BDE: R’ Bentzion Novack, 64, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of R’ Bentzion “Chuck” Novack OBM, a member of anash on the West Coast. He passed away on Friday, the 6th of Elul 5779, following a short illness.

He was 64 years old.

Known to many by his nickname Chuck, R’ BenTzion advocated for achdus throughout the community. Beginning in the 1980s he regularly published the Los Angeles Anash Directory, make Torah on the Line (via telephone) available throughout Southern California, and beginning immediately after Gimmel Tammuz, establish the weekly Anash Bulletin, sent originally as a fax, then email and now published as a blog.

On moving to Las Vegas in 2013, R’ BenTzion continued adding to the community at Chabad of Summerlin, drawing families and community together with annual events such as the King in the Field Picnic, Men’s lag b’Omer Barbeque and Kumzitz, and arranged for sofer visits to the city.

He was most of all a proud husband, father and grandfather.

He is survived by his wife Yocheved and children; Rabbi Hershey Novack, Shliach to Washington University, S. Louis; Rabbi Shmuli Novack, Shliach to Southside, Jacksonville, Florida; Mrs. Tzipora Lifchitz, Jerusalem; Mrs. Bryna Webb, Crown Heights; Mendel Novack, Menlo Park, California; Yossi Novack, Crown Heights; Rivky, Los Angeles, Chavi, Crown Heights and Esther, Las Vegas.

He is also survived by his brothers James Novack and Steve Novack.

The Levaya will be held in Los Angeles, Date and time to be announced.

Shiva will be at 8252 Dolphin Bay Court, Summerlin, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Memories and condolences may be sent to

Boruch Dayan Hoemes בנציון בן דוד ע”ה