Boruch Dayan Homes: R’ Tzvi Menachem Greenbaum, 86, OBM
With great sadness we inform you of the passing of R’ Tzvi Menachem Greenbaum OBM, a resident of North Miami Beach and active in the Jewish community who was nicknamed by the Rebbe ‘Mendel der Soldat’. He was 86 years old.
Tzvi Menachem Greenbaum was active in the Jewish community of North Miami Beach.
After joining the U.S. Army at a meeting with the Rebbe he gave him the nickname ‘Mendel der Soldat’ [Mendel the Soldier].
He is survived by his children Yehudah Greenbaum (N. Miami Beach, FL), Yossie Greenbaum (Crown Heights), Shlome Greenbaum (N. Miami Beach, FL), Baila Rochel Eckhause (Crown Heights) and Perel Rivka Rubin (N. Miami Beach, FL)
The Levaya will take place Sunday at Shomrei Hadas at 12:00pm and passing by 770 at around 12:45pm.
Shiva will take place as follows:
Baila Eckhaus
432 Sterling St. 2nd fl
Yossi Greenbaum
455 Crown St.
Shachris 7:30 AM
M/M 7:15 PM
Libish Greenbaum
Shlomie Greenbaum
Perel Rubin
940 NE 172nd St
North Miami Beach
Shachris 8:00 AM
M/M 7:15 PM
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
empire Shtiebel member
BDE. I was yotzei to daven in the same Shul with Reb Mendel for many years. He was the epitome of a Markoveh in chosid fun rebbe. May his family be consoled.
Der soldat
The rebbe really loved Mendel
What an amazing neshuma
True chossid
Member of Shul
A real chossid of the rebbe ! Bde
A true happy chassid .
He will be missed by many
Member of Shul
True chossid to the rebbe ! Bde
A true Chosid and Bal Chesed. He was given an open invitation by the Rebbe to have yechidus whenever he neded. When asked why he never used the Rebbes invitation, he responded… The Rebbe has more important things to do then meet with me. He had many stories of the Rebbe, but was reluctant to give them over lest he may misquote the Rebbe or get the facts wrong. He will surely continue to push for Moshiach.
it aint over until its over
I remember motzai Shabbos Gimmul ammuz, I stood next to Nifter outside the Hospital he said to me with full emunah, that it aint over until its over. He was a true chosid of the Rebbe MH”M
Very sorry to hear
We lived upstairs from the Greenbaums for a few years. THE BEST people. Mrs G A”H was like a mother to me, & her husband was the sweetest man, always willing to help, lend an ear & offer a good vort. We send our condolences to all the children, who took great care of their parents. A very special family.
Hamokom Yenachem Eschem B’soach Shaare Aveilei Zion V’Yerushalayim
Hindy & Simcha Lewis, Israel
Hong Kong
I was zoche to daven with Reb Mendel for many summers. A true chossid which never stopped smiling. He will be dearly missed!
12″00 shomrim haddas.. Passing 770 at 12″45
baruch dayan haemes
Chaim Dalfin
I had many conversations with Mendel der Soldat, loshon Rabeinu. hIs Emuna pshuta was contagious…
His wonderful children continue in his way with emeskeit, love and devotion to every yid. We really believed Mendel will “force” the Almighty, with his large hand, to send the Rebbe back down to lead klal Yisrael to Eretz Yisrael. And as Mendel said, “it ain’t over until it’s over…” It ain’t over chevra…zogt l’chaim and keep on truckin…
Yitzchok Shuster
I had the zechus to know Mendel the “Soldat” for many, many years. I remember him as a true chosid, who always had a smile and a good vort. I never got tired of hearing of the many ways he found to help various Jewish communities throughout the years. His legacy of Torah and mitzvos lives on through his wonderful children, including my brother-in-law Yossie. Just as I miss his rebetzin Simah, a”h, I know I will miss him.
grand son
He was the best grand father and will
All way’s be the best he will never be for gotten by me
Where are they sitting shiva?