My Dear Friends & Neighbors,
Thank you for joining me tonight, together with my esteemed colleagues, all running for a seat in the Vaad Hakhol. I am pleased to see that there is a positive move to clear up the internal politics and strife that has been eating away at our community for so many years.
Op-Ed: A Letter to my Supporters
Note: This is a speech I would have given to my supporters, as a contestant in the Vaad Hakhol elections. This speech is purely hypothetical, as I unfortunately cannot see the value of spending time and effort in running for a seat, being that there is so much politics, name-calling and smearing going on. Please use it as some food for thought.
My Dear Friends & Neighbors,
Thank you for joining me tonight, together with my esteemed colleagues, all running for a seat in the Vaad Hakhol. I am pleased to see that there is a positive move to clear up the internal politics and strife that has been eating away at our community for so many years.
My view of a member of the VH is someone who is committed to the Khal, without any outside agendas. I will be here to serve you, as a member of the Crown Heights Jewish Community. I don’t care what your last name is, where you came from, or if you had grandparents in Russia. A VH member needs to be someone who is committed with all their heart to serving the community, and doing things in the best interest of the community, NOT themselves. A member of the VH shouldn’t be based on what your last name is, how much money they have, or how many photo opportunities you manage to rack up over the course of their position. We need people in office who take action, now more than ever.
I don’t need to tell you about the challenges we are facing with our schooling, kids at risk, and Tznius – to name just a few. In my opinion, a lot of these issues are caused by two route causes. Lack of Ahavas Yisroel, and a lack of the schooling system injecting Ahavas Hashem and a love for Yiddishkiet into our children. Ahavas Yisroel I will approach, along with my fellow VH board members, by bringing the community together in community wide inspirational events, publications and social services such as a new gym. We will work hard with the schools on acquiring government funding for teacher training courses, and help cover the cost of extra-curricular activities for the children.
We don’t need to look far to neighboring communities such as Williamsburg, where they manage to work together B’Lev Echad in regards to securing government assistance wherever possible, for those who are most worthy. The housing situation in our community is at a critical point, and we need to relieve this pressure by securing whatever we can in assistance from local officials. We plan to get together with our friends in Williamsburg, to learn from them, and to improve the programs we are able to secure.
One of the most painful points which I wish to discuss, is the lack of a a unified Bais Din for our residents. A Torah community cannot function without it. I propose to resign all members of the Beis Din, and have fresh elections, overseen by an outside election body who will be brought in for this.
Finally, due to the nature of the Community Council being a community organization, elected by the community, we will have an open book policy. Anyone at anytime will be welcome to request our latest financial statements which will be compiled by an outside auditor every six months.
Let us take back our community. We can achieve tremendous things by working together – B’Yachad, B’Achdus.
This Op-Ed reflects the views of its author. It does not necessarily reflect the views of nor of its Editors.
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CH voter
ill vote for you!
the rebbes rov
“One of the most painful points which I wish to discuss, is the lack of a a unified Bais Din for our residents. A Torah community cannot function without it. I propose to resign all members of the Beis Din, and have fresh elections, overseen by an outside election body who will be brought in for this.”
so clear what you wanna do wow!
ill never vote for you thats for sure!
Only one vote? Sad.
Only item I disagree on is ejecting all the rabbonim.
Osdoba and Heller are permanent.
All the rest should agree to go for reelection.