NEW YORK — The NYPD has announced its first 2010 citywide crackdown on drivers using hand-held devices.

The initiative is aimed at promoting safe driving. In a statement, the NYPD said “texting or talking on a cell phone is dangerous and endangers both drivers and pedestrians.”

NYPD Cracking Down on Drivers on Cell Phones

NEW YORK — The NYPD has announced its first 2010 citywide crackdown on drivers using hand-held devices.

The initiative is aimed at promoting safe driving. In a statement, the NYPD said “texting or talking on a cell phone is dangerous and endangers both drivers and pedestrians.”

The 24-hour initiative will begin at midnight on Thursday, and will span across the five boroughs. Those caught using a hand-held device while driving will be fined $130, and as in the past, officers will be relentless and accept no excuses.

This follows the many one-day ticket blitzes that occurred last year, with a March crackdown that resulted in about 9,000 summonses. In 2009, the NYPD issued an average 617 summonses a day to violators.


  • It-s about time

    Good, this should be done more often. There is no way someone can be talking on a telephone and pay enough attention to the road. Ok I’m ready for the onslaught from people who can talk on a phone, drive and drink a coffee at the same time.

  • Feivel

    I don’t think Lubavitchers pay much attention to driving rules. I drove through Crown Heights this week and people triple park, thinking nothing of it, blocking traffic with a “who cares?” attitude?

  • to fievel

    Lubavitchers are probably the safest drivers in brooklyn

    I barely ever see them driving 45mph beeping their way through traffic like most other residents of Brooklyn.