BDE: Rabbi Aharon Serebryanski, 87, OBM
With great sadness we inform of the passing of Rabbi Aharon Serebryanski, an elder Chossid and senior Shliach in Melbourne, Australia, who passed away on Sunday (Melbourne time), 9 Nissan, 5779.
He was 87 years old.
Born in Charkov, Ukraine to his parents R’ Zalman and Brocha Serebryanski (nee Futerfas), he and his wife Zlata were senior Shluchim in Melbourne, Australia.
He served as the Director of “Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch”, Chabad’s educational arm in Australia.
R’ Arel, as he was known, was a longtime beloved educator in Melbourne, Australia.
He created a fund for the building of Mikvahs, which funded many women’s Mikvahs all over Australia.
He is survived by his wife Zlata, and children, Mendel Serebyranski (Albany,NY), Hendel Serebyranski (Melbourne, Australia), Yossi Serebyranski (Denver, CO), Rochel Leah Lipskar (Melbourne, Australia), Zev Serebyranski (Crown Heights), and Levi Serebyranski (Detroit, MI).
The levaya will take place today in Melbourne.
Shiva information to be announced.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
I think he was niftar on shabbos, as we found out motzei shabbos, here in Australia.
Extra sad when a head Shliach (especially a Tzaddik) passes.
Passed away Motzei Shabbos after Havdalah
Will be sorely missed by the whole Jewish Melbourne community and abroad.
Abie Ross
He was a kind man. When I was in the playground in Yeshiva College in the sixties ,he came over to pat me in the back and ask how I was doing? and was ,in the kindest way , checking if I had my tzizzis on. I still smile when I think of it. Abie Ross (Lakewood NJ)