BDE: Reb Moshe Shmiel Klein, 69, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of Reb Moshe Shmiel Klein OBM, a resident of Williamsburg who owned Klein’s Grocery in Crown Heights. He passed away over shabbos, the 10th of Nissan, 5780.

He was 69 years old.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes


  • Mazal Zirkind

    He was so helpful when I shopped by him years ago when I lived in that area. Condolences to his family

  • Sarah

    Such a Baal chesed.
    Sustained countless families with dignity.
    May he go straight to Gan Eden.

  • Anonymous

    He was a very special and fine person. He had a loyal customer base and a special friendship with all.

    He will be sorely missed.

    May he be a meiletz yosher to his family and k’loll yisroel!

  • Boruch Dayan Haemes

    Chaval… what a nice, upbeat person. Remember shopping there when I lived in Crown Heights. He is someone from my childhood. We loved Klein’s grocery store.
    May Moshe Shmiel have a lichtiger gan eden. May Hashem comfort his family, including his sister Gitty, who we knew (may she have a long, happy life).
    Ad masai?
    We need Moshiach now mamash.
    With you in your pain…

  • Anonymous

    Bde our grocery store from day 1….a special yid polite,forgiving, learned etc.

  • Alan Brenner

    Just a wonderful man. I remember his parents and his sister keeping the store when it was half the size. Residents of Williamsburg , they always opened the store even in bad snowstorms. BDE