BDE: Mrs. Alice Ben-Abou, 70, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of MrsAlice Ben-Abou, a mother of a prominent Crown Heights family. She passed away on Shabbos, the 4th of Adar, 5780.

She was 70 years old.

Mrs. Ben-Abou, was a long time Crown Heights resident, and mother of a large and prominent Crown Heights family.

The family is especially known for their generous philanthropic work in Crown Heights.

She is survived by her husband Ascher Ben-Abou and children Shimon Benabou (Crown Heights), Itzik Benabou (Crown Heights), Smadar Veizman (Crown Height), Iris Sherman (Crown Heights), Ayala Maman (Israel), as well as grandchildren and great-children.

She was predeceased by her daughter Dorit Giro OBM.

The levaya will take place Sunday, 10:00am at Shomrei Hadaas, and will be passing by 770 around 11:00am.

Shiva information to be announced.

Baruch Dayan Hoemes


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