated that they plan to fight to the death – their own, and that of all around them r”l – then what hope do we honestly have? And with community members (frum and frei alike – if fact, most are somewhere in between nowadays) who act like cowboys in the wild west, using voilence, blackmail, etc. etc. to push their agendas? Who in their right mind would want to lead a community of ill-mannered, hostile and often dangerous people?!? We need real shluchim – or better yet, psychologists – to come and pick up the filthy mess that is ironically still called Crown Heights.
    Better yet, let G-d send the long overdue Geulah immediately.

  • Forever One we will go far.....

    Great Op-Ed.
    I agree and would like to add that not only do the Crown Heights institutions need a fresh start, Aguch, Merkos and Machane Yisroel, which has been fomenting much of the discord over the past 15 years, also needs an overhaul.

    All Anash in the world will have an opportunity to elect a new Aguch will will then staff a level headed and representative Aguch, Merkos and Machane. I am quite sure that the vast majority of Anash realizes that the Pirud Halvovos has hurt us all.

    מענין לענין באותו ענין, Whoever did not hear Rabbi Gluckowsky in 770 this past Shabbos after Mincha, should find out what he said. Perhaps he can repeat it on a weekday, so that it can be recorded and then played back again and again until it finally sinks in to our precious heads.
    A Gut Chodesh

  • Moshe Haber

    Some of this is emese food for thought. But why can’t you leave your name?

  • chosid

    lets start to actuali do somting
    in the near futer there will be a farbrangen for shmira and shomrim members to get togeter members and ther frends famli pleas incureg the units to show up and we can start making some achdus

  • Everyone must go???

    The message you are telling us is that terror pays.

    Sling enough lashon horah, motzie shem rah, on the Rav who has been Marah D’asrah for 23 years, along with Rabbi Heller may he live and be well, mock him at public gatherings, spread lies and rumors about his kashrus supervision, create a ruckus during the Reading of the Torah, persecute his supporters, and mosser on them, and he will have to step down, while you shed your crocodile tears about how difficult that would be.

    Do you really think that’s the answer? Is it ever the answer? was it the answer to the controversy that surrounded the Alter Rebbe or the Baal Shem Tov? They too had their names “tarnished” by opponents who were not always motivated by the fear of Heaven. Maybe the Rebbe should have resigned, after all he had plenty opposition, or at least non-compliance even from his own Chassidim unfortunately, as can be seen in your articulate proposal, in which you admit that you left Crown Heights, presumably to enjoy life a bit.

    and how about signing your name to your “brave” proposal?

  • the benj

    nice of you to suggest radical change, but you did the unradical thing and did noy leave your name, pathetic, stand up for what u blv in.

  • Chanina Peltz

    It’s time that you all realized that you’ve become a bunch of freaks. I lived in Crown Heights in its heyday in the 1970’s. Life was tough, but it was good, people respected one another, were there to help one another to better themselves for goodness, not out of degredation. We do not become better by stepping on one another, we only become less of a community. We need to come together, not apart. Sit down and think about it for a minute, do you get more out of your children by chiding them, yelling at them and beating them or by reinforcing what they have done well. Do this with your community too, and see where it will take you. Enough finger pointing and name calling, shame on all of you!!!!!!

  • shlomie bigss

    yidishkeit and lubavitch are not democracy’s get over it already

  • Missed the point

    Not going to happen. Rabonus is handed down. If you notice we don’t vote for a rebbe either.

  • obvious

    why do you need his name For?

    use your brain

    Obviously he is a shliach




  • u dont sign bc it full of DISTORTIONS

    you have a blik and very sad perception of reality!

    do u really think that “ozav H es ho-oretz”

    do u really expect us to buy your bgross exadurations re 770’s condition,

    my friend! most of your negativity is woefully unbalanced or tempered by much of the progress and beauty that u ignore!
    ther rebbeh is NOT WRECKLESS!




    the rebbeh ain’t as irresponsible as u SUGGEST!

    the rebbeh never made an error, as the moshe of our generation,

    if moshe was subject to human error, it follows that the accuracy of the Torah is also, in question.

    learn a bit re ”vayaminu bahashem, U’VeMOSHEH avdo“
    what that intails!

    you will discover that if yidishkeit is real!!
    This ”leaderless period“ is almost over, to be ended by the fulfillment of the Rebbe’s promises!

    so please tone down your g-dless hashkofo, …your faithless scheptisism or ignorance in the Rebbe’s statements re the age we live in,

    and begin lighting up your ”gloomy“ perspective and dark depressive mindset with some ”uplifting” perspective re the bigger picture!

    namely the darkness of now proves the very immanence of the rebbe’s words being realized! (remember at the end, those who doubted the rebbeh, alway always were proven wrong at the end!)
    BIS A MORO SHCHORA? nem pil!!!

  • Community memeber

    Shomrim Member
    I’m a young man who wanted to make a difference and volunteer to help when ever, where ever (any time any place) every Jew no matter who. So I joined Shomrim. In Shomrim I found a group (or they found me) of people just like me, who want to help, who want to make a difference.
    This is just who we are (we don’t do what we do because we are in a group that does these thing, it’s because we do thing that we found (came together) and formed a group.

    The sad thing is, I never did anything to hurt anybody (neither any of my friends) yet their are those elements out there who are doing all they can to shut ME down (to shut me up), did I ever do anything to them, do I even know them? The answer is no!
    There is no limit to doing Chesed (good things), anybody can go out and help.

    Is it my (and my friends) fault that evil people are trying to destroy us. Is it my fault that they went and did a viscous Mesira on me and friends?

    I love what the Arthur here is trying to do, very nice on paper.
    You think you or anybody can speak to the people who are doing us harm to stop and decease?
    You ca not forget about right and wrong, good and evil, it does not work that way (you must pat attention to the facts).

    Good people will always be good and bad people will always be bad.

  • Levi

    The article in simpler English: Moshiach. Sorry to be a pessimist, but it ain’t gonna happen!

  • Stan

    Good idea, but perhaps you do not see the real reason. The Crown Hights has been slowly going down the drain after the Gimmel Tamuz. Perhaps it would be prudent to have an election to find a new Rebbe. Who knows — he might be Moshiah! :-)

  • Dear Mr I-ve got the solution

    I hate to pop your bubble, but your flash of inspiration is something everyone in CH has been wishing for th last ten years, and that everyone in CH knows will never happen. If you want advice that is practical and will be the first fundamental step in a long but steady road to recovery, get together with your friends and establish a Kehillah with its own board, treasurer, president, mashpiah and PAID Rov.

  • Esther

    I am a baalas tshuva who has never been to Crown Heights, but almost every time I visit this site I am appalled by the nasty, bitter, sarcastic and often personal tone of the comments people leave. Everyone can have their opinion, but it is possible to express it in a way that doesn’t demean someone else. Remember these are Jews you are talking to, not terrorists! If the Rebbe was going to read these comments, many would unfortunately be ashamed at their lack of ahavas yisroel. May we all have ahavas chinam to merit the coming of Moshiach.

  • pini baumgarten

    start a movement eat prunes,wehave to start by being an example,meaning kitsur shulchan oruch kipshuto.
    maybe then and only then,when we put ourselvs in the other guys shoes,we shall be able to begin to tackel the scrouge of the sitra achara.look at your fellow yid with aright eye, and at yourself with a reflerctive eye.
    think a bit what would berel baumgarten or hershl schusterman o.b.m. etc. do in a situation like this.
    think positive bechol hakvoid p.baumgarten

  • Mark

    MEIR RHODES is right! CH is no longer ONE community, but rather a combination of subcommunities. To the writer of the Op-Ed: what you’re purposing is a UTOPIA! I geuss you’ll have to wait for the redmption.

  • Bar Seichel

    I’m sorry, but I don’t know what the above article is about. I didn’t read it per the instructions of Melech HaMoshiach. Before Gimel Tammuz, Melech HaMoshiach defined a pashkvil as an unsigned letter which holds exactly ZERO value and should neither be read nor quoted. I can’t understand why there is so much discussion being generated by an entire website which basically fits the above description of being a pashkvil. Too many people with too much bitul Torah on their hands.

  • eli soble

    “..so that when Moshiach stands up on the gag bais hamikdash, he will see what a great job we did to bring him here!”

    I am surprised you are not aware that the Rebbe said, many times, this already occurred. Past tense. (some examples..nitzavim vyelech , 1990; chai sara 1991; Beis Rabeinu Shbebavel – kuntres mikdosh m’at)

  • A practical suggestion

    Very well written article, but the suggestions are not going to happen so easily.

    What is possible though is for people to concentrate on having their own “sub-communities” within CH, which will marginalize the warmongers jostling for power, and deprive them of what they crave.

    Sometimes you need to break apart a rotting structure and create smaller, healthier pieces, which can then be remolded together into a wholesome unified structure once again.

  • right on

    Excellent article. Excellent piece. Don’t think you need to pay too much attention to those who are criticizing it by telling you to put your name, though it would be great if you did so you could take a lead role in advocating for it. Gadol HaMe-ase Yoser Min HaO-se. But no reason you can’t be both (and no reason that if – for some reason – you won’t, that others can’t begin the process, as someone needs to do this.

  • Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone

    We are all equally the chassidim of the Rebbe.
    This is both a great merit and responsibility.
    People are suffering greatly, parnosoh is difficult, many of our youth and adults are questioning their Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit coupled with a high level of emotional degredation.
    35 years ago it was easy for me to leave behind a very comfortable secular life because Lubavitch offered spiritual truth, I together with my friends were nutured by eltere Chassidim of the highest calibre, selfless men and women who gave of themselves only because that is what a Chosid does.
    To have the Rebbe was something beyond measure he made life worth living.
    All is definitely not lost, we have each other.
    The Rebbe will assist us to make our community a thriving spiritual oasis and happy place to live in if we so desire.
    Lets us recommit to all the ideals of Chabad which shone through all the generations since the time of the Alter Rebbe.
    The myriad of problems which we now face will all be rectified as our commitment to achdus increases.