BDE: Yehuda Leib Mockin, 95, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Yehuda Leib Mockin OBM, a long time member of anash in Crown Heights. He passed away on shabbos, the 9th of Av 5779.

He was 95 years old.

Yehuda Leib was the son of Reb Peretz Mochkin, the famed chossid from the village of Nevel in Russia who later served as the Mashpia of the Chabad community in Montreal, Canada.

R’ Leibel, as he was known, was one of the fearless group of leaders who smuggled families of Chassidim out of the Soviet Union after the Second World War. Using forged Polish passports, the group was able to lead most of the Chabad chassidim out of Russia, including the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana.

After immigrating to the United States, he became active in the Crown Heights community. He was a founding board member of Oholei Torah in Crown Heights, and was a hanhala member of the Central Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch – 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights. he was also a founding member of the Algemeiner Journal, and the founder of Ezras Achim, an organization that sent packages to Russian Jewry.

He was very involved in being mechazek the community of Crown Heights, including helping with the purchase of buildings on Kingston Avenue.

He is survived by his wife Riva Mockin, and children: Levi Mockin (Melbourne, Australia), Shimon Mockin (Crown Heights), Yossel Mochkin (Crown Heights), Mendel Mockin (Crown Heights), Rochel Kaplan (Montreal, Canada), Chienna Cohen (Lakewood, NJ), Feigy Fellig (Miami Beach, FL), .

He is survived by his siblings Berel Mochkin (Montreal, Canada), and Mrs. Gutte Shapiro.

Levaya will take place today, Sunday, 2:30pm at Shomrei Hadas Chapel in Boro Park, and will be passing by 770 at 3:30pm.

Shiva information to be announced.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes


  • YM Toronto A nephew

    Feter Lebeil OBM; The Malochim of the people you pulled out of Russia are waiting to greet you
    Fete Leibel; you were the last of Zaide Shlome Shimanovitz’ son- in law. An epoch has ended.
    Feter Leibel , you embodied the Rashab’s dictum of L’chatchila Ariber.

    You will be missed
    YM Toronto A nephew