BDE: Rabbi Mordechei (Mottel) Leib Chein, 81, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Mordechei (Mottel) Leib Chein OBM, a Chossid and Tomim who lived in Crown Heights. He passed away Tuesday night, the 7th of Nissan, 5780.
He was 81 years old.
Rabbi Mottel Chein was born in the Soviet Union, and studied in Tomchei Temimim in Lod, Israel during the 1950’s.
He is survived by his wife Bracha, and children; Rabbi Yossi Chein (Crown Heights), Rabbi Mendel Chein (Crown Heights), Rabbi Shlome Chein (Santa Cruz, CA), Rabbi Peretz Chein (Manchester, UK), Rabbi Moshe Chein (Toulouse, France), Rabbi Zalman Chein (Birmingham, NY), Rabbi Pinny Chein (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Mrs Raizel Shemtov (Toledo, OH), and Mrs Chana Eideman (Vienna, Austria).
He is also survived by his brother, Meir Simcha (Kfar Chabad, Israel), and sister Mrs. Frida Friedman (Tzfat, Israel).
Boruch Dayan Hoemes