Police operators work in the 911 call center in Brooklyn.

New York City’s 911 operators are now able to give callers details about emergency events.

NYPD Unveils New State of the Art 911 Call Center


Police operators work in the 911 call center in Brooklyn.

New York City’s 911 operators are now able to give callers details about emergency events.

That reverses what the Sept. 11 Commission determined were flaws in the 911 system that a decade ago denied people inside the burning World Trade Center potentially lifesaving information.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other city officials formally launched a new $680 million 911 call center on Thursday.

The new technology at the center will give more information to the call takers, allowing officials to feed them information about emergencies and automatically showing them a map of the location of each caller.

In 2004, the federal commission concluded that on 9/11 the phone system’s operators were unaware that fire chiefs were evacuating the doomed twin towers because the city had no way of relaying that information.


  • Government Wizard

    The computers are specifically “old,” technology not in use elsewhere. These “old” computers are more than capable of doing the job, but much less vulnerable to hacking. No one else is using that technology.

  • Yossel

    Much of the technology is old and outdated. In order to buy state of the art systems, agencies have to spend literally years and years going through red tape of city government. Budget and finance officers, Comptrollers, and OMB all have to approve these purchases. Many senior managers in the city give up because of the hassle of trying to purchase new equipment, so they just keep using the old hardware. I know because I have been with the city for almost 20 years…

  • jose the mage

    Anyone have any LCD monitors to donate to bloomy? they dig up these massive crt screens from the bottom of the dumpsters.

  • great idea

    Comments above are from real emese losers.
    I think a positive development like thus center is great. Those negative people probably have serious shalom bayis problems.

  • B O B B I E

    9 – 11 was a big shock, that it forced a complete upgrade of telecommunications systems with all law enforcement and emergency personnel departments… snazzy language eh? take care and may Hashem, who is our Central Headquarters for All Departments – may Hashem help us in these most trying times near Moshiach.