Important JFA Update: Changes to Trash Disposal Regulations – Warning Period Ended This Week
Starting January 2, 2025, NYC is enforcing new trash bin regulations for properties with 1-9 residential units. If your trash bin doesn’t meet the requirements (secure lid, 55-gallon capacity or less), you could face fines. Here’s what you need to know:
Fines for Non-Compliance:
- First Offense: $50
- Second Offense: $100
- Third and Subsequent Offenses: $200
If you’ve ordered an official NYC trash bin and it hasn’t arrived yet, you are still required to use a secure bin that meets the regulations. According to sanitation guidelines, you’re responsible for ensuring your trash set-out complies, even if your ordered bin hasn’t been delivered.
What To Do if Your Bin Is Delayed:
- If you’ve already ordered your bin but haven’t received it yet, email director@thejfa.org with your order details. The team will flag your case with Sanitation to try and expedite the delivery.
Key Changes to Trash Disposal
- Trash must be placed in leak-proof bins with tightly fitting lids.
(Under previous rules, trash could be placed in bags outside bins after 8 p.m. This is no longer allowed.) - Bins must be no larger than 55 gallons.
- Bins must be in good condition and have a secure lid.
- Trash should be placed out after 6 PM in a container of 55 gallons or less with a secure lid.
- Recycling can still be placed in bins or clear bags.
If you already use a secure-lidded bin (55 gallons or less) for trash, you may continue using it until June 2026. After that, you will need to switch to the official NYC trash bin.
You can purchase official NYC bins online at: https://www.bins.nyc
Shabbos pickups
We are aware of concerns about Friday and Shabbos pickups, especially for those observing Shabbos. Discussions with Sanitation and City Hall are ongoing to find a solution.
Important Reminder: Even if you set out trash early on Friday, you must use a secure bin. Failure to do so will result in a fine. We hope no tickets will be issued as the issue is resolved, but please continue to comply with the secure bin requirement.
Crown Heights On-Street EV Charger Expansion
The NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) has received a federal Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) grant to expand curbside electric vehicle chargers.
DOT has identified potential locations in Crown Heights.
Next year, DOT will engage the community to gather feedback on these sites and explore additional suggestions.
Potential locations in your community district:
- President St between Utica Ave and Rochester Ave
- Schenectady Ave between President St and Union St
- Schenectady Ave between Union St and Eastern Parkway
2025 Brooklyn Community Board Application
If you’re interested in joining the Brooklyn Community Board, you need to submit your application by February 14, 2025.You can complete the 2025 application online through the Borough President’s website under Community Boards: https://www.brooklynbp.nyc.gov/community-boards/