A few years ago, my son came home from Yeshiva. He told me about the discussions of the day in Yeshiva concerning the arguments between Rabbi Osdoba and Rabbi Schwai regarding the necessity of a filter for tap water. My son told me that the discussion became very heated amongst the bachurim and everyone began taking sides. I asked my son, “Which side did you take?“ He answered me, “When it comes to Rabbanim, I don’t take sides.”
I also have tried very hard to stay neutral, and B”H maintain a good relationship with both Rabbonim.
Op-Ed: Why We All Need To Vote
A few years ago, my son came home from Yeshiva. He told me about the discussions of the day in Yeshiva concerning the arguments between Rabbi Osdoba and Rabbi Schwai regarding the necessity of a filter for tap water. My son told me that the discussion became very heated amongst the bachurim and everyone began taking sides. I asked my son, “Which side did you take?“ He answered me, “When it comes to Rabbanim, I don’t take sides.”
I also have tried very hard to stay neutral, and B”H maintain a good relationship with both Rabbonim.
But as I walked home from Shul Friday night, a Balabos approached me and asked me if I had signed the letter supporting the community elections?
I replied “Yes”, and he asked me why I was taking a side.
The Rabbonim are divided. But the Rebbe said that the Rabbonim should stay out of the election process.
By not voting, am I not taking a side?
If the Rabbonim are arguing over whether you need a water filter, should I have one sink with a filter and one without to be Yotze LaChol Hadaos ( according to all opinions)? If the Rabbonim have a problem amongst themselves, why should they paralyze the democratic process of having elections for Vaad Hakol?
The by-laws on the CHJCC stipulate that there must be elections every three years. Over a year ago the Netizgim (representatives from the shuls in the community) were in the process of holding elections, but the process was halted because one of the Rabbonim claimed there could not be an election until there is Shalom between the Rabbanim.
If it is the case that we have to rely on the opposing Rabbonim and their biased advisers on both sides, then we can be sure that we will never have elections and we will never have a united Bais Din. Then we will never receive an honest accounting of the community finances, and we will never be able to move on.
As I wrote in a previous letter to the community, our “leaders” are failures, and the only way to fix up this community is do it by ourselves and not rely on the “leadership.”
In the last few years the respect for the Rabbonim and the community Hechsher has gone way down, the level of tznius has sunken to all time lows, and our self respect as a community has hit rock bottom. How could we tell our children to work out their problems, when the Rabbonim can’t even work out their problems?
The Rebbe spoke out strongly for elections. He gave everyone who voted in the first election a dollar. Have we become a communist regime that we don’t have any right to pick our community leaders?
If the Rabbonim have problems let them handle it in a Bais Din. If they can’t…….
It’s time for the community to open up it’s eyes. No matter how much good a Vaad member does, he cannot become a dictator. There need to be elections now, and if you don’t vote now then don’t complain later.
It’s very easy to complain about the candidates’ qualifications (or lack thereof). Especially when you do it anonymously, so you don’t have to take the heat for your words. If people think they could do better, then they should have run. If we don’t vote in this election and vote en mass, then we will definitely not have Shalom, and we will be able to blame only ourselves.
Friday, a bunch of thugs ripped down signs for the upcoming candidate forum.
Communism seems to be alive and well in Crown Heights! If you don’t vote, then you are voting for communism.
Going to court to stop the elections will definitely not bring Shalom to this community. It’s a terrible waste of community resources.
If we just look the other way without protesting, then we deserve what we get.
May we all be Zoche, to see the real Shalom with Mashiach Tzidkanu.
Michoel Chazan
This Op-Ed reflects the views of its author. It does not necessarily reflect the views of CrownHeights.info nor of its Editors.
A reader that wishes to make his or her voice heard on any topic of their desire is welcome to submit his or her Op-Ed to News@CrownHeights.info.
To leave the community alone with none to go to there is a big problem there. No Rebbe’ No Beis Din NO guide the community will be worse than it is now.If there is none to ask there will be more questions than need be. Bad idea!
We need to get together to do something and listen to who ever we vote for.
Why do i worry can’t vote anyway I am a woman.
Mr. Batt
There is a reason why we have a custom to learn P’ Avos each Shabbos & learn a Daf of M’ Sota each day. It does seem that now is the time for these things.
I whole heartly agree with Rabbi Michoel Chazan.
The Rabbonim have to come to a “total & clear” decision on a Din Torah. Meaning someone is right or wrong / innocent or guilty. Not making compromises.
I had Rabbi Schwai for a Rebbe in Bedford & Dean over forty years ago, in the 1960’s. Rabbi Schwei is a nice guy, a Talmud scholar BUT, too timid.
Rabbi Osdoba has a assistant/secretary who is a bully & a hoodlum. WE NEEDE NEW BLOOD / YOUNG BLOOD. The present Rabbonim should step aside for at least the present term.
Wait till next election.
If NO ACHDUS, THEN “CLOSE SHOP”. We are all doomed.
Rabbi Shlomo Ungar
Is this the Chazan that writes for the ‘Beis Hakisei’?
If so, i have just decided not to vote!!
Anyone that can write for such a magazine that is mechalel the name of Chabad, the Rebbe, doesnt deserve to have his opion listened to. End of Story.
Please correct me if i am wrong with regards the author.
I think that both the Rabbonim and the Vaad Hakohol don’t realize that they need to take the blame for Tznius and our kids not understanding the richness of Chabad. Teenagers who see fighting do not respect both those who are fighting and the ideals that they stand for. They can send out as many letters as they like regarding Tznius and beards, but one fight will cause more kids to go off the derech than a millions letters can bring back.
It’s time for both the Rabbonim and the Vaad Hakohol (both sides) to think deeply and decide whether they are achieving the goals they were elected for. If they are not, they should make peace even with enemies and fix the problems. If they cannot make peace, it is not possible for them to achieve their goals. They should therefore resign.
Daniel Botnick
i dont understand
why is there such a problem? isnt there more then just two rabonim? in my last count there were five rabonim in the cron heights beth din. can’t we have three of them get together and rule on our behalf?
We must not forget why we say Av HaRachamim on Shabbos Mevorchim Sivan. This is maaseh Satan and he is doing a great job.
STOP THIS NOW. Both sides are too deep in their own garbage.
same communism, different election
What about the Netzigim dispute, what’s the deal with that? Can anyone start a netzigim group and call elections?
R”L How do we expect to be treated by others, if we live like this? All this in Sefiras haomer?
Inda Know
To hhhh:
You’re wrong.
ZAKI Tamir resigned
With much disappointment I regret to inform you that last night (5/19/09) I received a Psak Din (dated 5/18/09) prohibiting my involvment with the upcoming elections. The Psak labels the election as Illegal. Considering that Unity and Humility must (at times) come before freedom, I beg the apology of all the people that supported me and all the caring hearts that yearned swift change. I hereby announce my resignation from candidacy to the CHJCC.
Michoel for Rosh Hakohol Again!
Michoel, you couldnt have explained it any better.
Your opinion is unbiased, you are not a candidate in these elections.
Your experience as a former member has given you a lot of insight in to whats really going on behind this fight,
you really know how important it is to carry on with the election.
“If we don’t vote in this election and vote en mass, then we will definitely not have Shalom, and we will be able to blame only ourselves.”
Well written article. THIS IS EXACTLY THE SITUATION!
We have no leadership in the community, not in gashmius or in ruchnius. WE NEED THESE ELECTIONS!
Look at the reality of CH and decide for yourself! Want to live with the anarchy we have now? Then keep the status quo and don’t blame your kids if they have no respect for authority figures!
a neighborhood resident
Their are a lot of good points here. One important point that should be pointed out.After Schwei was voted in by a referendum of yes or no not a real election. the people beholden to him who pushed him from day one soon Turned on Rav Osdoba. In addition some of his Psaks are 100% wrong. It is pointed out in Rambam hilchos Sanhedrin That a Talmid chacham that goes against another especially a Bais Din & A Av Bais Din no less the consequences are very serious. we are all human.After The passing of Harav Marlow ZT”L there was only Rav Osdoba was left alone Since Rav Heller essentially resigned from the Bais din after the Passing of his wife.Hence the need for More Rabbonim.They were trained did their Shimush etc.& Elected.Rav Schwei & his mafia opposed & still does new Rabbonim because that means A Normal functioning Bais Din without him.As for the so called NTzigim they are elected by their respective members of their shuls.It is a fact that Yisroel Best was voted out two years in a row as probably were some others who the hell is he to come & claim he is in charge things must be done his way etc. He has openly gone against Th Bais Din. They try & shmear his replacement Yanky Suffern since he doesn’t say Yechi but, HE IS listening & respecting the Rabbonim!! The shmearing the mafia must be stopped altogether RAv Osdoba was Elected for life & given The Koach by The Rebbe The fact is the Rebbe also said That who are in charge of each Shechuna??THE RABBONIM OF EACH SHECHUNA. IF A RAV IS NOT A RESIDENT OF THE SHECHUNA THEN HE CANNOT GET INVOLVED IN THE BUSINESS OF THE SHECHUNA. IF A RAV GOES AGAINST HIS SUPERIOR & A BAIS DIN HE IS NO LONGER A RAV OR A MEMBER OF THAT BAIS DIN!!!!!
Chazan is the best
Chazan is the BEST ! YES CHAZAN ! YES YES YES we need more honest decent people like chazan
Lets Go Chazan!
To: a neighborhood resident wrote
you really have NO idea what you are talking about. there is absolutely nothing wrong with one rov disagreeing with another. the only problem is when a rov disagrees with a ruling of the SANHEDRIN – and acts upon his ‘oposit’ ruling is when all the things you talk about apply…
Objective observer
A quick read of Osdoba’s letter begs explanation.
He writes no elections can be held, because candidates who have made disparaging comments about the Rabbinate are not fit to run and they have no right to be nominated or elected.
That may be true.
However a few years ago, when Rabbi Schwei didnt want the Rabbonim elections for the very same reason ( some of the Rabbinic candidates made negative remarks ), Osdoba went ahead with the elections and pushed through his minions, in a very skewed election, with ever changing rules, that suited his interests only.
Isn’t this sheer hypocrisy ? Its totally illogical !
Seems he makes up the rules as he goes along, as long as they suit his agenda.
To ”a neighborhood resident wrote“:
The elections of the three ”rabbonim” were a bizoyon on the community – only 300 or so voted. The Rubashkin had to extend the elections for 7 days and beg people to vote in their homes, totalling 850 or so after a week or coersion! That is disgusting and an insult to us as Crown Height residents.
Rabbi Shwei was voted in by some 1300 residents, all in one day.
In addition, R,Ozdoba and Rubashkin went against the community By-Laws by denying elections every 3 years.
Also, don’t forget that the Rebbe said that Rabbonim should not interfere in the elections.
Hope you stop your insults and The Rebbe will have Rachmonus on his children and be nisgaleh NOW!
Moshiach Now!
wrong on all counts
to “a neighborhood resident”
According to Halacha, a newly elected Rav is like any newly elected Judge or congressment who has 100% equal VOTING power to any other pior Judge or congressmen.
When congress votes, we count votes and someone elected yesterday has just as much equal power as the one vote of someone in power for 30 years.
Rabbi Osdoba is no ones superior.
We Elected 3 Rabbonim, Rabbi Marlow, Rabbi Heller and Rabbi Osdoba.
Rabbi Osdoba is just ANOTHER NUMBER of 3 equal numbers, he has absolutely ZERO superiority to any other rav.
Upon Rabbi Marlow’ passing, Rabbi Schwei was elected to fill the position of Rabbi Marlow.
All 3 Rabbonim are 100% equal.
The entire problem started because of rabbi Osdoba’s extreme chutzpa and arrogance to consider himself superior which he is not.
Rabbi Osdoba refused to be team player and refused to play by the rules to share power equitably and this Rabbi Osdoba ARROGANCE is the root core of all Machlokes in CH.
If Rabbi Osdoba played FAIR and played by the rules and treated Rabbi Schwei as an equal 50/50 there never would have been any problem.
WOMEN MUST HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE… WE are just like the Taliban…..
wrong on all counts is TRULY Wrong on ALL counts, thanks for proving your own point. Rav Osdoba is a TRUE Rav!
e where
Teenagers who see fighting do not respect both those who are fighting and the ideals that they stand for. They can send out as many letters as they like regarding Tznius and beards, but one fight will cause more kids to go off the derech than a millions letters can bring back.
e where
the above is in support to reemphasize Shmuli’s comment.
Chutzpah Yasgei
why you should not vote
again i will quote mine and fan of rabbi asdobo“s comment
To all those foolish people out there writing against our Morah de`asroh rabbi Azdoboh:
know that he was here for 23 years, alot longer then rabbi shvei. and that the rebbe spoke about him together with the other two rabbonim rabbi heller and rabbi marlow A“H, and quite a few times the rebbe spoke that you should specifically respect rabbi Azdoboh shlitah. in my eyes after that there are no cheshbonos that apply!(see shabbos parshah sichos, Shlach TOV SHIN MEM VOV and chayei sarah tov shin nun)
i will add: when moshiach comes and asks me: why did you respect horav asdobo? i will simply reply:” because Rebbe, you told me to! but if the rebbe asks you why didn’t you respect horav asdobo, what will you people say?!
whoever writes against rabbi azdoboh is having a huge CHUTZPAH and RISHUS to be Mevazeh a Talmid chochom and is starting up with what the rebbe said! to quote exactly what the rebbe said, whoever says that a rov shoul do Teshuvah ( this was reffering to rabbi asdobo – find out the history) its a chutzpah hachi gedolah!!
and yess although a rov has Bchirah and all that.. the rebbe knew that! yet the rebbe is saying that its none of the balabostehs beeswax, even if you with your simple mind thinks that the rov did something wrong! :P
please dont say not to bring the rebbe in this because its the most foolish thing to say. its like saying :”dont bring the Abishter in this
and whoever says that rabbi Azdoboh CH”V destroyed our community? just look a bit deeper and youll see who really destroyed our community… i wont say B/C its lashon hara :)
remember theres a din vecheshbon, better do teshuvah now b4 its too late!t as a human being 2. extraordinary respect for a rov
To all those that want to vote for yossel muchkin and poltrack
just remember their Meshugas that they embarassed a few rabbonim on Rosh Hashonoh to the shock of the Olam in the shul. just remember this b4 voting
fan of the truth
Michoel Chazan knows best he’s been there done that. When he was chairman of the community council and vaad hakohol it was the best years for the community.If We are to respect and believe anyone it’s definitly Michoel Chazan. He isn’t embarrassed to stand up for the truth. If we would all go along with him there would definitly be more shalom in this place like when he was in charge.
the other half
women can’t vote!?!?!?!?
Single under 30
I want to know why
1) women can’t vote
2) men and women who are not married under 30 can’t vote
These costomes are ancient, wrong, and disrespectful and should have no place in our society.
The only soltion to this problem is to ask all the rabbonin, (elected, half elected, not elected) to voluntarely .resign and start the proccess all over