Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Dinah Abrahamson, OBM
With sadness we inform you of the untimely passing of Mrs. Dinah Abrahamson, OBM, a Crown Heights resident and well-known political activist, at the age of 59.
Mrs. Abrahamson’s obvious and unwavering commitment to Yiddishkeit, coupled with her political astuteness, made her an inspiration to all who knew her. Born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, Mrs. Abrahamson’s maternal grandparents were German Jewish refugees who settled in the State and raised their family there.
From an early age, Mrs. Abrahamson dedicated her life to serving others and made it a priority to make a Kiddush Hashem everywhere she went. A dedicated Republican, she was a Nebraska State Central Committee Member and had close ties to Congressman Lee Terry, former Congressman Hal Daub, as well as former President George W. Bush.
In order to give her children a solid, frum education, Mrs. Abrahamson moved to Crown Heights in 2007, where she quickly became known for her determination and drive. A tireless advocate for frum education, she was involved with Darchei Menachem and JTVS, taking students on VIP trips to Washington D.C. and arranging extra-curricular activities for them.
Mrs. Abrahamson is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Seigel, her son Yosef, her sister, granddaughter, nieces and nephews, and numerous friends and acquaintances whose lives were touched, even briefly, by this remarkable woman.
The levaya was in Omaha, NE. Shiva will be observed from Thursday, Dec. 19th from Mincha until Tuesday morning, Dec. 24, at 1324 Carroll Street [corner Brooklyn Ave.] Apt. #2C.
Times for davening:
Shacharis – 8:30
Mincha – 4:30
Maariv – Tzeis
The family requests that friends should kindly visit between 2:30-8:00 PM.
Thank you!
You posted some lovely pictures of my friend Dinah. We will miss her.
Crown Hts resident
Mrs. Abramson was a very fine women and a wonderful mother, among her many attributes and talents.
Hamokom yenachem eschem b’toch shear aveilei Tzion v’Yerushalayim.
Baruch Dayan HaEmes
Sending deepest condolences to her family.
Daniel Botnick
A wise and helpful person Ms. Abrahamson will be greatly missed.
What a loss.
OY. Ad mosai? She was such an inspiration! May Hashem comfort her family, her community, and may she intercede for us in shamayim.
sending thoughts of nechama to the family. Boruch Dayan HaEmes.
A friend
I will definitely always miss Dinah….
She moved to Crown Heights only a few years ago and managed to make more friends here than most people make their whole lives!
She was one of the most intelligent and articulate women I’ve ever met.
Dinah’s smile and optimism will be missed.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
Hershel Moss
Mrs. Abrahamson has been a strong supporter of our yeshiva and of wonderful encouragement to me. She will be greatly missed; I mourn as well.
what lovely and beautiful children. I dont know her daughter,but her son is the most amazing neshama!
May they walk in her footsteps and continue to be an inspiration to everyone
She will be missed
Such a vibrant, beautiful spirit.
Deborah Carter-Joe
So sorry to hear of Dinah Abrahamson passing. She was such a beautiful woman.
Because of seeing her on the Oprah show, I now light a candle each week, and spend quality time with God. Though I am not Jewish, I learned so much about taking time each week for my soul to connect with the Creator from watching her. I have tried with no success to find the necklace she wore on the show as well. Wish they sold it somewhere.