Boruch Dayan Hoemes: R’ Menachem Aharon Rodal, 68

With great sadness and shock we inform you of the untimely passing of Rabbi Menachem Aharon Rodal, OBM, a veteran educator and Shliach of the Rebbe – originally in Pittsburgh, PA, and more recently in Los Angeles, CA. He was 68 years old.

Rabbi Rodal was beloved by all who were fortunate to know him, especially his students. He always had a smile on his face, and brought happiness and laughs to all around him with a kind word or a joke.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Shterna Rivkah Rodal, and children: Rabbi Mordechai Rodal (Johannesburg, South Africa); Rabbi Sholom Ber Rodal (Los Angeles, CA); Mrs. Menucha Rochel Loewenthal (Copenhagen, Denmark); Rabbi Yechezkel Rodal (Fort Lauderdale, FL); Mrs. Mirel Levitansky (S. Monica ,CA); Mrs. Devorah Leah Heidingsfeld (Moorpark, CA); Mrs. Chana Raizel Sossonko (Miami Beach, FL); Rabbi Meir Yitzchok Rodal (Crown Heights); Rabbi Yossi Rodal (Melbourne, Australia); Mrs. Chaya Mushka Chazan (Crown Heights); and Bracha Esther Rodal (Crown Heights).

He is survived as well by his siblings: R. Berel Rodal (Ottawa, Canada); Rabbi Shmuel Rodal (Milan, Italy); and Mrs. Chana Raizel Kagan (North Miami Beach, FL.)

The Levaya will take place today, Monday, in Los Angeles, passing by Cheder Menachem at around 3:30. A second Levaya will take place in Crown Heights tomorrow, Tuesday, passing in front of 770 at 12:15pm.

The family will be sitting Shiva in Crown Heights on Tuesday and Wednesday at 1640 Carroll Street. Shachris: 9:30am. Mincha and Maariv Bizmanam.

Memories and condolences can be sent to

Boruch Dayan Hoemes


  • Izzy Blugrind

    Rabbi Rodal was the only person I considered and looked up to as a true rabbinic leader and representative of Hashem.

    He was an amazing teacher.
    I saw him teach and was amazed by his communication skills and creativity in class.

    I looked up to Rabbi Rodal as a real friend.

    We should merit to see Rabbi Rodal again immediately with Tichias Hameisim.

  • Menachem

    Until what time will the family be sitting in Crown Heights on Wednesday?