Interactive Map Tells Story Behind Unique Street Names in NYC, Take a Look at Crown Heights

Enjoy exploring the history behind the unique co-named streets of New York City? There is an interactive map for that.

The New York City Department of Records offers an interactive map online that provides biographical information for streets that have been co-named by the New York City Council.

Take a look at the Crown Heights area and its Lubavitch-inspired co-names.

Check Out The Map: Click Here

One Comment

  • Crown Heights Outsider

    In light the various shelters / supportive housing located at 329 Clarkson (Clarkson Estates) , 681 Clarkson (two shelters plus 427 supportive units), two CAMBA supportive bldgs on Albany directly west of 681 Clarkson, plus 781 Clarkson’s Breaking Ground shelter, I propose the following:

    “Clarkson Av, located in the Homeless Heights section of E Flatbush,
    shall be co-named Skid Row.”

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