Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Hilda Witkes, 98, OBM
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Hilda Witkes, OBM, of Worcester, Massachusetts, a beloved member of the Lubavitch community in Worcester for over half a century, and matriarch of a large family of Chabad Chassidim and Shluchim all over the world. She was 98 years old.
She is survived by 4 children: David Witkes (Worcester, MA), Reuven Witkes (Crown Heights), Ruth Witkes (Lynn, Massachusetts) and Yechezkel (Gary) Witkes (Cleveland, Ohio), as well as dozens of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The Levaya will take place Thursday, March 16, at 12:00pm at Chevra Kadisha Cemetery in Leicester, Massachusetts.
Shiva Information:
Thursday at 64 Winifred Ave. Worcester, MA
Crown Heights – From Friday morning until Wednesday morning at: 645 Lefferts Ave. apt #3A
Cleveland, Ohio – From Monday morning until Wednesday morning at: 2601 Milton Road
Worcester, MA – From Monday morning until Wednesday morning at: 64 Winifred Ave.
Times of Davening:
Shacharis at 9:30am
Mincha at 6:45pm
Ma’ariv B’zmano
Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch She’ar Aveilei Tzion V’yerushalaim.