Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Kreina Devorah Hirshorn, 55, OBM
With great sadness we inform you of the untimely passing of Mrs. Kreina Devorah Hirshorn, OBM, of Nachlas Har Chabad, Israel, after a lengthy battle with a dreaded illness. She was 55 years old.
She is survived by her husband, R’ Avner, her children, Binyomin Dovid and Tzvi, and siblings: Michla Levin (New York), Eli Edelman (Paris), Yosef Yitzchok Edelman (Paris), Moshe Menachem Mendel Edelman (Paris), Sheina Fraida Horowitz (New York), Chaim Yonah Edelman, Gittel Matosouf (The Poconos, U.S.), Chana Sufrin (Leeds, UK), Rivka Meyers (Jerusalem, Israel), Bluma Serebransky (Surfers Paradise, Australia), Schneur Zalman Edelman (Melbourne, Australia) and Levi Edelman (Kiryat Shmuel, Israel).
The levaya will leave at 5:30pm today from her home – 152/12 Shderot Yerushalayim, Kiryat Malachi, Israel.
Mrs. Michla Levin, Mrs. Sheina Fraida Horowitz and Mrs. Gittel Matosouf are sitting shiva at 737 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY, until Sunday morning, April 26.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
Frada Hurwitz
bde, so sad, you should no more sorrow!