With sadness we inform you of the untimely passing of Chaya Mushka Yarmush, the 10-month-old daughter of Mendel and Esthi Yarmush of Crown Heights.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Chaya M. Yarmush, 10 Months

With sadness we inform you of the untimely passing of Chaya Mushka Yarmush, the 10-month-old daughter of Mendel and Esthi Yarmush of Crown Heights.

Due to the baby’s health condition, Halacha stipulates that there be no Levaya or Shiva.


  • YMSP

    There are no words to comfort you, but hope the Rebbe’s words in a similar situation help, as the truth of them brings unique comfort.


    Also, since it says that tzaras rabim chatzi nechama, please know that all Anash who read this feel for you and grieve with you.

    HaMokom Yenachem Eschem BSoich Shaare Aveilei Tzion Virushalyim.

    Know that your daughter was a special neshama that you brought down to help the world and to help her help the world and that the neshama is still very much alive, going to new heights and will always be with you.

    Hashem always gives double brochos after such a tzaar and after gevuro there’s Rachamim. May the brochos of ach tov vachesed follow you from now on always in every way.

    • Milhouse

      YMSP, could you please contact the editor to get my email address? I have a reply to your comment, but this is not the right place for it.

  • BDE!

    May the parents and family be comforted!
    May we be zocheh to have Moshiach speedily in our days!

  • DaasTorah

    “Due to the baby’s health condition, Halacha stipulates that there be no Levaya or Shiva.”

    Huh? There is no such psak.

  • Chana Vermes

    YMSP- your beautiful post echos my thoughts. To the Yarmush family-my heart goes out to you. Little Chaya Mushka should be a moletz yosher onto all of Klal Yisroel. May we see her soon whole and healthy with the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days.

    Baruch Dayan Haemes

  • So sorry to hear

    Hamakom yenachem eschem bsoch shaar avlei tzyon v’yerushalayim.
    we feel for you