By Angela Montefinise - New York Post

A Broken Sidwalk. Illustration Photo.
NEW YORK, NY — Sidewalk trip-and-fall cases aren't all they were once cracked up to be.

The number of claims filed against the city has been dropping dramatically over the past years, a phenomena alternately credited on good law - and good luck.

In fiscal year 2007 there were 2,536 claims filed against the city for personal injuries related to broken sidewalks - the lowest number in a decade, according to preliminary numbers from the city Comptroller's Office.


By Angela Montefinise – New York Post

A Broken Sidwalk. Illustration Photo.

NEW YORK, NY — Sidewalk trip-and-fall cases aren’t all they were once cracked up to be.

The number of claims filed against the city has been dropping dramatically over the past years, a phenomena alternately credited on good law – and good luck.

In fiscal year 2007 there were 2,536 claims filed against the city for personal injuries related to broken sidewalks – the lowest number in a decade, according to preliminary numbers from the city Comptroller’s Office.

In the prior fiscal year there were 2,729 claims, the year before that 2,876 claims, and in fiscal year 2004, 3,229.

The city attributes the declining number to a 2003 law change making property owners responsible for their sidewalks instead of the city.

The change has led to fewer claims being filed, as well as the dismissal of 1,226 claims this year.