Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Peretz Yehuda Sontag, 50, OBM
With great sadness and pain we inform you of the passing of Peretz Yehuda Sontag OBM of Monsey, NY. The tragic news comes after thousands of volunteers dedicated a week of tireless searching for the man who was reported missing last week. He leaves behind a wife and seven children.
This tragic news comes after thousands of volunteers answered the call to come out and help search for Peretz, who went missing Friday March 14th. His family reported last seeing him leave his house before Shabbos, after not returning they contacted local authorities and reported him missing.
Hundreds of volunteers with the Rockland County Chaveirim, Hatzalah and Shomrim, aided by local police and State Troopers along with hundreds of others conducted a massive coordinated search for Peretz. Unfortunately the tragic news came when he was discovered in the area of Harriman State Park.
Information about the Levaya will be posted when it is announced.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
ad mosai!!!
we can’t bear this any longer!!!we demand that moshiach must come now!!!
horrible..nechomo to his wife and especially children
“Yadeinu lo shofchu es hadom hazeh kaper nu leamcah yisroel”!!! no words:(
ad mosai?!?!
We’re sick of this golus can’t bear anymore.
So come home to Eretz Hakodesh
kahn Tzivah
Eretz hakodesh is in the same golus we’re in or maybe a worse golus :(
All those people searching, selflessly helping another Jew. How can this keep on happening.
Hashem Hashem Ad Mosai?!
Genug Shoin mit di golus!
This Golus must end!! My heart breaks for his family!!
BDE, could this be another Menachem Stark case ?
From Florida
So sad! I’m so so sad for this famy!
just curious
was foul play involved – does anyone know?
daniel brocha leah altman
we need moshiach
Andrea Schonberger
His poor family! Now what do they do?
Levaya today Monday 3/24 at 2:30 pm at Hellman’s Chapel in Spring Valley. Kevura in Eretz Yisrael