Photo: Shturem.

Rabbi & Mrs. Eliezer Zirkind of Crown Heights have not been notified of the passing of their son and the public is asked that it remain that way.

With great sadness and shock we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Yehoshua Shlomo Zirkind, OBM, of the Rebbe's Shluchim to Eretz Yisroel, at the age of 58. His passing comes merely three months after the equally tragic and untimely passing of his brother, Reb Yitzchok, OBM.

Boruch Dayan Haemes: R’ Yehoshua Zirkind, OBM

Photo: Shturem.

Rabbi & Mrs. Eliezer Zirkind of Crown Heights have not been notified of the passing of their son and the public is asked that it remain that way.

With great sadness and shock we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Yehoshua Shlomo Zirkind, OBM, of the Rebbe’s Shluchim to Eretz Yisroel, at the age of 58. His passing comes merely three months after the equally tragic and untimely passing of his brother, Reb Yitzchok, OBM.

The levaye will take place in Eretz Yisroel, though he was overseas at the time of his passing.

He is survived by his parents, siblings, wife and 11 children: Nechama Dina, Menachem Mendel, Schneur Zalman, Levi Yitzchok, Aidele, Mirel, Yeshaya Boruch, Chananya Yosef, Chana, Batsheva and Brocho.

Rabbi and Mrs. Eliezer Zirkind of Crown Heights have not been notified, and the public is asked to refrain from doing so.

Shiva will be at 1613 President St. until 10:00 PM.


  • Please learn a perek in his memory.

    Ad Mosai?
    Please Hashem, bring Moshiach closer, please let it be now.
    I will learn the first perek of Pirkei Avos in his memory now.
    Hopefully we can all be mechalek here on ch info.

  • Baruch Levine

    Oh My Gosh, this is senseless, why is Hashem doing this to this outstanding family? The whole Zirkind family has gone through enough tzures to last 2 lifetimes…We are totally totally stunned!

  • parents do now know yet

    On the Israely websites its asking that to keep it way from his parents as they do not intend telling them

  • no words

    BDE. may the mourners, particularly his wife, children and parents, siblings and close friends be comforted among the mourners of tzion and yerushalayim.

  • Devastated

    There just aren’t any more words left to express the tragic passing of two such choshevoh brothers from one family, within 3 months, its beyond anything, and our minds cannot grasp it anymore, we can’t come to terms with it . . . theres just nothing to say anymore, our minds are numb with fear, pain and sadness at yet another tragedy following so very soon after all the others;
    Hashem, no more, Ad mosai . . . we can’t anymore.
    May Hashem give koach to the families, the broken parents, the children, siblings and all of Klal Yisroel.

  • YS

    I know many of R’ Yehoshua Zirkinds brothers and they are all such nice people

  • Eli

    Hamokom Yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar aveili Tzion v’Yerushalayim. V’heilitzu v’ranenu shochnei ofor, v’hu b’sochom, miyad mamosh.

  • Mendel

    The levaya will leave Shamgar at 6:30pm to Chabad Chelkah on Har Hazesism (Mount Olives)

  • Dori

    BDE. may the mourners, Surie, his children and parents, and siblings be comforted among the mourners of tzion and yerushalayim.

  • has to know

    would like to know where all the brothers /sisters are siting shiva can someone please list all the places

  • To Raizel

    The siblings are NOT all sitting in Yerusholayim! The CHILDREN are sitting there!

  • saddened

    Although I did not know these brothers personally, I am friends with some of the siblings. My mind cannot comprehend and my heart cannot grasp what has happened to this amazing family. May Hashem grant this family peace.