With sadness we inform you of the passing of R. Mendel Clapman OBM of Flatbush.

He is survived by his wife Bina and his children, R. Yehuda Clapman (Crown Heights), Chana Leah Chaifetz (Flatbush) and R. Binyomin Clapman (Far Rockaway, NY).

The Levaya will be Today, Friday, from Shomrei Hadaas at 12:00pm.

Baruch Dayan Haemes

Baruch Dayan Haemes – R. Mendel Clapman OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of R. Mendel Clapman OBM of Flatbush.

He is survived by his wife Bina and his children, R. Yehuda Clapman (Crown Heights), Chana Leah Chaifetz (Flatbush) and R. Binyomin Clapman (Far Rockaway, NY).

The Levaya will be Today, Friday, from Shomrei Hadaas at 12:00pm.

Baruch Dayan Haemes

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