Boruch Dayan Ha’emes: Mrs. Sima Esther Hecht, OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Sima Esther Hecht of Chicago, IL, daughter of renowned Shliach Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Hecht Z”L.

She is survived by her sister Mrs. Rivky Tevel of Crown Heights, and her brothers Rabbi Hershel Hecht of Kfar Chabad and Rabbi Yosef Hecht of Crown Heights.

The Levaya will take place Sunday morning at Shomrei Hadas at 11:15 and pass by 770 at 12:15 PM.

One Comment

  • mz

    Oy Rivky! You rallied all your friends to sxsay tehillim for Sima Esther. I was shocked when Dr. Feldman announced it at the Hatzallah function last night. It just shows how special she was. Hamakom Yenachem eschem b’toh shaar avlei Tzion v’Yrushalayim.